Saltkrakan Socks Pattern: Cabled Knitting Design Inspired by Astrid Lindgren's Seacrow Island


$\copyright$ Elina Norros 2008 Pattern is originally published in Ulla 3/08 ohjeet_saltkrakan.html These socks are named after Astrid Lingrens bok Vi pa Saltkrakan (published in English as Seacrow Island). When I was a child, this book was one of my favourites. Yarn Sandnesgarn Smart ( $100\,\%$ wool) $150\mathrm{~g~}/\,300\mathrm{~m~}$ white (colour 1002) Gauge 17 sts and $33\ \mathrm{rows}=10\ \mathrm{cn}$ Needles $3{,}5\;\mathrm{mm}$ doublepointneedles $+\,1$ extra needle (same size) Size European 38 (US 7).

Stitch patterns

Moss stitch Rows 1 and 2: \*K1, P1\* Rows 3 and 4: \*P1, K1\* Repeat these four rows for pattern. Cable pattern See charts


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

$\begin{array}{l}{\mathrm{K}=\mathrm{knit}}\\ {\mathrm{P}=\mathrm{purl}}\end{array}$ $\mathrm{k}2\mathrm{tog}{=}\,\mathrm{knit}$ two sts together $\mathrm{p}2\mathrm{tog}=$ purl two sts together $\mathbf{S}\mathbf{S}\mathbf{k}=\mathbf{\Psi}$ slip one stitch, K 1, pull slipped stitch over



CO 48 sts and divide them onto 3 needles: 18 sts on $1^{\mathrm{{st}}}$ needle 12 sts on $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ needle 18 sts on $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ needle. Join (being careful not to twist needles) and begin to work on rounds. Make $^{*}\mathrm{K}1$ $\mathrm{P}1^{*}$ -rib 10 rows or until piece measures $4\,\mathrm{cm}$ . Then purl one row and on the next row, begin to work as follows: On the $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ needle, work 1 sts moss stitch, Cable A (as presented in chart), 7 sts moss stitch. On the $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ needle, work Cable B. On the $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ needle, work 7 sts moss stitch, Cable A, 1 sts moss stitch. Repeat Cables A & B (22 rows) 3 times or until piece measures required length.


Knit 12 last sts from $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ needle and 12 first sts from $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ needle to the extra needle. Leave other sts waiting. Row 1 (WS): Slip 1 sts as if to purl, purl all. Row 2 (RS): \*Slip 1 sts as if to knit, K $1^{*}$ , repeat until the end of the needle. Repeat these 2 rows 11 more times (24 rows total). Then turn heel: RS: \*Slip 1 sts as if to knit, $\textrm{K}1^{*}$ until 8 sts remain, ssk, turn work. WS: Slip 1 sts as if to purl, P 6, p2tog, turn work. RS: \*Slip 1 sts as if to knit, K $1^{*}$ until 7 sts remain, ssk, turn work... WS: Ws: Slip 1 sts as if to purl, P 5, p2tog, turn work... Work until there remains 8 sts total. Divide these sts onto 2 needles (4 per needle) and begin to work in rounds again: Needle 1: K 4, pick up 12 sts from the left side of the heel. Then work the remaining 6 sts from 1st needle as established (moss stitch). Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: Work the 6 sts remaining from $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ needle as established (moss stitch), pick up 12 sts from the right side of the heel, K 4.


Round 1: Needle 1: K 16, work 6 sts moss stitch. Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: 6 sts moss stitch, K 16.

Round 2:

Needle 1: K 14, k2tog, work 6 sts moss stitch (21 sts remain). Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: 6 sts moss stitch, ssk, K 14 (21 sts remain).

Round 3:

Needle 1: K 15, 6 sts moss stitch. Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: 6 sts moss stitch, K 15.

Round 4:

Needle 1: K 13, k2tog, 6 sts moss stitch (20 sts remain). Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: 6 sts moss stitch, ssk, K 13 (20 sts remain).

Rounds 5-6:

Needle 1: K 14, 6 sts moss stitch. Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: 6 sts moss stitch, K 14. Continue working; decrease sts on needles 1 & 3 and increase extra rounds between decrease rows until you have 18 sts on $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ needle (12 sts stockinette stitch, 6 sts moss stitch) and $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ needle.Then work as follows: Needle 1: K 12, 6 sts moss stitch. Needle 2: Work as established (Cable B). Needle 3: 6 sts moss stitch, K 12. Repeat this for $10\,\mathrm{cm}$ or until the sock covers your pinky toe.


Divide the stitches onto 4 needles (12 sts per needle). Work as follows: Round 1: Knit all. Round 2: Needles 1 & 3: Knit until 3 sts remain on the needle, ssk, K 1. Needles 2 & 4: K 1, k2tog, knit all.

Pattern illustration

Repeat these two rounds until 8 sts remain (2 sts per needle). Bind off and cut the yarn, weave in ends.

Cable charts

Pattern illustration

Cable A (1st and 3rd needle) Cable B (2nd needle)


Pattern illustration

purl knit second stitch on back of the work. kmit the frst stitch through back loop knit second stitch on front of the work. knit the frst stitch through back loop purl second stitch on front of the work. knit the first stitch through back loop knit second stitch on front of the work. purl the first stitch Please note that this pattern is for non-commercial use only. Allrights are reserved.

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