Loye Socks Pattern: Colorwork Heel Socks with Intarsia Detailing by Devo Clemeit


These li++le cuties are worked from +he +op down with some simple Colorwork on +he heel. This idea was inspired by +he Yarn Harlot's Knity pat+ern, "Tip+oe Through +the Tulips" - 9o give if some click love! ht+p:/ /www. kni++y.com/ISSUEspringO3/PA TT+ip+oe.html

Pattern illustration

Yarn: Spud Chloe Fine (8O% superwash wool, 2O% silk $\longmapsto$ 65 g/227 yd), 2 skeins in differen+ colors (shown in Tutu and Sassafras) Needles: US 1 and Us O 4O" circs, dpn's, or 2 cirs, whichever is needed for your preferred sock knitting method. I use +he 1's for +he Ieg and O's for +he foot, but you are welcome to use one size for +he whole thing. Gauge: 32 ss and 4O roWs/4 in. in s+ s on US 1's Notions: 2 sti+ch markers, fapes+ry needle Notes: I use +he +erms Mc (main color) and CC (contrast color) for simplicity. You can do what I did and switch +hem for +he second sock, or jus+ make +hem identical. Up to you! Using USl, CO 6O s+s in MC using +he +ubular cas+-on (video here: ht+p:/ysolda.com/suppor+/pic+orial-guides/double-rib-+ubular-cas+-on/) or any Stretchy cast on. Work 1xl rib (kl, pi> for 12 rounds. Switch to CC and work s+ s+ (k every rnd) for 4 rnds (No+e: +o avoid a jog" at +he beg of rnd where +the color changes, k +he firs+ rnd with +he new color as usual, +hen slip +he firs+ st of +he new color when you come to it for +he 2nd rnd) Work al+ernating 4-row s+ripes of MC and CC for 15 s+ripes or desired leng+h. You mus+ have an odd number of stripes, ie, end wi+h a CC stripe. Break CC. You will now begin working back and forth on half +he leg s+s +o create +he heel flap, leaving +he ofher stitches fo hang out on a dpn or +he cable of your circs. Using MC, sl 1, k14, ml, k 15, +urn. (+his is so +he hear+ wil be centered) - 31 s+s. Begin working heel char+, kniting on +the righ+ side, purling on the wrong side, and always slipping +he firs+ sfitch of +he row. On Row 4, rejoin CC. Rows 4-9 are s+randed, meaning the non-working yarn is loosely carried across +he back of +he work (see photo). This is to save joining feeny balls of yarn and weaving in a million ends. On Row 10, switch +o intarsia (GREAT video here: h++p:/ /www.kni+finghelp.com/videos/advanced-+echniques) Tip: I used +he o+her end of my MC ball +o work +he other side of +he hear+ and reduce waste. Af+er Row 24, break CC and other end of MC.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Nex+ row: p 15, p2+og, p $14\ \vdash$ +his is no+ no+ed in +he char+, bu+ is necessary to bring you back +o +he original $30$ Sts and ready to work a RS row.

Heel +urn:

Switch +o Us O needles. Con+inuing with MC, sl 1, k 16, ssk, k1, +urn. Sl 1, p4, p2tog, pl, turn. SI 1, k5, ssk, kl, furn. Sl 1, p6, p2tog, pl, turn. Keep doing +his - slipping +he first stitch, working +o one stitch before +he gap. decreasing over the gap, and working one more, til you reach the end of the heel Sts on a WS row. Turn. 16 sts. K across heel s+s, +hen pick up and knit 14 slipped sts along edge of heel flap, plus one extra at +he +op to keep a hole from opening up. PM, K across ins+ep s+s. $\mathsf{P M},$ +hen pick up one st and 14 slipped s+s down the other side of the heel flap. Resume working in +he round. Tip: When using Magic Loop, I like +o divide +he sock in+o lef+ and righ+ ra+her +han fron+ and back halves. This makes +he decreasing much easier and keeps +he star+ of round color changes from gapping. Rnd 2 (and all even rnds): K +o 3 s+s before marker, k2tog, Kl, slip marker, k +o nex+ m, slip marker, kl, ssk, k to end Rnd 3 (and all odd rnds): K all sts Repeat +hese +wo rnds until you are back +o 6O s+s. Note: On Rnd 5, rejoin CC and resume 4-row s+ripe sequence. Work s+ripes until you are approx 2 in. from your desired length, ending with a CC stripe. Toe is worked in Mc. You may have to do some fudging here - If you are $\mathtt{\Delta}\mathtt{a}$ few rows shor+ of +he mark, work s+raigh+ in MC un+il you reach +he correc+ Ieng+h. If you go over, begin +he decreases in +he last CC stripe. Toe: Rnd 1: K +o 3 s+s before marker, k 2tog, K 1, slip marker, K 1, ssk, k +o 3 s+s before nex+ m, k 2tog, K 1, slip marker, k 1, ssk Rnd 2: k all sts Rep +hese +wo rnds until 2O s+s remain. Graf+ +oe. Finishing: Weave in all ends and block. Make +he second sock, unless you did +wo at a time, in which case, you're done!

Pattern illustration

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