Fulled Christmas Stocking

This pattern is really flexible and allows for knitting creativity as you can insert patterns or charts into the area of the cuff or on the body of the stocking itself. Abbreviations: CO=Cast On EOR=End Of Round K=Knit P=Purl St(s)=Stitch(es) Sl=Slip SKP=Slip one stitch, knit one stitch, pass the slipped stitch over R=Row Tog=Together P/U=Pick Up N=Needle PM=Place Marker
I make them in all different sizes and use whatever yarns I have that have with at least a 75% wool content. Mohair and wool make for really fuzzy ones. I imagine you could add Angora for fluffy/fuzzy styles, as well. I like to do a pattern stitch on the cuff and on the back of heel. Often for finishing, I add a crocheted edging or knitted edging. I have made them with a single strand of yarn and they are light and airy--kind of lacy looking. Double stranding with 2 yarns makes a nice, thick stocking. Handspun yarn adds great texture. Needles: Size 9US straights and one set of DPNs or small circulars.
. stitches and work in ribbing or pattern for about 4 inches.
Cuff Turn & Stocking Body:
K2tog, YO--to end of row. Knit next row. This should be the face side of the stockinette st. Purl the next row. Work sts or insert whatever pattern you choose for the desired length of the stocking to heel. (I usually make mine about 12-15 inches...remember it will shrink about 30%).
Ankle Decrease:
Decrease 12 stitches spaced evenly by K2tog. Change to DPNs and join, continuing sts or pattern for 1 more inch.
Separate the instep and heel stitches by knitting 15 sts at the beginning of the round on one dpn, add another dpn--knit 30 stitches (instep), add another dpn and knit 15 stitches. Heel Flap: (You will only be knitting back and forth on Needle #1 and #3 to form the heel flap. The instep stitches on Needle #2 will be "on hold" until you pick up and knit the gusset stitches.) Work 20 rows in a rib, pattern or stockinette st. I always slip the first stitch and knit the last stitch--no matter what pattern I choose. End with a WSrow. Heel Gusset: On needle #1--Knit the15 sts, P/U and knit sts along side of heel (doesn't have to be an exact number--just do both sides the same. I usually get about 13-15.) Knit across instep stitches on needle #2. P/U and knit stitches down other side of heel and knit remaining 15 stitches from Needle #3. Needle 1=left back of heel Needle 2=instep Needle 3=right back of heel Begin decreasing back to the original 60 sts as follows: Needle #1= Knit to last 3 sts...K2tog, K1 Needle #2= K all Needle #3= K 1, K2tog thru the back ( or K 1, S 1, K 1, psso). Continue decreasing every row until there are 15 sts on #1, 30 sts on #2, 15 sts on #3.
Foot Body:
Knit in stockinette st to desired length of foot (Don't forget to add on an additional 30% for the the 1/3rd shrinkage in the fulling). I usually do mine about 8 inches long.
Toe Decreases:
Needle #1=Knit to last 3 sts on first dpn, K2tog, K 1 Needle #2=K 1, K2 tbl, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1 Needle #3=K 1, K2tog thru the back, k to EOR Continue decreasing every row until you have 5, 10, 5 sts on the needles remaining.
Bind Off Toe:
Use a 3 needle Bind Off closing for this stocking. It creates a nice chain stitch closing and then you just run the tail back inside the stocking and stitch to secure. (You can also Kitchener st it closed or bind off each side individually and then stitch together later.)
Sew up the back of the stocking from the ankle up. When you get to the cuff--bring the needle thru the fabric and stitch the cuff seam on the wrong side.
Hanger Loops:
Make the loops by just picking up and knitting 5 stitches in I-cord or crocheting with a single crochet st for about 5 inches. Then bring back down and join at pick up.
Put the stocking in a mesh bag, in the Hot wash cycle of your washing machine on the lowest water level. Use about 3 tbsps of Dawn Blue or Ivory dishwashing liquid. Set the washing machine for the longest cycle (but check the stocking about every 5 minutes). If you have trouble with your choice of wool felting, put a pair of jeans or a towel in with the stocking during the felting process to add friction. (A note about wools here: Some wools will not felt as well as others. If after about 3 repeats you still don't have a thick fabric. Stop. It's probably already fulled as much as it's going to.) When it is felted as densely as you want..spin, rinse with Cold water, spin. Remove from washer and block flat on a towel. Embellish as you wish with cross stitch, duplicate stitch, applique, embroidery, crewel, etc. ①Sheri Smith/Spin2Knit 1999 All rights reserved. Email if you have any questions.