Slightly Shaped Bolero Knitting Recipe and Pattern Guidelines by tonitee

Slightly shaped bolero

This is rather a recipe, not a full pattern. Feel free to contact me via ravelry if you have any questions. (Username on ravelry: tonitee). And apologies for the really bad picture quality - I am so sorry!!

Pattern illustration

Construction (Diagrams are shown on page 2 and 3): · The shoulder part, including the sleeves, is knitted sideways. The front of the shoulder part is sloped. · The body of the bolero is added by picking up sts along the lower edges of the shoulder part and is worked nearly straight (except for some optional waistshaping). · Due to the curved line of the front shoulder parts, the front body parts pull up and drapes nicely. If you like, you can add an edging that includes the open front edges (as shown on pictures above). This is especially recommended if the bolero is worked in plain st st, otherwise those front edges will roll inwards.


rements given for sizes M and L. I have only knitted size L, size M is only an estimation...) 1. Make a swatch (please, do it!!!)

2. Left shoulder and sleeve:

a) (Center back) Cast on as many sts as you need for 24 cm (26 cm) with provisional cast on b) Knit straight for 12 cm (14 cm) c) (Left front slope, increases on right side of work) Beginning on a RS row, start increases: M1 after the 3rd st every other row, until work measures 24 cm (28 cm) in length. The width then should be something like 34 cm (36 cm) d) (Beginning of left sleeve. You can now join for knitting in the round, if you dislike seaming) Continue for 2 rows in stst e) Decrease 1 sts on either side for every other row, 2 times (4 sts decreased) f) Knit straight for 21 cm or desired length. g)Finish with any kind of edging you like, cast off.

3. Right shoulder and sleeve:

· Unravel provisional cast on from beginning and pick up the same no of sts as for left shoulder part. · b) and c) as for left shoulder part, but place increases on the left side of work: M1 before the last 3 sts ever other row ·d) to g) as for left shoulder part. 4. Join seams of sleeves (if you haven't knitted them in the round) Slightly shaped bolero - tonitee, page 1 of 3

5. Body:

(Pick up sts) With right side of the work facing you, beginning at the front center (see diagram 2, Point A), pick up sts all around the left shoulder edging, place marker, pick up sts from the complete back shoulder edging, place marker, pick up sts from the right shoulder edging (Note: always pick up 2 sts from 3 rows.) ?Work in rows, back and forth: knit in st st or in desired pattern. Optional waist shaping: Decrease 1 sts before and after the two markers every 8th row, until work measures 15 cm (16 cm) Continue working straight until body length is 23 cm (25 cm) or desired length ?Cast off (only if you don't want any further edging, otherwise continue as described below) 6. Edging (optional, recommended if bolero is knitted in st st) (Pick up sts) Beginning on a RS row, at the center of the front opening, pick up 1 sts from every row of the left front edge for approx 5cm. Continue picking up sts but from now on only pick up 2 sts from 3 rows. Make sure to pick up the last st in the very edge of the corner ?Knit across lower edge of body until you reach the corner of the right front. Again pick up sts (2 sts from 3 rows) until approx. 5 cm before center back. From here on pick up 1 sts from every row. (Knitting in rounds): Work across the picked up sts and the lower edge sts in rounds, e.g. in 2x2 ribbing or any other edging pattern you like. Make sure to increase 1 sts each before and after the 2 corner sts on every other row, otherwise the corners won't lay flat. Work edging to desired width, cast off. 7. Secure threads and enjoy @

Pattern illustration

Slightly shaped bolero - tonitee, page 2 of 3

Pattern illustration

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