Karendipity's Knitting Companion: Stitches and Abbreviations Guide


Pattern illustration

Great little project for the creative use of all your scrap yarn! These little "cupcake" mitts are a treat to knit! Learn delicious techniques like knitting in the round on double pointed needles, making yummy thumb gussets with lifted increases and topping it all off with “icing"embroidery! Detailed technique tutorials included!

Finished Size

Extra Small, (Small, Medium, Large)

Measure circumference of hand loosely around the knuckles. Extra Small: $4"$ for ages 3-5 (Small $5.25"$ for ages 5-7, Medium $6"$ for ages 8-10, Large $6.75^{\circ}$ for ages $^{10+}$

DK weight wool or wool blend in similar gauge.

Main Color (A): 45 (55, 60, 66) yards; 41 (50, 55, 60) mm Ribbing Color (B): 17 (20, 22, 25) yards; 16 (18, 20, 23) mm Rolled Edges & Welt Color(s) (C): 14 (16, 18, 20) yards; 13 (15 16,18) mm Embroidery Yarn: 10 - 20 yards; $10-20\ \mathrm{mm}$ (Get funky! You may want to use more than one color for your rolled edges, welts and for embroidering).

Needles and Notions

1 set US 5 (3.75mm) double pointed needles or size to obtain gauge. Ring markers, tapestry needle, strands of yarn for embroidery


Intermediate Gauge 5.5 stitches per inch.

Pattern Techniques:

1x1 Ribbing: $\ \star|\mathsf{k}|$ , p1, rep from \* to end of round M1 $\equiv$ Make One: Locate the running thread that connects the stitch just worked and the stitch to be worked on the left needle. Insert the left needle from front to back under the running thread. Knit into the back of the stitch to twist it closed. LLinc $\equiv$ Left Lifted Increase: Use right hand needle to lift the left side of the stitch that is two rows below the stitch on the right hand needle. Place on left needle, inserting tip from back to front. Knit this stitch through front loop to close hole. RLinc $\equiv$ Right Lifted Increase: We will be lifting the stitch in the row below the stitch on the left hand needle. Use right hand needle to lift right side of this stitch and place it on the left hand needle, inserting tip of Ihn from front to back. Knit through the back loop to close the hole.

Rolled Edge: Using Color B, knit 4 (4, 5, 5) rounds of st st, bind off.

Thumb: Place 7 (9, 9, 11) sts from waste yarn holder onto dpns, dividing sts as evenly as possible. Join color A yarn by picking up one stitch through 1st "e”" loop cast on, and then another stitch in side of glove. (Leave a long enough tail to weave in and close gaps during finishing). Knit across 7 (9, 9, 11) stitches then pick up one stitch in side of mitt, and one stitch in last “e" loop cast on. Total of 4 stitches picked up - 11 (13, 13, 15) stitches on needles. (Redistribute if necessary). For Sizes Extra Small and Small: Knit 3 rounds even and bind off. For Sizes Medium and Large: Knit 3 rounds, Change to Color C, knit 1 round and purl 3 rounds. Bind off. Weave in all ends.

# started...

Pattern: These mitts are knit from the bottom up, on double pointed needles (see tutorial on following page.) Rolled edge: Using Color C, CO 22 (28, 32, 36) sts and join (see trading places join at right) and knit 4 (4, 5, 5) rounds of st st 1x1 Ribbing: Using Color B, knit 1 round. Work 4 rounds 1x1 ribing Welt: Using Color C, Knit 1 round, Purl 3 rounds. Main Body of Glove: Using Color A, Knit 6 (6, 10, 10) rounds before thumb gusset shaping begins Next round begin Thumb Gusset increases: Rnd 1: Knit 11 (14, 16, 18),place marker (pm), m1, pm, Knit 11 (14, 16, 18) -1 gusset st between markers Rnd 2: Knit even Rnd 3: Knit 11 (14, 16, 18), slip marker, LLinc, knit to next marker, RLinc, slip marker, Knit 11 (14, 16, 18) -3 gusset stitches between markers Rnd 4: Knit even Repeat rounds 3 and 4 until there are 7 (9, 9, 11) stitches between the markers (ending with a Knit round) Knit 11 (14, 16, 18), slip 7 (9, 9, 11) thumb gusset stitches onto waste yarn holder, “e" loop cast on 2 stitches, join and work to end of round -24 (30, 34, 38) stitches are on needles, 7 (9, 9, 11) stitches are on waste yarn holder.

Continue Hand of Glove:

Rnd 1: Knit 1 round even, then work decrease rounds as fol lows: Rnd 2: Knit 11 (14, 16, 18), ssk, knit to end of round - 23 (29, 33, 37) sts rem Rnd 3: Knit Rnd 4: Knit 11 (14, 16, 18), ssk, knit to end of round - 22 (28, 33, 36) sts rem Rnd 5: Knit For sizes Medium and Large Only: Rnd 6: Knit Welt: Using Color C, knit one round then purl 2 rounds. 1x1 Ribbing: Using Color B, knit 1 round. Work 4 rounds 1x1 ribbing (\* k1, p1 rep from \* to eor).

Working On Double Pointed Needles

one needle, then divide stitches as evenly as possible over 3 needles. Be sure the stitches are not twisted by laying the needles flat in a triangular shape and arranging the stitches so the bottom of the cast on row is facing inwards (toward the centel

Pattern illustration

formed by the needles). The needle with the last stitch cast on will be on the right hand side. The working yarn should be coming out of the last stitch cast onto this right hand needle. JOIN and begin to knit by using the remaining empty needle (the working needle). After you have completed the Trading Places Join, you will be inserting the working needle into the first stitch on your left hand needle. TRADING PLACES JOIN: This join has the first and last stitch of your cast on trade places. This method of joining eliminates the loose loopy strand that occurs in standard “knit the first stitch" joins. To begin, slip the first stitch (the one from the left hand needle) purlwise, onto the right hand needle. Pull the last stitch that you cast on (see right hand needle) up and over the first stitch (leapfrog) KEEPING IT ON the left hand needle. Do not drop this stitch as you would in a bind off. This stitch is now your beginning of round stitch. Place marker and proceed with knitting the first round in pattern. THE DREADED LADDER: Looseness at the point where you change from one needle to the next can lead to a ladder forming from the yarn being stretched in the space between two dis torted stitches. Fortunately, there are several ways to avoid them. The best way: Make it a habit to tighten things up when moving from one needle to the next by giving the yarn a tug after working the first and second stitches. Using a set of 5 needles rather than 4 will divide tension more evenly, keeping strain off of the stitches themselves. If you're still having trouble, knitting a couple of stitches forward from the next needle onto the one you've just finished with will shift the point of tension, thus helping to keep a vertical line from forming. Inserting the working needle under the previous needle will help you make a tighter stitch than if you come at it from above.

Deoratng T ofrostng Ut Thd! UWp UpSe f!

Pattern illustration

1) Bring threaded needle up through work from back to front at point 2) Reinsert needle at same place that the needle emerged and 3) Come back out at front of work at a point that makes your loop the size you desire. 4) After forming the loop, snug up the loop gently against the working thread and tack down the loop by reinserting needle where thread emerged at point 3. 5) Bring needle from back to front at the same point that thread emerged at point 1. 6) Create new loops by inserting again in original point. 7) Tack down each loop in same manner with a short leg. 8) You may also start a new loop at any place on your work or weave thread through the tack down leg (3&4) and make a double loop.

Embroidered Frosting

Pattern illustration

1) Bring threaded needle upthrough work from backto front at point 1. 2) Insert needle from front to back at \*2".3Bring tip of needlle out at $^{\ast}3^{\ast}$ which is halfway between point 1 and point 2. Be sure needle is over the top of the loop of yarn before pulling needle and yarn through. 4) Bring yarn over the loop of \*frosting" and secure loop by reinserting needle in same place as it emerged at “\*3". 5) Bring tip of needle out at point $^{\ast}5^{\ast}$ and snug loop against work.

Figure 8 Knot

Pattern illustration

Slightly larger than a French Knot with a slight dimple in the center

1) Bring threaded needle up through work from back to front. 2) Wrap the thread around the tip if the needle in a "figure 8". 3). Keep the thread snug around the barrel of the needle as you complete the stitch by inserting the tip of the needle a few threads away from the point from which the needle originally emerged. 4) Pull thread through and secure at back of fabric.

Satin Stitch

Pattern illustration

Comprised of a group of Straight stitches stitched very closely together. May be stitched vertical, horizontally or diagonally. Keep stitches smooth and untwisted with uniform tension.

Butterfly Stitch

Pattern illustration

This is a composite stitch using a Satin Stitch and a contrasting color tack-down stitch.

Pattern illustration

# Abbreviations

beg - beginning BO - bind off CC - contrast color (background color) CO- cast on dec - decrease dpn - double pointed needle(s) Inc - increase k2tog - knit 2 stitches together (a right-slanting decrease) k or K - knit LH - left hand M1 - increase one stitch per pat tern instructions MC - main color (pattern color) nd - needle p or P- purl patt - pattern pm - place marker rem - remain, remaining rep - repeat RH - right hand rnd - round RS - right side sl - slip ssk - slip, slip, knit -(a left slanting decrease) st st - stockinette stitch st(s) - stitch(es) WS - wrong side yo- yarn over [] repeat instructions within brackets number of times stated () repeat instructions inside parentheses number of times stated Websites toBrowse: STITCH with the Embroiderers' Guild http://www.embroiderersguild.com/stitch/stitches/index.html Step by Step Decorative Embroidery Stitches online http://www.craftown.com/instruction/embroidery.htm http://www.knittinghelp.com/videos/advanced-techniques Helpful Books: Encyclopedia of Needlework by Donna Kooler Readers Digest Complete Guide to Needlework

Pattern illustration

$\odot2008$ , Karen Neal a.k.a. Karendipity: the Serendipitous Designer. You are supporting the eforts of a fellow knitter by respecting copyrights. Thank you! See more designs at www.karendipity.etsy.com

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