SQUAREDANCE: Two-Colored Hat Knitting Pattern for Older Kids & Adults by Amy E. Anderson

SQUAREDANCE Design by Amy E. Anderson $\circledcirc$

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Short Version

Pattern illustration

Two-Colored Hat Intermediate Skill Level One Size to Fit Older Kids & Adults Worsted Weight Wool Yarn


design by Amy E. Anderson Although it looks fairly complicated, this is actually a very easy pattern to work -- however, do pay attention to the chart on Rds. 16, 30, and 44 - these are the rds where the diagonal lines reverse direction. I found it helpful to place ring markers at the end of each chart repeat, but I also found it helpful to place a pin in the $14^{t h}$ st of each repeat, as this is the point where the pattern has a little hiccup -- instead of working 2 sts of each color, you'll be working 1 st or 3 sts at this point - having the pin there got my attention and kept me on track.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Directions: With Color B, Cast on 104 sts. Join, being careful not to twist and Purl 2 rds. For the long version with rolled brim: Work Chart A, beginning with Rd. 1. Read all charts from right to left and bottom to top. For the short version: Work Chart A, beginning with Rd. 15. When it becomes necessary to transfer work to double-point needles, place 1 full repeat of the chart on each of 4 needles, and knit around with the $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ needle. When you complete Chart A, draw the remaining sts together and tie off. Finishing: Weave in loose ends. Block gently with a steam iron. Abbreviations: $\begin{array}{r}{\mathsf{R d}(\{\mathsf{s}\}=}\end{array}$ round(s) $\mathtt{S t}(\mathtt{s})=$ stitch(es) SSK $=$ slip 2 sts knitwise, insert left needle through both sts and knit them together

Pattern illustration

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