Knitting Pattern for Scarf Spreng: Detailed Instructions and Chart Symbols for a Luxurious Baby Alpaca and Mulberry Silk Scarf

1 Scarf Spreng

Pattern illustration

Pattern for scarf ,Spreng"


100g wollerey Carmano, babyalpaka with mulberrysilk, yardage 300 m/100 g or any other smooth well draping yarn, needle 5mm /US 8 Here we go: Scarf should be knitted loosely so that it drapes smoothly. Cast on 44 stitches. Work chart (shown on last side) up to row 20, in WS stitches are worked as they appear (see chart symbols on next side),than go ahead with row 5 again and work the following rows until desired length is reached. Complete repeat is row 5 - 20. End with reapeting rows 1 and 2 and cast off loosely. Work yarnovers as you please, they are slipped from the needle later on. Wash scarf and block a little bit so that all the dropped stitches really drop dowr.

2 Scarf Spreng

Row 1 RS k 44 Row 2 WS k 44 Row 3 RS k3, \*p 2, k1, yo, k1, p 2, k2\* 4 times, p 2, k 1, yo, k 1, p 2,k3 Row 4 WS p 3, \*k2,p3, k2, p 2\* 4 times, k2, p 3 Row 5 RS k3, \*p 2, k3, p 2, k2\* 4 times, p 2, k3 Row 6 WS p3,\*k 2,p 3,k2,p 2\* 4 times, k2,p3 Row 7 RS k3, \*p 2, k3, p 2, k2\* 4 times, p 2, k3 Row 8 WS p 3,\*k 2,p 3, k2, p 2\* 4 times, k2,p3 Row 9 RS k 3, \*p 2, k3, p 2, k 2\* 4 times, p 2, k3 Row 10 WS p 3, \*k2,p 3, k2, p 2\* 4 times, k2,p 3 Row 11 RS k3, \*p 2, k 1, drop stitch, k 1, p 2, k1, yo, k 1,\* 4 times, p 2, k1, drop stitch, k 1, p 2, k3 Row 12 WS p 3,\*k2,p 2,k2,p 3\* 4 times, k2,p3 Row13 RS k3,\*p 2,k2, p 2, k3\* 4 times, p2,k3 Row 14WS p 3,\*k 2,p 2, k2,p 3\* 4 times, k2,p 3 Row15 RS k3,\*p 2,k2, p 2, k3\* 4 times, p2, k3 Row 16 WS p 3, \*k2,p 2,k2, p 3\* 4 times, k2,p 3 Row 17 RS k3,\*p 2,k2, p 2, k3\*4 times, p2, k3 Row18 WS p 3, \*k 2,p 2,k2, p 3\* 4 times, k2,p 3 Row19 RS k3, \*p 2, k1, yo, k1, p 2, k 1, drop stitch, k 1\* 4 times, p 2, k 1, yo, k 1, p 2, k3 Row 20 WS p3,\*k2,p3,k2,p2\* 4 times, k2,p3

3 Scarf Spreng

Chart symbols

= knit on RS , purl on WS = purl on RS, knit on WS = yo = let stitch slip from needle = knit on RS and WS

一 一
一 一
Xxx× xx×x× xxxxx ×x x× xxx xxxxx
44434241403938373635343332313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109 876 54 321

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