Striped Tank Top Knitting Pattern for 18" American Girl Dolls by Linda Sondermann - Easy Beginner-Friendly Design


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Here is a very easy, very simple Tank Top for your favorite American Girl! It is knit in stockinette stitch in one piece from back to front, over the shoulders, with side seams. The flower is sewn on (available from any craft store). The pattern is fairly basic, and suitable for beginners. It is designed with matching necklines, low to the front and back, to fit over your dolls head without needing buttons.

You Will Need:

You need to know:

Yarn: DK or sport weight yarn Main color: MC Approximately 1/2 ounce Contrast color: CC 2 yards is plenty Gauge: 6 stitches to the inch Needles: Straights or circulars, whichever you prefer, size to get gauge (approx. size 4). Safety pin to use as a stitch holder for strap. Yarn needle to sew up seams. Crochet hook for single crochet edges (size appropriate to the yarn). Ribbon flower (craft stores) Long tail cast on Stockinette stitch 1 x 1 ribbing Decreasing -- BO Increasing - M1 (pick up ladder between 2 stitches, slip it to the left needle and knit into the back). Slip 1 (slip stitch from left needle onto right needle as if to knit without knitting). Single crochet to finish edges.


Using MC, CO 40 sts using long tail cast-on (or add a row to ribbing). Work 3 rows in 1 x 1 rib, ending ready to start a RS row. Work stockinette stitch for 3" from cast-on edge, ending ready to work a RS row. Begin chart, or work from written instructions.

Striped Tank Top for American Girl 18" by Linda Sondermann

Armhole shaping:

Row 1: Attach contrast yarn and use it to bind off 4 stitches, K to end (RS) (36 sts). Row 2: Bind off 4 stitches, P to end (WS) (32 sts). Row 3: Change to MC, slip 1 stitch, bind it off, K to end (31sts). Row 4: Slip 1 stitch, bind it off, P to end (30 sts). Row 5: K Row 6: P Row 7: Change to CC, K Row 8: P Row 9: Change to MC, K Row 10: P Row 11: K Row 12: P Row 13: K 11, BO 8, K 11. Put 1st 11 sts (right hand side) onto safety pin to hold.

Neckline Left:

Row 14: P 11 Row 15: Sl1, BO 2,K9 Row16: P9 Row 17: Sl 1, bind it off, K 8 Row 18: P8 Row 19: Sl 1, bind it off, K 7 Row 20: P 7 Row 21: P8 Row 22: P 7 Row 23 and following: Discontinue row counting and chart, and work st st for 2" ending on a K row. Resume row counting, returning to the chart on row 24. Row 24: P 7 Row 25: K1, M1, K6 (8 sts) Row 26: P 8 Row 27: K1, M 1, K 7 (9 sts) Row 28: P9 Row 29: K1, M 1, K8 (10 sts) Row 30: P 10 Row 31: K1, M1, K9 (11 sts) Break off yarn.

Striped Tank Top for American Girl 18" by Linda Sondermann

Neckline Right:

Join yarn at safety pin on Row 13 of right hand side at neck edge. Row 14: Sl 1, BO 2, P to end (9 sts). Row 15: K9 Row 16: Sl 1, bind it off, P to end (8 sts). Row 17: K8 Row 18: Sl 1, bind it off, P to end (7 sts). Row 19: Sl 1, bind it off, K 7 Row 20: P 7 Row 21: P 8 Row 22: P 7 Row 23 and following: Discontinue row counting and chart, and work st st for 2" ending on a K row. Resume row counting, returning to the chart on row 24. Row 24: P 7 Row 25: K 6, M1, K1 (8 sts). Row 26: P 8 Row 27: K7, M 1, K 1 (9 sts) Row 28: P 9 Row 29: K8, M 1, K1 (10 sts) Row 30: P 10 Row 31: K9, M1, K1 (11 sts) Break off yarn.

Pattern illustration


Row 32: Join MC at shoulder edge on WS of row 31, P 11, CO 8, P 11 (30 sts). Row 33: K 30. Row 34: P 30. Row 35: Join CC, K 30. Row 36: P 30. Row 37: Join MC, K 30. Row 38: P 30. Row 39: K1, M1, K 28, M 1,K 1 (32 sts). Row 40: P 32. Row 41: Join CC, K 32. Row 42: CO 4, P 32, CO 4 (40 sts). Row 43 and following: Work in stockinette on 40 sts to same length as back. Last 3 rows, knit in 1 x 1 rib. BO 40 in rib.

Pattern illustration


Finish edges: Using MC, work a single crochet around outside edges of armholes and neck. Sew side seams, attach flower and block. \*\*\*Note: ratefuThanks!toLiliputian Stithesforherpattern for theLacyFlouncySkirt that Mollys wearing with her tank top.

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