Jnspired by Pincent Pan Gogh's he Starry Night'" (not to mention the adventures he once had with a ginger-Joving Jime Lord).
Pattern Notes
\*Pre-stringing beads: BEADS MUST BE STRUNG ON IN ORDER! Begrin in the top righit=hand Corner of the clharit (see box next to chart). TThe i" bead to be strung will be the last to be knit and vice versa. String beads in order accordling to the chart, working each colummn from top to bottom before moving on to the next coluomn to ithce lleft. \*\*Reading the chart: Chart is read vertically from bottom to top, startiung in the bottom lefft corner (see arrow). Each colunmn of the chart represents a garter stitch ridge. In other words, the chart does not show even rows, which are simply knit. Beads are onlly pllaiced on the odd rows. Legend: Colored x's indlicaite where to place a bead. Blure represents a irandlom mix of dark punrple, meitalllic grey, sillver, and lbllack lbeads. Placing a bead: Insert the right needlle as if to knit, slide the bead up the working yarn uontil it rests agrainsit the knited work and then fimish knitimngr ithe stitch. Beads will apipear on the opposite side off the work that is facing you.
Getting Started
Yarm: IKnit IPicks Gloss ILace Yarn in Ulltrammaurine (lace weight, 4l4o yds) Needles: IUIS size 0000 Materials: sewing need le, beadling needlle; size lll seed lbealds; size IB crochet hook Skills: threading beads, knitting, crochet

Using a beadling needlle, thuread beads\* onito the yarn. Cast on 3o stitches. Knit 1 row. Work chart\*\* in garter stitch, placing beads on one side only. Bind off. Along the cast on edge; crochet two button loops. Attach two burttons meaur the cast of edgre。 Enioy! I't bvealdl to prestr ing

Copyright 2011 Megan Wood {Raveler: Megwood55} | for personal use only