Over the Moon

"Hey Didde Didde, The Cat and the Fiddle, The Cow juMped over the Moon. Whether they enjoy entering the world of nursery rhymes, fairytales or Mysteries, every adventurer should be dressed in soMething comfortable, warM and unique, with soMewhere to store provisions or treasures collected along the way. This pattern has been written for Mosaic Moon and has been designed to showcase the stunning colourways on offer. Sizing ranges from I2m/19" to I2y/ 30"
What you need
2 x size 7/4.5mm circular needles (30 - 60cm cable length depending on the size for the body and 30cm for sleeves) Size 6/4mm circular needle (40 or 60cm cable length for body and 30cm for sleeves) 4 stitch markers Wasteyarn
k- knit p-purl sm - slip marker SORM - start of round marker co - cast on stst - stocking stitch m1L - make 1 left. Pick up the bar between the stitch from the front, knit into the back of the stitch. m1R - make 1 right. Pick up the bar between the stitch from the back, knit into the front of the stitch. Kfb - knit into the front and the back of the same stitch Sts - stitch/es Rep - repeat cC - contrast colour MC - main colour
20 stitches and 28 rows per 4"/10cm
Recommended yarn
Mosaic Moon Gaia Aran Mosaic Moon Gaia Worsted Mosaic Moon Licorice Twist Dk Mosaic Moon Licorice Twist Worsted Mosaic Moon Mountain Meadow Aran Mosaic Moon Superwash Dk Mosaic Moon Superwash Aran Mosaic Moon Targhee Dk
Estimated Yardage
275/250(300/275,350/320,400/365) [400/365,450/410,500/450,550/500] (600/550, 700/640, 800/730) yards/meters.
Contrast Colour
150/140(150/140,200/180,200/180) [250/230,250/230,300/275,300/275] (300/275,350/320,400/365) yards/meters
12m(18m, 24m, 3y)[4y, 5y, 6y, 7y](8y, 10y, 12y) To fit chest size of 19(20, 21, 22)[23, 24,25, 26](27, 28,30) inches 48(51, 53.5, 56)[58.5, 61, 63.5, 66](68.5, 71, 76) cm. Approximately 2.5"of ease has beenwritten into the pattern.Please select size according to chest measurement,thenaddlengthaccordingtoage.For example,based on her chest measurement,I knit my 6 year old daughter the 4y size, worked to 7y length.
Get Comfy and Start Knitting
It is important that the cast on be very loose or thegarmentwillnotfitoverthechild'shead. With cc, and size 7/4.5mm needles (sizes 12m - 3y) or size 6/4mm (4y - 12y) very loosely cast on using the long tail method 56(60, 62, 64)[68, 72, 74, 76](78, 78, 80) stitches. Place SORM and join in the round. Knit until work measures 1" /2.5cm from cast on. Sizes 4y - 12y- change to 4.5mm needles
change to MC
Round 1- Knit. Round 2 - Purl. Round 3- Knit. Round 4- Purl, placing markers as follows:
Begin Raglan Increases
Round 1- \*Kfb, knit to 2 sts before marker, kfb, k1, sm. Repeat from " to end of round. Round 2- Knit. Repeat rounds 1 &214(15, 16, 17)[18, 18, 19, 20](21, 22, 24) more times for a total of 15(16, 17, 18)[19, 19, 20, 21](22, 23, 25) raglan increases.
Stitch Count
Divide for sleeves
Place sleeve sts until next marker onto waste yarn. Backwards loop cast on 2sts, pm (new SORM), cast on 2(1, 2, 1)[1, 2, 2, 2](2, 2, 2)sts, knit to marker, remove marker and place sleeve sts until the next marker onto waste yarn, backwards loop cast on 4(3, 4, 3)[3, 4, 4, 4](4, 4, 4)sts, knit to end of round.
Stitch Count
108(112, 118, 122)[128, 132, 138, 142](148, 152, 162)sts.
A note on adding extra length.
If you are knitting the jumper to a length that is a different size from the original size, you will need to adjust the length when knitting the pocket. In the instructions below, knit to the desired length before marking the pocket placement. when you mark the pocket placement you need to follow the pocket instructionsforthe originalsizeNoT thelength. Then knit the next rows based on the length you are knitting. When it comes to knitting the pocket you will need to do extra increase rows. Ifyou have knit 4(8) more rows than the original size, then do 1(2) more increase section(s). This will increase your final pocket stitch count by 2(4). when you are joining the pocket and body together you will need to start knitting the two parts together 1(2) stitches earlier than written in the pattern.
Knit in the round until the body measures 7.5/19(8/20.5, 8.5/21.5, 8.5/21.5)[9/23, 9/23, 10/25.5, 11/28](12/30.5, 13/33, 14.5/37)"/cm from the shoulder. Marking pocket placement - Knit 41(42, 44, 45)[47, 48, 50, 52](54, 55, 58)sts, thread some waste yarn back through the previous 28(28, 29, 29)[30, 30, 31, 33](34, 34, 35)sts. These will be the stitches you knit the pocket onto. If at the bottom of the body you discover you need to add extra length, you can easily remove the yarn and thread it through a few rows lower.. Knit 33(33, 33, 37)[37, 41, 41, 41](41, 45, 45) rounds. Leave on needle and continue to pocket instructions.
With the garment upside down (Rs facing, hem away from you), thread another 4.5mm needle through the 28(28, 29, 29)[30, 30, 31, 33](34, 34, 35)sts marked by waste yarn.

With cc, knit one row Rows 1- 3 - Knit. Row 4 (RS)- Knit. Row 5(ws)- K3, purl until 3sts remain, K3. Row 6- K3, m1R, knit until 3sts remain, m1L, k3. Row 7- K3, purl until 3sts remain, k3. Rep rows 4 - 7until there are 40(40, 41, 43)[44, 46, 47, 49](50, 52, 53)sts. Rep rows 4-6. Stitch Count -42(42, 43, 45)[46,48, 49, 51](52, 54, 55)sts (lfyoufindthatyourpocketisalittlebitshorter thanthebody lengthrepeatrow5,thenrow 4 onemoretime) Knit 3 rows. Leave on the needle
With the smaller diameter needle (one size smaller than gauge), knit 6(7, 8, 8)[9, 9, 10, 10](11, 11, 13)sts of the body. Next, holding pocket parallel with needles holding body, \*knit together 1 stitch from the pocket and 1 stitch from the body. Rep from \* to end of pocket sts. Knit to end of round. Round 1- Purl. Round 2- Knit. Round 3 - Purl. Change to CC and knit all rounds for 1". Cast off loosely.
Please read the sleeveinstructions thoroughly before starting, as you will be working colour sequence and decreases simultaneously. Place sleeve stitches from waste yarn onto your 4.5mm needle. With Mc, pick up and knit 3sts, pm (S0RM), pick up and knit 3(2, 3, 2)[2, 3, 3, 3](3, 3, 3)sts, knit to end of round. Stitch Count 44(46, 50, 51)[54, 56, 58, 61](63, 65, 69)sts Knit 1 round Decrease round - K1, k2tog, knit to 3 sts before marker, sk, k1. Knit 5(5, 5, 6)[6, 6, 6, 6](6, 6, 6) rounds Continue decreasing every 6(6, 6, 7)[7, 7, 7, 7](7, 7, 7)th round 4(4, 5, 5)[5, 6, 6, 7](8, 8 10) more times. If the decrease falls on a purl round, just do it in the next round. Final stitch count - 34(36, 38, 39)[42, 42, 44, 45](45, 47, 47)sts
At the same time
Knit until the sleeve measures .75/2(1/2.5, 1/2.5, 1.5/4)[2/5, 2/5, 2/5, 2.5/6](2.5/6, 2.5/6, 3/8)"/cm Round 1- Purl. Round 2- Knit. Round 3- Purl. Repeat rounds 2 & 3 once more. Change to CC. Knit all rounds (remembering to perform decreases as instructed) until sleeve measures 7.5/19(8.5/22, 9.5/24, 10.5/27)[11.5/29, 12/30, 13/33, 14/36](15/38, 16/41, 17/43)"/cm from underarm (or preferred length).
Change to 4mm needle (or one size smaller than gauge) needles. Round 1 - Knit. Round 2- Purl. Repeat rounds 1 & 2twice more. Cast off loosely. Repeat for second sleeve.
Sew in ends. Block the jumper. Leave the collar and bottom of the jumper to curl. A big thank you to my fabulous testers - Erica, Ann, Uikki Ruth, Donna, Rebecca, Christine, Ginger, Kelly ulie, Cassy, Laura, Shelley, Trish, Heather, Cathleen, Lindsay, Megan, Zaviera, Eliza, Cecilie, Lisa, Ashley, Ronny, Sigrid, Laura, Lisa, ean, Christine, Ida, Louise, Stacie and Nichole and to My tech editor, Polly The copyright of this pattern remains with the author - Rachel Evans, FlaMe Lily Designs. It is intended for personal use only. Please do not share the pattern with anyone or claim the design as your own. If you have personally handknitted the item, feel free to do with it as you wish, including selling the item. If you have any questions, please contact Me on Ravelry under the username Craftyweelwifey or eMail Me at craftyweewifey@yahoo.co.nz