t Bath 0Mat ayeux
Why is it called Cayeux...? Cayeux is a coastal town in the north of France.The colours and the strata in this design really remind me of the areas of grass along the sea front, the beach, the sky, the amazing light there, and the longest row of colourful beach huts that I have ever seen! Perfect for brightening up my bathroom.

Yarn: I used six balls of Wendy Supreme Luxury Cotton Chunky, in: Steel - Yarn A Shrimp - Yarn B White - Yarn C Cobalt -Yarn D Grape -Yarn E Pear - Yarn F Finished mat weighs 385g, so you would need 4 balls for a plain mat. I wanted a 1o0% cotton mat so that I can put it on a hot wash if necessary, and I liked this particular range because the cotton is smoothly wound, and also mercerised which makes it easier to crochet with.
5mm. This may seem small at first, but when making something like a mat it is not a fabric with a pretty drape which you are trying to create, but a dense and stable finished result which will withstand being stepped on. Finished Bimensions: 58cm x 42cm (when worked to tension of 12stitches and 14 rows to 10cm x 10cm)

Xnstructions: Using Yarn A, make 73 chain. Foundation Row: Make 1dc in second chain from hook. Make 1dc in every other stitch working back along foundation ch (72dc). Turn. 1ch, 1dc into same place. Work this whole row (Row 1) in Yarn A (72dc), and work Row 2 row in Yarn A in the same way (3 rows of 72dc in Yarn A). Change to Yarn B. Whenever you change yarns be sure to leave enough of a tail to sew in really securely, especially if you are intending to wash your mat. Work in stripe sequence as follows: Rows 3 & 4: Yarn B Row 5: Yarn C Rows 6, 7 & 8: Yarn D Row 9: Yarn E Rows 10, 11, 12 & 13: Yarn F Rows 14, 15 & 16: Yarn A Row 17: Yarn B Rows 18, 19, 20 & 21: Yarn C Rows 22 & 23: Yarn D Rows 24, 25 & 26: Yarn E Row 27: Yarn F Rows 28 & 29: Yarn A Rows 30, 31, 32 & 33:Yarn B Rows 34 & 35: Yarn C Rows 36, 37, 38 & 39: Yarn D Rows 40 & 41: Yarn E Rows 42, 43 & 44: Yarn F Row 45: Yarn A Rows 46, 47 & 48: Yarn B Rows 49, 50 & 51: Yarn C Rows52&53:Yarn D Rows 54, 55, 56 & 57:Yarn E Rows 58 & 59: Yarn F Row 60: Yarn A Rows 61, 62 & 63: Yarn B Bind off, and weave all the ends in well.