Knitting Pattern for Basket Weave Scarf with I-Cord Border and Prismatic Inspiration by Huan-Hua Chye

Basket ase Scarf

Dimensions : Approx. 160 cm X 19 cm. 5 skeins Earth Mainland A pair of $5,5\;\mathrm{mm}$ needles. Tension $:$ is not critical to the project. 16 sts/ $\mathrm{[0\cm}$ in pattern.

Pattern illustration

Credit goes to Huan-Hua Chye for the wonderful I-cord border from The Prismatic Scarf. I only borrowed it from her without permission, and I'm supposed to give it back before she notices!


Note : The I-cord border is knitted as you go along. All of the slipped stitches are slipped purlwise and with yarn in front, only on WS rows.

Pattern illustration

K: knit P: purl Rep: repeat. RS: right side of work WS: wrong side of work Sl 3 wyif: slip 3 stiches purlwise with yarn in front St, sts: stitch, stitches. Cast on 35 sts. Row 1 (RS) : knit Row 2 (WS) : sl 3 wyif, K5, $\sp{*}\mathrm{P}3$ ,$\mathrm{K}5^{\ast}$ rep from \* to \* to last 3 sts, sl 3 wyif.

Pattern illustration

Row $3:\mathrm{K}3$ ,P5, $^{*}\mathrm{K}3$ ,$\mathrm{P}5^{*}$ rep from \* to \* to last 3 sts, K3. Row 4: as row 2. Row $6:{\mathrm{sl}}\,3$ wyif, K1, $\sp{*}\mathrm{P}3$ ${\mathrm{K}}5^{*}$ rep from \* to \* to last 7 last sts, P3, K1, sl 3 Wyif. Row $7:\mathrm{K}3$ ,P1, $^{*}\mathrm{K}3$ $\mathrm{P}5^{*}$ rep from \* to \* to last 7 sts, K3, P1, K3. Row 8: as row 6. Rep rows 1-8 until the scarf reaches desired length or yarn runs out. Cast off all stitches.

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