armada of scarfs..
Citrus armada urchin Yarn: all yarn used from

unusualmix citrus armada 160g 310m/100g [340y/100g] 100% Merino superwash in total 80g gras green (A), 40g yellow/orange (B), 40g yellow/gras green (C) Total weight: 160g purple.redurchin 2x 100g 310m/100g [349y/100g] 100% Merino superwash in total; 100g purple (A), 100g shiny red (B) Totalweight:180g Unusualmix 160g 310m/100g [340y/100g] 100% Merino superwash in total; 80g purple (A), 40g cyan (B), 40g orange (C) Total weight:147g Needels: 4,0 mm / Us 6 and in addtion for Unusualmix 3,5mm / US 4 citrus armada and unusual mix were powered by:
is not criticalbut you find here the gauge of the original ones. Ihave only checked the stitch- not the row-gauge 10 cm = 18 knit sts, 4,0mm / US 6 needles Size: citrus armada: approx. 15 x 245 cm (slightly blocked) urchin: aprrox. 20 x 180 cm (slightly blocked) unusual mix: width neck 35cm, width shoulder 100cm, height 31cm
k= knit st(s) = stitch/es p=purl st(s) = stitch/es CO = cast on rep= rep, repeating (of the stitch pattern) BO =bind off m= marker pm = place marker sl1wyB = slip 1 sts with yarn in the back sl1wyF = slip 1 sts with yarn in front RS =right side WS =wrong side

This kind of stitch I did not invent. Similar variations were published several times fromdifferentpeople. What I offer in my pattern is mainly the mode of stitches and colors. Be inspired and let your fantasy fly! This pattern shows working flat with RS and Ws. 4 rows is 1 pattern repeat. Use number of stitches devided by 22 + 10 sts. Only 1 color is used in a round. Color change every 2"d row (with only 1 exception). slip knit stitch from left to the right hand needle as to be purled - with yarn in the BACK. This sts will be used on RS. SI1wyF: Slip purl stitch from left to the right hand needle as to be purled - with yarn in the FRONT. This sts will be used on WS.
p | s1yF | s1yB | s1yF | s1yF | p | |||||||||||||||
p | p p | s1yB s1yB | s1yB | s1yB | p | p | ||||||||||||||
p | p | p p p | p p | 0 | p p | p | d | d | p | p p | p | p | p p | d | ||||||
D | ||||||||||||||||||||
s1yF | s1yF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S1yB | s1yB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
p | p | p | p | p | P | p | p | p | p | p p | p | p | p | p | p | p | P | p | p | ||||||||||||||
P |
P | p | p | P | p | p | p | p | p | P | p | P | P | p | |||||||||||
P p | p | p | p | p | p | p | p | |||||||||||||||||
P | p | p | p p | p | P | p | 8 | p | d | P | P | p | P | P | p | P | p |
p |
s1yF |
s1yB |
K p slip 1 sts with yarn in the FRONT slip 1 sts with yarn in the BACK
citrus armada:
With color A and 4,0 mm needles CO 406 sts. Work in seed-stitch for 3 rows (A to C), start with Ws. Row A: \*k1, p1\*, end with p1 (wS) Row B: \*p1, k1\*, end with k1 (RS) Row C: \*k1, p1\*, end with p1 (wS)
Pattern 1st half:
change to color B starting with the main pattern. The first 4 sts and the last 4 sts are worked in seed-stitch (see "border" row A+B). \*\*R1:p1, k1, p1, k1; k to last 4 sts; p1, k1, p1, k1 (RS) R2:k1, p1, k1, p1; p to last 4 sts; k1,p1, k1, p1 (WS) Change to color A R3: p1, k1, p1, k1; \* sl1wyB, sl1wyB, k20\* work 17 times more (= 18 reps in total); R4: k1, p1, k1, p1; \* sl1wyF, sl1wyF, k20\* work 17 times more;

Repeat this 4 rows 5 times more (or how often you want), ending with R1 color B (RS). Cut at the end of R1 yarn color B and start again at the RS where your color A strand is. I have choosed this way to have a smooth change to color C without a big gap between the pattern, because C is NOT the replacement for B, but A changes on the place of B and C comes on the place of A. ... you'll see :-).
Pattern 2nd half:
6sts are left: sl1wyB, sl1wyB; p1,k1, p1, k1 (RS) 6sts are left: sl1wyF, sl1wyF; k1,p1, k1, p1 (WS) R7: p1, k1, p1, k1; \* sl1wyB, sl1wyB, k9\* work 34 times more (= 36 reps in total); 6sts are left: sl1wyB, sl1 wyB; p1, k1, p1, k1 (RS) R8: k1, p1, k1, p1; \* sl1wyF, sl1wyF, k9\* work 34 times more; 6sts are left: sl1 wyF, sl1 wyF; k1, p1,k1, p1 (Ws) \*\* Repeat this 4 rows 5 times more (or how often you want), ending with R1 color A (Rs) Cut at the end of R1 yarn color A and start again at the RS where your color C strand is. Check your remaining yarn to have enough for the lastrows!
Work with color C: row A - C, ending with row C on Ws. In the next row BO loosely all sts in seed-stitch (p the k sts, and k the p sts). Weave in the ends and block slightly. she's craftstudio she's craftstudio (Susanne C. Herceg)\*\*\* This pattern is the sole property of Susanne C. Herceg, and may be printed for personal, non-commercial use only. This pattern is not for free distribution. Any other use must be approved in writing by the author. v1.0March2011 urchin:
is a bit different to citrus armada, worked with 2 colors and more yarn. The 2nd half of the pattern changes in fact A to B and B to A but the width of the rectangles between the slip-stitches does not change.
With color A and 4,0 mm needles CO 318 sts. Work in seed-stitch for 3 rows (A to C), start with WS. Row A: \*k1, p1\*, end with p1 (WS) Row B: \*p1, k1\*, end with k1 (RS) Row C: \*k1, p1\*, end with p1 (Ws)
Pattern 1st half:
Continue with color A starting with the main pattern. The first 4 sts and the last 4 sts are worked in seed-stitch (see “border" row A+B) \*\*R1: p1, k1, p1, k1; k to last 4 sts; p1, k1, p1, k1 (RS) R2: k1, p1, k1, p1; p to last 4 sts; k1, p1, k1, p1 (wS) Change to color B R3: p1, k1, p1, k1; \* sl1wyB, sl1wyB, k20\* work 13 times more (= 14 reps in total); 6sts are left: sl1wyB, sl1wyB; R4: k1, p1, k1, p1; \* sl1wyF, sl1wyF, k20\* work 13 times more; 6sts are left: sl1wyF, sl1wyF; 5 times more (= 6 rep's or how often you want), ending with R2 color A (WS

p1, k1, p1, k1 (RS) k1,p1,k1,p1 (wS) R3: p1, k1, p1, k1; \* sl1wyB, sl1wyB, k20\* work 13 times more (= 14 reps in total); 6sts are left: sl1wyB, sl1wyB; p1, k1, p1, k1 (RS) R4: k1, p1, k1, p1; \*sl1wyF,sl1wyF,k20\*work13 times more; 6sts are left: sl1wyF, sl1wyF; k1, p1, k1, p1 (Ws) \*: Repeat this 4 rows 7 times more (= 8 rep's or how often you want), ending with R2 color A (Ws). Continue with color A. k to last 4 sts; p1,k1, p1,k1 (RS) p to last 4 sts; k1,p1,k1,p1 (WS) \*\*R1: p1, k1, p1, k1; R2:k1, p1, k1, p1; Change to color B R3:p1,k1, p1, k1; : k1, p1, k1, p1; \*sl1wyF,sl1wyF,k20\*work13 timesmore; 6sts are left: sl1wyF, sl1wyF; k1, p1, k1, p1 (Ws) \*\* she's craftstudio (Susanne C. Herceg)\*\*\* This pattern is the sole property of Susanne C. Herceg, and may be printed for personal, non-commercial use only. This pattern is not for free distribution. Any other use must be approved in writing by the author. v1.0March2011 Repeat this 4 rows 1 time more (= 2 rep's or how often you want), ending with R2 color A (WS)
Work with color A: Row A- C, ending with row C on Ws. In the next row BO loosely all sts in seed-stitch (p the k sts, and k the p sts). Weave in the ends and block slightly.
In the round you work with Rs only. 4 rows is 1 pattern repeat. Only 1 color is used in a round. Color change every 2nd row. SI2wyB: slip 2 knit stitches from left to the right hand needle as to be purled - with yarn in the BACK. I call the part between the slip-stitches "section" The differnce to working flat is: you don't have purl-rows, but in the rows where you do the slip-stitches you KNIT the sts between the sliped ones in the 1st row and in the 2nd you PURL them.

is a shaped cowl worked in the round top-down. Who want's to work with a cart, please download the chart with the pattern "unusual mix" There you have the instruction as below plus a colored cart for all color-pattern rows. You just have to work the border from the written instruction, than change to the cart and end up with the boarder from the written instruction again.
With color A and 3,5 mm needles CO 73 sts. Close in the round and place marker. Use number of stitches devided by 8 + 1 (because of the sead sts in the round). Purl 7rows Change to larger needle 4,0 mm Work in seed stitch for 6 rows -> Row A: \*k1, p1\*, end with K1 Row B: \*p1, k1\*, end with P1 Repeat these 2 rows 2 times more and knit the last 2 sts in the 6th row together = 72 sts. Continue with color A starting with the main pattern.

Move of the sections
Pattern (without increases):
R1 + R2: knit all stitches, Change to color B R3: \*sl2wyB, k6\* work 8 times more (= 9 reps in total) R4: \*sl2wyB, p6\* work 8 times more (= 9 reps in total). Repeat this 4 rows 2 times more (= 3 rep's or more if you like a higher neck), and rep. again R1+R2 with color A. Move1: Continue with the same color mix (A/B) and start the first move of the sections: R15: k3, \*sl2wyB, k6\* ending with k3 R16: p3, \*sl2wyB, p6\* ending with p3 R17 + R18: knit all stitches Repeat these 4 rows 2 times more (= 3 rep's), and rep. R15 + R16 in color B agair
Pattern (increases):
With color A start working increases. The increases will be done always in the 2"d knit-only row in the same height between the slip-stitches, so the increases are seen than in the next row in the colored purl-section to make it trapeze-shaped. she's craftstudio (Susanne C. Herceg)\*\*\* This pattern is the sole property of Susanne C. Herceg, and may be printed for personal, non-commercial use only. This pattern is not for free distribution. Any other use must be approved in writing by the author. v1.0March2011 Increase 1: R29:knit R30: k3, M1, \*k2, M1, k6, M1\* ending with k3, M1; change to color B = 72 sts + 18 sts (9 sections x 2 sts more per section) R31: k4, \*sl2wyB, k8\* ending with k4 R32: p4, \*sl2wyB, p8\* ending with p4 change to color A Increase 2: R33: knit R34: k4, M1, \*k2, M1, k8, M1\* ending with k4, change to color B = 90 sts + 18 sts R35: k5, \*sl2wyB, k10\* ending with k5 R36: p5, \*sl2wyB, p10\* ending with p5, change to color A R37+R38: knit change to color C R39: k5, \*sl2wyB, k10\* ending with k5 R40: p5, \*sl2wyB, p10\* ending with p5, change to color A R41+ R42: knit Move2: Continue with the same color mix (A/C) R43: \*sl2wyB, k10\* R44:\*sl2wyB,p10\* Increase3: R45:knit R46: \*k2, M1, k10, M1\*; change to color C = 108 sts + 18 sts R47: \*sl2wyB,k12\* R48: \*sl2wyB, p12\*, change to color A Increase4: R49:knit R50: \*k2, M1, k12, M1\*; change to color C = 126 sts + 18 sts R51: \*sl2wyB,k14\* R52: \*sl2wyB, p14\*, change to color A Increase5: R53:knit R54: \*k2, M1, k14, M1\*; change to color C = 144 sts + 18 sts R55: \*sl2wyB,k16\* R56: \*sl2wyB, p16\* change to color B she's craftstudio Increase6: R57: knit R58: \*k2, M1, k16, M1\* change to color C = 162 sts + 18 Split 1: Continue with the same color mix (B/C) and split the sections in 2 same-size sections (from 9 to 18 sections) R59: \*sl2wyB,k8\* R60: \*sl2wyB, p8\* change to color B Increase 7 - last one BUT doubled (because of 2 inc's per section = 18 sections): R62: \*k2, M1, k8, M1\* change to color C = 180 sts + 36 = 216 sts R63: \*sl2wyB, k10\* R64: \*sl2wyB, p10\* change to color B R65+R66: knit, change to color C R67: \*sl2wyB, k10\* R68: \*sl2wyB, p10\* change to color B Merger 1: Continue with the same color mix (B/C) and merge 2 small sections again into one big (from 18 to 9) R71: \*sl2wyB, k22\* R72: \*sl2wyB, p22\* change to color B R73+R74: knit, change to color A R75: \*sl2wyB, k22\* R76: \*sl2wyB, p22\* change to color B Repeat these 4 rows 3 times more (= 4 rep's), ending with R4. change to color C R89+R90: knit, change to color B Split 2: Continue with the same color mix (C/B) and split the sections again (from 9 to 18 sections) R91: \*sl2wyB, k10\* R92: \*sl2wyB, p10\*, change to color C R93+R94: knit, change to color B R95: \*sl2wyB, k10\* R96: \*sl2wyB, p10\*, change to color C R97+R98: knit, change to color A R99: \*sl2wyB, k10\* R100: \*sl2wyB, p10\*, change to color C she's craftstudio Merger2: Continue with the same color mix (C/A) and merge again (from 18 to 9) R101+R102: knit, change to color A R103:\*sl2wyB,k22\* R104: \*sl2wyB, p22\*, change to color C Repeat these 4 rows 2 times more (= 3 rep's), = 112rows R113 + R114: knit If you have color C left work R113 and R114 once again in color C and than change to boarder If not work R113+R114 in color A and change to boarder.
Lower Border:
Work in color A and smaller needles 3,5mm, k2tog at the beginning of the row once to have uneven number of sts again and work 12 rows in seed Sts. BO loosely, weave in all ends and block if necessary. For other sizes just add or leave some “sections" at the beginning or work more increasing rows inbetween. Be carefull with the increases when you have a lot of little “sections" - it could become to big very quick!