Inspired by Patrick Kavanagh's Poem: Raglan Road Stole Knitting Pattern with Intricate Lace Design and Beaded Accents

Raglan Road

Pattern illustration

by E.A. Kelley "On Raglan Road, on an autumn day, I saw her first and knew, that her dark hair, would weave a snare, that I might one day rue.." Patrick Kavanagh Those words were penned by Patrick Kavanagh in the beautiful poem Raglan Road. Later set to traditional music, it has been repeatedly sung by many a different Irish balladeer. And that is where I first heard the lyrical notes of Raglan Road and fell in love with the idea put forth in the poem. It describes a young man becoming entranced by an elegant young lass traveling down Raglan Road. This all put me in the mind to create a stole, that might be a beautiful entanglement similar to that young lass. With an intertwining lace design and a long length I hope this stole entangles your heart as it has mine. Photo credit [model: E.A. Kelley/photographer: S. Benesch] SIZE one


Width: 23 inches Length: 49 inches Note: Measurements taken after blocking.


Lana Grossa, Klimatika [50% Cotton/50% Wool; 163 yd/149m per 50g skein]; color: 220; 4 skeins 1 set(s) US #4/3.5mm straight needles Darning needle Approx. 335 5mm white pearl beads GAUGE 24 sts/28 rows $=$ 4" in stockinette stitch


Wing 1

Thread 335 beads onto yarn and CO 97 stes. Work in garter stitch until piece measures 2 inches, placing one bead in every first of row st. R1: K1, placing a bead in first st, kfb, knit to last 3 stes, k2tog, K1. R2: Placing a bead in first st, knit even R3-20: rep rows 1 & 2

Pattern illustration

Lace panel

Starting with a knit row, $\mathrm{^{*}K3}$ , work in St st, $\mathrm{K}3^{*}$ rep for 3 rows, placing one bead in every first of row st. R1: K3, placing a bead in first st, purl even to last 3 stes, K3. R2: K3, placing a bead in first st, SSK 2 times, \*(YO, K1) rep 3 times, YO, k2tog,sl st, k2tog, psso, $\mathrm{SSK^{*}}$ Rep until 10 stes remain, (YO, K1) rep 3 times, YO, k2tog 2 times, K3 R3: Rep row 1 for this and all other odd rows. R4: K3, placing a bead in first st, SSK, $\mathrm{^{*}K3}$ , YO, K1, YO, K3,sl st, k2tog, psso\* Rep until 12 stes remain, K3, YO, K1, YO, K3, k2tog, K3 R6: K3, placing a bead in first st, SSK, \*K2, YO, K3, YO, K2,sl st, k2tog, psso\* Rep until 12 stes remain, K2, YO, K3, YO, K2, k2tog, K3 R8: K3, placing a bead in first st, SSK, $\bf{\ddot{\tau}}\bf{K}\bf{1}$ , YO, K5, YO, K1,sl st, k2tog, psso\* Rep until 12 stes remain, K1, YO, K5, YO, K1, k2tog, K3 R10: K3, placing a bead in first st, SSK, $\mathrm{\bf*}\mathrm{\bfY}0$ , K1, YO, SSK, K1, k2tog, YO, K1, YO, Slip 1st, k2tog, psso\* Rep until 12 stes remain, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K1, k2tog, YO, K1, YO, k2tog, K3 R12: K3, placing a bead in first st, SSK, \*YO, K2, YO,sl st, k2tog, psso\* Rep until 7 stes remain, YO, K2, YO, k2tog, K3 R14: K3, placing a bead in first st, K1, \*YO, K3,sl st, k2tog, psso, K3, YO, K1\* rep until 3 stes remain, K3 R16: K3, placing a bead in first st, K1, \*YO, K1, YO, k2tog,sl st, k2tog, psso, SSK (YO, K1) rep 2 times\* rep until 3 stes remain, K3 R18: Rep Row 14 R20: K3, placing a bead in first st, K2, \*YO, K2,sl st, k2tog, psso, K2, YO, $\mathrm{K}3^{*}$ rep until 12 stes remain, YO, K2,sl st, k2tog, psso, K2, YO, K5 R22: K3, placing a bead in first st, K3, \*YO, K1,sl st, k2tog, psso, K1, YO, $\mathrm{K}5^{\ast}$ rep until 11 stes remain, YO, K1,sl st, k2tog, psso, K1, YO, K6 R24: K3, placing a bead in first st, K1, \*k2tog, YO, K1, YO,sl st, k2tog, psso, YO, K1, YO, SSK, $\mathbf{K1^{*}}$ rep until 3 stes remain, K3 R26: Rep row 12 R28: Rep row 4 Rep rows 1-28 9 times Starting with a purl row, $\mathrm{^{\ast}K3}$ , work in St st, $\mathrm{K}3^{*}$ rep for 3 rows, placing one bead in every first of row st.

Wing 2

Placing a bead in first st knit one row even. R1: Placing a bead in first st, knit even. R2: K1, placing a bead in first st, k2tog, knit to last 2 stes, kfb, K1 R3-20: rep rows 1 & 2 Work in garter st until piece measures 2 inches, placing one bead in every first of row st and Bo.


Weave in ends and Block to 49 inch length and 23 inch width

Pattern illustration

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