Knitted Garden Slug Costume Variations: A Cheezombie Design Pattern Collection for Santa, Vampire, Super, Groucho, and Pilgrim Slugs


or Garden Slug: Variations on a Theme a cheezombie design Glossary I-cordknit every row without turning Kknit K2tog knit 2 stitches together Kfb knit in front & back loops of stitch Knitted cast on LLI Left Lifted Increase: using the left needle, pick up loop from stitch 2 rows below the last stitch on the right needle & knit through the back loop Note: The Lll increase was chosen because it is fairly invisible and doesn't leave gaps or holes. Other increases (like KFB) can be substituted, but they may alter stitch counts. Rep repeat entire line around to the end of the round Ssk slip slip knit: slip 1st stitch knitwise, slip next stitch knitwise, knit both slipped stitches together St stitch

Pattern Notes

-These costume directions are meant to be more of a recipe than a line by line pattern, so they are easily adapted to your individual slug. -The list of variations will be updated as they become available. -Changing colors is easily accomplished simply breaking the old & tying on the new. The knot will be hidden inside the body.

Pattern illustration

Santa Slug

Materials: a few yards of white eyelash novelty yarn, a small amount of red the same weight as the body yarn. Suit: Work the pattern to Round 21. Work a few rounds with novelty yarn, then change to red. Work with red to Round 33. Change back to body color & finish as normal. Beard: After sewing on the lips, pick up about 10 st across the bottom of the lips with novelty yarn. Knit one row. The next row, knit to the last two st, k2tog. Repeat until there are two st. K2tog last two st, cut yarn & draw through last st, weave in end. Hat: With novelty yarn, cast on 14 st & join into a round. Knit two rounds. Change to red. Knit 3 rounds. Next round, ssk, k5 rep (12 st). Next round, ssk k4 rep (10 st). continue in this manner until 4 st are left. Next round, ssk rep (2 st). Change to novelty yarn. Kfb in each st (4st). Knit one round. Next round ssk rep (2 st). Cut yarn & draw through remaining sts, weave in end.

Pattern illustration

Vampire Slug

Materials: black yarn for body color, bright red for lips, & a tiny bit of extra white for fangs. Work pattern as written, using the colors recommended. Make fangs by embroidering two French knots.

Pattern illustration

Super Slug

Materials: contrasting color yarn for suit & cape & scraps of embroidery thread. Suit: Work pattern normally to Round 21. Change to contrasting color. Work to Round 33. Change back to body color & finish as normal. Embroider a super symbol on the chest. Cape: With contrasting color, pick up & knit about 12 st across the back of the slug. Work stockinette st (alternate knit & purl rows) until the cape is about as long as desired. Work 3 rows of garter st (knit each row). Bind off & weave in end.

Pattern illustration

Groucho Slug

Materials: scraps of light brown, dark brown, & orange yarn Eyebrows & Mustache: With dark brown, cast on 4 or 5 st onto a double pointed needle. Work I-cord until the eyebrow or mustache is as long as you want it. Bind off. Sew above eyeballs &mouth. Cigar: With light brown, cast on 3 st. Work about 4 rounds of I-cord. Change to orange. Work one more round. Bind off. Sew between lips.

Pattern illustration

Pilgrim Slug

Materials: brown, black, & scraps of white yarn Pilgrim Suit: Work the pattern to Round 21. Change to brown yarn & work to Round 30. Change to black for Round 31. Change back to brown & work a few more rounds, then change back to body color & work as normal. Embroider the buckle with 4 stitches in a square. Hat: with brown, cast on 6 st. Round 1 knit Round 2 k1 LLl rep (12 st) Round 3 knit Round 4 purl Rounds 5-12 knit Change to black. Rounds 13-14 knit Change to brown. Round 15 k1 Ll rep (24 st) Round 16 knit Bind off & weave in ends. Embroider the buckle with 4 stitches in a square. \*\*COPYRIGHT NOTICE\*\* Text & photos are protected by international copyright laws & are intended for personal use only. Other uses are strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. @ Kahra Graebner 2011 Visit for more fun googley eyed knitting patterns Questions? Comments? Ideas? Find cheezombie on Ravelry, Twitter, & Flickr too!

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