Harvesting Video Tape
Supplies needed: VHS video cassette, Phillips head screwdriver, craft knife, permanent marker, scissors

1. Take the video cassette out of any case—paper or plastic— it might be in.

2. If possible, or necessary, rewind the tape so that all of the tape is on onespool.

3. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove all 5 screws. (See Note below for exceptions to the normal cassette.) 4. Open the cassette. If your cassette has a label or stickers holding it closed you will need to slice through these with a knife.

5. Remove the spool full of tape. Cut it free from the empty tape, preferably above the clear leader area. 6. If you care to, label the spool with the title of the cassette for future reference.

Give the empty cassette to an area recycler who will dispose of it responsibly, if you have one. Otherwise you can ship them to greendisk.com. Note: Sometimes you'll get a ornery case where the center screw is a 3-slot screw or is made from welded plastic. If this is your case, remove all the screws you can and jimmy the case open on the side with the full spool. Remove this spool by pulling it out from the side and cutting the tapefree.