Just the Basics
Underwear for American Girl 18 inch Dolls and 16 inch Sasha Dolls

Just the Basics - American Girl Undershirt
Yarn #3, light worsted, 22-24 st/ 4in Needles 4 mm, US 6
Cast on 28 st. Rows 1-6 Knit in K1P1 ribbing. Rows 7-20 Knit in stockinette pattern. Knit 1 row. Purl 1 row. Row 21 Cast off 4 st at beginning of row. 24 st Row 22 Cast off 4 st at beginning of row. 20 st Rows 23-26 Knit in stockinette stitch. Row 27 Knit 6 st. Cast off 8 st. Knit 6 st. (12 st in 2 sets of 6 for shoulders Working on the 1st set of 6 shoulder stitches: Row 28 Purl first set of 6 stitches. Turn. Row 29 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row30 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 31 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 32 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 33 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 34 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row35 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 36 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 37 Cast off 6 stitches. Next shoulder. Second set of 6 stitches: Join yarn at neck edge. Repeat Rows 28 - 37 on these 6 stitches.

Cast on 28 stitches. Repeat Rows 1 - 32 for both shoulders. Then continue with Rows 33 to 37 to make buttonholes. Row 33 Knit 2. Yarn over. Knit 2 together. Knit 2. Turn. Row 34 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 35 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 36 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 37 Cast off 6 stitches. Sew up side seams and then sew on buttons.

This pattern was designed as an undershirt for 18 inch dolls. It would also be great as a top for a two piece bathing suit.
Just the Basics - American Girl Panties
Yarn #3, DK, Light worsted, 22-24st/4in Needles 4 mm, 6 US Cast on 48 stitches for the body of the panties. Rows 1-6 Knit in Knit 1 Purl 1 ribbing. Rows 7-16 Knit in stockinette stitch of Knit 1 row. Purl 1 row. Row 17 Knit. Row 18 Cast off 6 st in purl. Purl 12. Cast off 12 stitches in Purl. Purl 18. Row 19 Cast off 6 stitches. Knit 12 stitches.Turn.
Back Panel:
Row 20 Purl 12 stitches. Turn. Row 21 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 22 Purl 12 stitches.Turn. Row 23 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 24 Purl 2 together. Purl 8. Purl 2 together. Turn.10st. Row 25 Knit 2 together. Knit 6. Knit 2 together. Turn. 8st. Row 26 Purl 2 together. Purl 4. Purl 2 together. Turn. 6st. Row 27 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 28 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 29. Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 30 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 31 Cast off 6 stitches.

Front Panel:
Join yarn to other section of live stitches on needle so that you wilstart with a knit row. Row 19 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 20 Purl 12 stitches. Turn. Row 21 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 22 Purl 12 stitches. Turn. Row 23 Knit 2 together. Knit 8. Knit 2 together. 10st. Row 24 Purl 2 together. Purl 6. Purl 2 together. 8st. Row 25 Knit 2 together. Knit 4. Knit 2 together. 6st. Row 26 Purl 6 stitches. Row 27 Knit 6 stitches. Row 28 Purl 6 stitches. Row 29 Cast off 6 stitches. Sew together side seam and crotch seam.

This pattern was designed as panties for 18 inch dolls but could easily be used as a bathing suit bottom.
Just the Basics - Sasha Undershirt
Yarn #3, light worsted, 22-24 st Needles 3.25 mm, US 3
Cast on 28 st. Rows 1-6 Knit in K1P1 ribbing. Rows 7-20 Knit in stockinette pattern. K1 row. P 1 row. Row 21 Cast off 4 st at beginning of row. 24 st Row 22 Cast off 4 st at beginning of row. 20 st Rows 23-26 Knit in stockinette stitch. Row 27 Knit 6 st. Cast off 8 st. Knit 6 st. (12 st in 2 sets of Working on the 1st set of 6 shoulder stitches:

Row 28 Purl first set of 6 stitches. Turn. Row29 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 30 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 31 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 32 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row33 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 34 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row35 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 36 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 37 Cast off 6 stitches. Next shoulder. Second set of 6 stitches: Join yarn at neck edge. Repeat Rows 28 - 37 on these 6 stitches.
Cast on 28 stitches. Repeat Rows 1 - 32 for both shoulders. Then continue with Rows 33 to 37 to make buttonholes. Row 33 Knit 2. Yarn over. Knit 2 together. Knit 2. Turn. Row 34 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row35 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 36 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 37 Cast off 6 stitches. This pattern is the same as the pattern Just the Basics American Girl Undershirt except for the change in needle size. Although it was designed as underwear for the 16 inch Sasha dolls, it could very easily be knitted as a top for a two piece bathing suit. Enjoy. Janet Longaphie

Just the Basics - Sasha Panties
Yarn #3, DK, Light worsted, 22-24st/4in Needles 3.25mm, 3 US

Cast on 48 stitches. Rows 1-6 Knit in Knit 1 Purl 1 ribbing. Rows 7-16 Knit in stockinette stitch of Knit 1 row. Purl 1 row. Row 17 Knit Row 18 Cast off 6 st in purl. Purl 12. Cast off 12 stitches in Purl. Purl 18. Row 19 Cast off 6 stitches. Knit 12 stitches.Turn.
Back Panel:
Row 20 Purl 12 stitches. Turn. Row 21 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 22 Purl 12 stitches.Turn. Row 23 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 24 Purl 2 together. Purl 8. Purl 2 together. Turn.10st. Row 25 Knit 2 together. Knit 6. Knit 2 together. Turn. 8st. Row26 Purl 2 together. Purl 4. Purl 2 together. Turn. 6st. Row 27 Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row28 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 29. Knit 6 stitches. Turn. Row 30 Purl 6 stitches. Turn. Row 31 Cast off 6 stitches.
Front Panel:

Join yarn to other section of live stitches on needle so that you will start with a knit row. Row 19 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 20 Purl 12 stitches. Turn. Row 21 Knit 12 stitches. Turn. Row 22 Purl 12 stitches. Turn. Row 23 Knit 2 together. Knit 8. Knit 2 together. 10st. Row 24 Purl 2 together. Purl 6. Purl 2 together. 8st. Row 25 Knit 2 together. Knit 4. Knit 2 together. 6st. Row 26 Purl 6 stitches. Row 27 Knit 6 stitches. Row 28 Purl 6 stitches. Row29 Cast off 6 stitches. Sew together side seam and crotch seam.

This pattern is the same as the Just the Basics - American Girl Panties except for the needle size. The pattern can also be used as the bottom for a two piece bathing suit. Enjoy. Janet Longaphie