Knitted E-reader Sleeve Pattern: Protego! by Elena Welsch (Worsted Weight Yarn, 3mm Needles, Dense Fabric Design)


An e-reader sleeve.

Pattern illustration

E-readers want to be protected when not in use. This pattern creates a dense and thick fabric for your favourite gadget. So you can carry it safely in your knitting bag, without fear of scratching the screen or battering the casing. This sleeve will be knitted in the round, from the top (ribbing) down (bottom seam). This pattern includes written and charted instructions. 2012 | Elena.Welsch | Il for personal use only Il v2.o | o8 April 2012


Yarn. 5og (ca. 9om) of worsted weight yarn Needle. dpns or circulars, 3mm or size to create dense fabric or fabric you like Gauge. 2ists/ 1ocm or Gauge you like I used. Yarn. less than 5og of an unknown wool-silk-ramie mix of about worsted weight Needle. 3mm needles My Protego! Sleeve's dimensions. 13.5cm x 18cm Gauge. 2ists/ 1ocm Instructions. CO 64 sts (or any amount multiple of 4) Rnds 1-9. \*K2 p2\* Begin pattern' (multiple of 4). Rnd 1o. \*kl, Sl 3 with yarn in front (wyf)\* Rnd il. k around to last st of rnd, sl 1 wyf Rnd 12. sl 2 wyf, \*knit strand from two rnds below tog with next st, sl 3 wyf\* to last st of rnd, ki Rnd 13. k around Rnd 14. \*knit strand from two rnds below tog with next st, sl 3 wyf\* Repeat rnds 1-14 until piece measures 18cm or desired length, ending with rnd 1l or 13. If ending with rnd 1l. k last st of rnd 11 Next rnd. k2, \*knit strand from two rnds below tog with next st, k3\* to last st of rnd, ki Next rnd. bind off in 3-needle-bind-off or kitchener st, or bind off reqularly and sew closed. If ending with rnd 13. Next rnd. \*knit strand from two rnds below tog with next st, k3\* Next rnd. bind off in 3-needle-bind-off or kitchener st, or bind off reqularly and sew closed.


At the end of rnd last st wyf At the end of rnd 12. k last st (instead of sli wyf)

Pattern illustration

k1 ↑3 Slip 3 with yarn in front ←2 Slip 2 with yarn in front ↑1 Slip 1 with yarn in front nknit strand from two rnds below tog with next st

Pattern illustration

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