Sherlock Socks Knitting Pattern: Mid-Calf, Fitted, Cable-Twist Design with Adjustable Foot Size and Detailed Shaping Instructions

: sherlock socks ::

An easy, mid-calf, fitted sock, knitted top-down in the round on double pointed needles, with simple cable-like twists on either side of the leg; each foot is shaped towards the big toe and fitted under the instep.

Pattern illustration

FOOT SIZE :: adjustable, see pattern for details SOCK HEIGHT :: (base of foot to top of cuff) :: 12 inches /30 cms SUGGESTED YARN : 2 x 1.76 ounce/50 gram skeins of Noro Yuzen (DK/8 ply, 56% Wool, 34% Silk, 10% Mohair) total yardage : 240 yards /220 metres NEEDLES : one set of size US 3/3.25 mm double pointed needles, one set of size US 4/3.5 mm double pointed needles TENSION/GAUGE : 21 sts to 4"/10 cms using size US 4/3.5 mm needles (or size needed to obtain correct tension) in stocking stitch


tw1f : knit into front of second st, then k first st; sl both sts off needle tog tw1b :: knit into back of first st, then k first st; sl both sts off needle tog k2tog-b :: place needle in back of next 2 sts and knit tog m1f :: knit into front then back of next st m1b : knit into back then front of next st.


cast on 46 sts with US 4/3.5mm needles, divide these sts onto three US 3/3.25 mm needles (15, 16, 15) being careful not to twist and knit 20 rounds in k1, p1 rib; Change to US 4/3.5mm needles and place marker to denote beg of round round 1 : k17, p1, k4, pl, k17, p1, k4, pl; round 2 and 3 : rep this first round two more times; round 4 : k17, pl, twlf, twlb, p1, k17, pl, twlf, tw1b, pl; rep these four rounds 13 more times; rep round 1 again;


next round :: k17, p1, k2 all onto one needle and hold at back of work for instep; k2, p1, k17, p1, k2; put rem 3 sts onto end of the needle held at back of work (23 sts), turn; now work sts on the two needles at front of work; row 1 :: p2, k1, p17, kl, p2 turn; row 2 :: tw1b, p1, k1, p1, twlf, turn; row 3 : p2, kl, p17, kl, p2, turn; row 4 :: k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, turn; rep rows 1 to 4 three more times; row 17 :: p14, p2tog, turn; row 18 :: k7, k2tog-b turn; row 19 : p7, p2tog, turn ; rep rows 18 and 19 until 8 sts remain on needle, break yarn; next row (rs) : rejoin yarn at top of right hand heel flap, pick up and k8 sts along right hand side of heel flap and k8 on needle then with a new needle, pick up and k8 sts along left hand side of heel flap; place marker to denote start of next round (47 sts);


[note :: to adjust the length of the foot : knit instep, then rep rows 24 to 27 until work measures 11/2 inches/4 cms less than desired foot length} knitting all 47 sts in the round : round 1 (rs) : k2, pl, k17, p1, k2, p1, k22, pl; round 2 :: as round 1; round 3 :: tw1b, p1, k17, pl, tw1f, p1, k22, pl; round 4 : rep round 1; round 5 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k2tog-b, k18, p2tog; round 6 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k20, pl; round 7: tw1b, pl, k17, p1, k2, pl, tw1f, p1, k20, pl; round 8 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k20, pl; round 9 :: k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k2tog-b, k16, k2tog, pl; round 10 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k18, pl; round 11 : tw1b, pl, k17, p1, tw1f, p1, k18, pl; round 12 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, pl, k18, pl; round 13 and 14 : as round 12; round 15 : twlb, p1, k17, pl, tw1f, p1, k18, pl; round 16 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, pl, k18, pl; round 17 :: k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, m1b, k16, m1f, pl; round 18 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k20, pl; round 19 : tw1b, p1, k17, p1, tw1f, p1, k20, pl; round 20 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k20, pl; round 21 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, pl, m1b, k18, m1f, pl; round 22 : k2, p1, k17, p1, k2, p1, k22, pl; round 23 : tw1b, p1, k17, pl, tw1f, p1, k22, pl; round 24, 25 and 26 :: as round 22; round 27 :: as round 23; rep rounds 24 to 27 until foot measures 1/2 inches/4cms less than your foot length then proceed with shaping toe as follows;


place marker to denote beginning of next round; LEFT FOOT :: round 1 :: k2, p2, k14, k2tog, k1, p1, k2, p1, k2tog-b, k18, pl; round 2 : k2, p1, k16, p1, k2, p1, k21, pl; round 3 :: k2, p1, k13, k2tog, k1, p1, k2, p1, k2, k2tog-b, k17, pl; round 4 : tw1b, p1, k15, p1, tw1f, p1, k20, pl; round 5 : k2, pl, k12, k2tog, kl, p1, k2, plm k2, k2tog-b, k16, pl; round 6 : k2, p1, k14, p1, k2, p1, k19, pl; round 7 : k2, pl; k11; k2tog, k1, p1, k2, pl; k2; k2tog-b, k15, pl; round 8 : tw1b, p1, k13, p1, twlr, p1, k18, pl; round 9 : k2, p1, k10, k2tog, k1, p1, k2, p1, k2, k2tog-b, k14, pl; round 10 : k2,p1, k9, k2tog, k1, p1, k2, p1, k2, k2tog-b, k13, pl; round 11 :: k2tog-b, p1, k8, k2tog, k1, p1, k2tog, p1, k2, k2tog-b, k12, p1; round 12 :: k2tog-b, k10, k2tog, k2tog, k10, k2tog, k1, k2tog-b; round 13 : k13; divide sts evenly onto two needles (13 sts on each needle) and bind off thus with both needles sitting next to each other in the left hand, insert the tip of third needle into the first st of front needle, then into the first st of back needle, knit the two sts tog and slip off 1.h. needle; \*rep; pass the first st on r.h. needle over the second st on r.h. needle; rep from \* until all sts have been bound off.


round 1 : k2, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k14, p1, k2, p1, k18, k2tog, k2, pl; round 2 : k2, p1, k16, p1, k2, p1, k21, pl; round 3 : k2, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k13, p1, k2, p1, k17, k2tog, k2, pl; round 4 : tw1b, p1, k15, p1, tw1f, p1, k20, pl; round 5 : k2, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k12, p1, k2, p1, k16, k2tog, k2, pl; round 6 : k2, p1, k14, p1, k2, p1, k19, pl; round 7 :: k2, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k11, p1, k2, p1, k15, k2tog, k2, pl; round 8 : tw1b, p1, k13, p1, tw1f, p1, k18, pl; round 9 :: k2, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k10, p1, k2, p1, k14, k2tog, k2, pl; round 10 : k2, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k9, p1, k2, p1, k13, k2tog, k2, pl; round 11 :: k2tog-b, p1, k1, k2tog-b, k8, p1, k2tog, p1, k12, k2tog, k2, p1; round 12 :: 12tog-b, k10, k2tog, k2tog, k10, k2tog, k1, k2tog-b; round 13 :: knit 13; divide sts evenly onto two needles (13 sts on each needle) and bind off in the same way as left foot; Sew in all yarn ends, block or press carefully.

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