Knit Your Way to Happiness: A Detailed Guide to Creating a Happy Dopamine Molecule

Happy Dopamine

Pattern illustration


Leftover fingering 4ply Sockyarn: \~ 6g/250m grey/anthracite, for carbon, \~ 2g/85m red, for oxygen, \~ 1g/42m blue, for nitrogen, \~ 7g/ 295m white, for hydrogen, ~ 15g fiberfill. To be happy in this world, sometimes some fundamental assistance is needed. When a friend was feeling bad i decided to cheer her up with some happy-neuro-transmitter. I knitted her some dopamine. So this pattern was written for a cute dopamine-molecule to hug and be happy.


doublepins 2mm (or fitting to yarn) (circular needle should also work) scissors, tapestry needle not really needed, more important is a tight knit, that the filling is not showing I got a molecule about 15 cm x 10 cm To Do: The dopamine molecule consist of the hexagonal C6 carbon ring, where the other halfsphere atoms are added. We need: bon atoms, 2 oxygen atoms and 1 nitrogen atom, and 11 smaller hydrogen atom:

Pattern illustration

I got the basic idea to do C6 ring from the 'Hexagon' Pattern from Jen Reilly on sageyarn. I replaced the yarnovers to minimize holes. I used following 4 types of increases: 'm1': means here to knit one from the row below (right-leaning), cause i'm used to do those, but you can'm1r' or'mil' as well. '(k1, yo, ki) in one st': making 3 stitches out of one. You knit 1 st without droping it of the left needle, make a yarnover and knit the stitch again from the backloop. It's a variation of knit front and back with an extra yarnover. 'm1l' u.'m1r': mainly used are left- and right-leaning increases from picking up the strand of yarn that runs between the stitch you just knit and the next stitch like shown in this video.


co 6, join the round (placed on 3 dps) row 01: k6 (knit one row) row 02: \*k1 m1\* 6x (one row) ->12 st row 03: \*k1, (k1, yo, k1) in one st\* 6x -> 24 st row 04-05: k24 row 06: \*k2, m1r, k1, m1l,k1\* 6x -> 36 st row 07-08: k36 row 09: \*k3, m1r, k1, m1l, k2\* 6x -> 48 st row 10-11: k48 row 12: \*k4, m1r, k1, m1l, k3\* 6x -> 60 st row 13-14: k60 row 15: \*k5, m1r, k1, m1l, k4\* 6x -> 72 st row 16-17: k72 Now the decrease rounds begin: 'k3togc': means to knit together 3 stitches that the middle stitch is centered on top. To do so the next 2 stitches are sliped together as to knit. The third stitch is knitted, the two slipped stitches are lifted over the just kitted (3rd) stitch with the left needle row 18-19: k72 row 20: \*k5, k3togc, k4\* 6x -> 60 st row 21-22: k60 row 23: \*k4, k3togc, k3\* 6x -> 48 st row 24-25: k48 row 26: \*k3, k3togc, k2\* 6x -> 36 st row 27-28: k36, row 29: \*k2, k3togc, k1\* 6x ->24 st row 30-31: k24, row 32: \*k1, k3togc\* 6x -> 12 st row 33-34 k12 row 35 \*k2tog\* 6x -> 6st Cut the yarn and pull through the last 6 stitches with a tapestry needle. Pull the thread through the center to sew front and back together that there is a litle hollow (?) Oxygen-, carbon-, nitrogen atoms: co 28 (leave the thread long enough to use it for sewing together the molecule together), joint the round (placed on 4 dps) row 01: k28 row 02: \*k3, m1, k4\* 4x -> 32 st row 03-05: k32 row 06: \*k3, k2tog, k3\* 4x ->28 st row 07: k28 row 08: \*k2, k2tog, k3\* 4x ->24 st row 09: \*k1, k2tog, k3\* 4x ->20 st row 10: \*k2tog, k1, k2tog\* 4x ->12 st row 11: \*k1, k2tog\* 4x ->8 st Cut the yarn and pull through the last 8 stitches with a tapestry needle. We need 2 carbon (grey/anthracite), 2 oxygen (red), 1 nitrogen (blue) Hydrogen: co24 (leave the thread long enough to use it for sewing together the molecule), joint the round (placed on 4 dps), row 01-03: k24 row 04: \*k2, k2tog, k2\* 4x -> 20 st row 05: k20 row 06: \*k1, k2tog, k2\* 4x -> 16 st row 07: \*k2tog, k2tog\* 4x-> 8st Cut the yarn and pull through the last 8 stitches with a tapestry needle We need 11 hydrogen atoms. Stuff the Atoms with filling and sew them together to build the molecule, ready! Happy Dopamine.

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