Knitting Pattern for Monstrik the Alien Toy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Cuddly, Green, One-of-a-Kind Friend

Monstrik the Alien

Pattern illustration


Monstrik the Alien

Materials you will need:

Acrylic worsted weight yarn in green, white, yellow, light blue and black Knitting needles - US size 2 (for the eye, eye lid and teeth) and US size 4 for the rest mattress needle, sewing needle (for making removable stitches) and a dark colored thread polyester or cotton for stuffing Crochet hook - 5 steel or B-1


$k=k\mathsf{n i t}$ , $p={\mathsf{p u r l}}$ , $\mathsf{m}1=$ make1, k2tog $=$ knit two stitches together, $\mathsf{K3t o g=}$ knit three stitches together

Size of the toy

The toy measures around 17 inches in length (including the legs). The size depends on the weight of the yarn and the knitting needles you are using. It also depends on how tightly you are knitting. HEAD (make 1 piece) Cast on 12 stitches with green yarn Row 1 $\mathsf{L}\;(\mathsf{k}\mathsf{1},\mathsf{m}\mathsf{1})\times\mathsf{1}\mathsf{1}$ times, k1 $^{=23}$ stitches Row 2 purl the whole row Row 3 $({\bf k}2,{\bf m}1)\times11$ times, k1 $=34$ stitches Row 4 purl the whole row Row 5 k1, m1, $(\mathsf{k}2,\mathsf{m}1)\mathsf{x}\,!$ 16 times, $\mathsf{k}\mathsf{1}=5\mathsf{1}$ stitches Row 6 purl the whole row Row 7 k1, m1, $({\mathsf{k}}3,{\mathsf{m}}1){\mathsf{x}}16$ stitches, $k2=68$ stitches Row8-Row40stockinette stitch - i.e. starting with Row 8, purl one row and knit the other, finishing with purl row Row 41 k2tog x 34 times $=34$ stitches Row 42 purl the whole row Row 43 k2tog x 17 times $=17$ stitches Row 44 purl the whole row Row 45 k1, k2togx8 times ${}=9$ stitches Row 46 slip eight stitches over the first stitch one by one: insert the knitting needle into the second stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Now insert the knitting needle into the third stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Work the same way through $9^{\mathrm{th}}$ stitch and slip it over the first stitch as well. Now you should have only one (the first) stitch on your needle. Remove the stitch from the needle, cut the yarn about 2 inches from the stitch, put the yarn through the stitch and pull it tightly. Tie a knot. This will be the top side of the head.


Cast on 2 stitches with white yarn (using the US size 2 knitting needles) Row 1 k1, m1, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}=\mathsf{3}$ stitches Row 2 purl the whole row Row3 $({\bf k}1,{\bf m}1)\times2$ times, $\lvert\boldsymbol{\chi}\rvert=$ 5 stitches Row 4 purl the whole row Row5 $({\mathsf{k}}1,{\mathsf{m}}1)\times4$ times, $\mathsf{k}1=$ 9 stitches Row 6 - Row 18 stockinette stitch: starting with row 6, purl one row and knit the other, finishing with purl row

Row 19 k2togx 4 times, $\mathsf{k}1=$ 5 stitches

Row 20 slip all four stitches over the first stitch one by one: insert the knitting needle into the second stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Now insert the knitting needle into the third stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Work the same way through $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ stitch and slip it over the first stitch as well. Now you should have only one (the first) stitch on your needle. Remove the stitch from the needle, cut the yarn about 2 inches from the stitch, put the yarn through the stitch and pull it tightly. Tie a knot. This will be bottom side of the eye.


Cast on 10 stitches with green yarn (using US size 2 knitting needles) Row 1 - Row 8 stockinette stitch: starting with row 1, knit one row and purl the other, finishing with purl row. Row 9 k2tog x 5 times $=$ stitches Row 10 slip all four stitches over the first stitch one by one: insert the knitting needle into the second stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Now insert the knitting needle into the third stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Work the same way through $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ stitch and slip it over the first stitch as well. Now you should have only one (the first) stitch on your needle. Remove the stitch from the needle, cut the yarn about 2 inches from the stitch, put the yarn through the stitch and pull it tightly. TEETH (make 2 pieces) Cast on 4 stitches with white yarn (using US size 2 knitting needles) Row 1 - Row 15 stockinette stitch: starting with row 1, knit one row and purl the other, finishing with knit row Row 16 Cast off

EARS (make 2 pieces)

Cast on 9 stitches with white yarn Row 1 - Row 6 stockinette stitch: starting with row 1, knit one row and purl the other, finishing with purl row Row 7 k2tog, k5, k2tog = 7 stitches Row 8 purl the whole row Row 9 k2tog, k3, k2tog = 5 stitches Row 10 purl the whole row Row 11 k2tog, k1, k2tog $=3$ stitches Row 12 purl the whole row Row 13 knit the whole row Row 14 purl the whole row Row 15 k1, m1, k1, m1, $\mathsf{k}1=$ 5 stitches Row 16 purl the whole row Row 17 k1, m1, k3, m1, k1 = 7 stitches Row 18 purl the whole row Row 19 k1, m1, k5, m1, $\mathsf{k}1=$ 9 stitches Row 20 - Row 23 stockinette stitch: starting with row 20, purl one row and knit the other, finishing with knit row Row 24 cast off

ARMS (make 2 pieces)

Cast on 12 stitches with greenyarn Row 1- Row56 stockinette stitch: starting with row 1, knit one row and purl the other, finishing with purl row. Row 57 cast off. HANDS (make 2 pieces) Cast on 12 stitches with white yarn Row 1 knit the whole row Row 2 purl the whole row Row 3 Now let's divide the 12 stitches into three parts. Firstly, work only on the first four stitches (we will come back to the remaining 8 stitches later on): $(\mathsf{k}1,\mathsf{m}1)\mathsf{x}3$ times, $k1=\;7$ stitches Row 4 - Row 16 stockinette stitch: starting with row 4, purl one row and purl the other, finishing with purl row. Row 17 k2tog x 3 times, $\mathsf{k}1=$ 4 stitches Row 18 Slip all of the 3 stitches over the first stitch one by one: insert the knitting needle into the second stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Now insert the knitting needle into the third stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Insert the knitting needle into the fourth stitch and slip it over the first stitch. Now you should have only one (the first) stitch on your needle. Remove the stitch from the needle, cut the yarn about 2 inches from the stitch, put the yarn through the stitch and pull it tightly. Let's go back to the remaining 8 stitches that we left off at Row 3. Now let's work on the 4 stitches only to knit the thumb. We will come back to the remaining 4 stitches later: rejoin the yarn Row 3 k1, m1, k2, m1, ${\sf k1}=6$ stitches Row 4 - Row 10 stockinette stitch: starting with row 4, purl one row and knit the other, finishing with purl row Row 11 k2togx 3 times $=3$ stitches Row 12 k3tog and cast off. Now, let's go back to the remaining four stitches. Rejoin the yarn and work the same way from Row 3 through Row 18 the same way we did for the first four stitches. LEGS (make 2 pieces) Cast on 12 stitches with green yarn Row 1 - Row 76 Stockinette stitch: starting with row 1, knit one row and purl the other, finishing with purl row Row 77 cast off Cast on 12 stitches with white yarn Row 1 - Row 6 stockinette stitch: starting with row 1, knit one row and purl the other, finishing with purl row Row 7 k1, (k1, m1) x4 times, k$2,\,(\mathsf{m}1,\,\mathsf{k}1)\times4$ times, $k1=20$ stitches Row 8- Row 12 Stockinette stitch: starting with row 8, purl one row and knit the other, finishing with purl row Divide 20 stitches into two. From Row 13 - 17 you should work on the first 10 stitches Row 13a cast off 3 stitches, ${\sf K}6=7$ stitches Row14acastoff3 stitches purl-wise, $\mathsf{p}3=4$ stitches Row 15a Knit the whole row Row 16a Purl the whole row Row 17a k1, k3tog. You should have two stitches on the needle. Slip the second stitch over the first one and cast off. Now rejoin the yarn and work on the remaining 10 stitches that you left on row 13. Row 13b cast off 3 stitches, ${\sf K}6=7$ stitches Row14bcastoff3stitches purl-wise, $\mathsf{p}3=4$ stitches Row 15b Knit the whole row Row 16b Purl the whole row Row 17b k1, k3tog. You should have two stitches on the needle. Slip the second stitch over the first one and cast off. HOWTOMAKEUPTHETOY HEAD Turn the piece inside out, with the purl side being outside. Sew the seam from top to bottom leaving the small opening at the bottom. Turn the piece inside out through the opening that you left at the bottom. Stuff the piece with cotton or polyester

Pattern illustration

half of the eye. Roll up the eye lid a little bid.

Pattern illustration

Using a sewing needle and a dark color thread, mark a circle with removable stitch and another circle of removable stitch inside the circle. $$ \{\begin{array}{c}{\cdots}\\ {\cdots}\\ {\cdots}\\ {\cdots}\\ {\cdots}\end{array}\} $$ And sew the remaining opening. EYE Sew the eye piece onto the center of the head (make sure that the seam is located at the back of the head). Leave the opening at the top and stuff the eye a little with cotton or polyester. Using light blue yarn and mattress needle, fill in the iris. Now take the eye lid piece and sew it around on the top Sew the remaining opening onto the head.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Using the black yarn and mattress needle, fill in the pupil.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration


Take the tooth piece and fold in half, with knit side being outside: chain stitches for top lip. Make another piece of 22 chain stitches for the bottom lip. Using the mattress needle and the same yarn, fix the edges of the mouth on the head. Make sure the top lip goes over the two teeth and the bottom lip goes beneath the teeth.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

EARS Take the ear piece that looks something like this: Do the same for the other ears and sew both of the ears on top of the head, symmetrically. Using white yarn and mattress stitch, sew the sides around. The bottom part of the tooth will be the folded part. The top part (sewed across) will be sewn onto the head.Do the same for the other tooth and sew them both onto the head. HAIR Make around 30 strips of yellow yarn (around 6 inches long each).

Pattern illustration

Fold the piece and put the knit sides together and sew the triangle sides onto each other on the purl side (leave the bottom opening). Turn the piece inside out again and stuff it with cotton or polyester.

Pattern illustration

You can fix the hair by inserting the yellow yarn strips on the head. Fold each piece of the yellow yarn strips into two and insert on the top of the head: first insert the crochet hook into one stitch on the head, pull the folded yarn piece a bit through the stitch - a small loop will be formed. Put the crochet through the small loop, pull the two endings of the yarn piece with the crochet through the loop, pull the endings by hand firmly and hair will be fixed. MOUTH

Pattern illustration

Sew the bottom opening across Using a crochet hook and orange or red yarn, make 20 1) insert the crochet hook into the stitch on the head:

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

and pull the endings tightly:

Pattern illustration

On the wrong side (purl side), join the internal sides together:

Pattern illustration

2) Pull the folded yarn strip through the stitch on the head:

Pattern illustration

Work the same way for other strips of the yarn and fix the hair around the top of the head:

Pattern illustration

Put the hand and arm pieces onto each other with knit sides (i.e. purl sides are outside) and sew the sides together

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

3) Put the two endings of the strip through the small loop:

Pattern illustration

ARMS Take the hand piece that looks something like this: put the hand sides together and sew on the purl side as marked on the illustration below with stitch lines

Pattern illustration

Turn the hand piece inside out (arm side is still open) and stuff the hand with cotton or polyester. Then sew the arm side onto each other on the right (knit) side. Stuff the arms and sew the top opening across. Do the same for the other arm and sew both of them on each side of the head. LEGS AND FEET put the foot piece onto the leg piece, with the purl sides being outside and sew the pieces together.

Pattern illustration

Now, sew the sides of the feet on the wrong (purl side) as shown with black stitches below:

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Turn the foot piece inside out and stuff with cotton or polyester. Then using mattress needle and green yarn, sew the sides of the leg together on the knit side. Stuff the piece with cotton or polyester and sew the top opening across. Do the same for the other leg and sew both of the legs onto the bottom of the head. And your Monstrik the Alien is ready!

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