The Knitty Details...
US knitting needles size 35 OR size 19 (l used size 35 knitting needles) Set of large purse handles, I used a basic pair of circular 9" in diameter that I covered with grosgrain ribbons to match 4 yards total of fabric, make fabric strips approx. 1.25" wide (IF YOU UsE SIZE 19 NEEDLES, MAKE THE FABRIC STRIPS ABOUT AN INCH WIDE) OPTIONAL: assortment of FABRIC STRIPS or grosgrain ribbon (I USED 1.5" WIDE GROSGRAIN RIBBON IN THE PICTURE) Heather Lowe lynchlowe@aol.com Page 1 heatherknitz.com GAUGE: on us 35 knitting needles, 5 stitches=3" (gauge is somewhat subjective because it is dependent upon width of fabric strips, knitting needles used and type of knitter you are). Gauge is NoT nearly as important when knitting up these rag bags as it is with traditional knitting and crochet with yarn. FINISHED SIZE OF LARGE purse: Base of purse is approx. 15" wide x 12" deep
1. Prepare fabric for knitting. Follow the directions listed on the attached hint and tip guide sheet!

\*\*\* As you are knitting, keep in mind that you will be knitting a large rectangle. Once the rectangle is large enough, you will be folding it up in half. You will then tie up the two sides of the purse with short fabric strips and then you will actually tie the purse to the purse handles by using short fabric strips! (OR grosgrain ribbon ties)\*\*\*\*\* 2. Using size 35 knitting needles, cast on 25 stitches. (feel free to use US size 19 circular knitting needles. Just know that your purse will not have the same gauge as with the US size 35. Personally, I have found that when knitting with fabric it is a lot easier to use the larger size needles for these rag bag projects! HOWEVER, You can use any size you feel MOST COMFORTABLE WITH! Just adjust accordingly. 3. You will knit every row. 4. Knit until you have a slight rectangle that measures 24 inches deep. When you have knit enough, your slightly rectangular shape will look like this: Heather Lowe

The rectangle will measure approximately 15" by 24" 5. Bind off. Leave a short tail that measures 10 inches long. 6. Now you are ready to finish the purse. With some of the left over fabric you have cut up ten, 12"' strips of fabric. 7. Fold up your purse in half. \*\*\*You can fold it so that the stitches are traditionally horizontal OR you can fold it in the opposite direction so that the stitches are vertical-you have a little creative control here! The LiLLY PULITZER SIGNATURE FABRICpursepictured abovewasfinished vertically\*\*\*\* 8. Lay down purse flat, folded. Lay the strips out alongside the purse approximately 2 inches apart. 9. Using the strips tie the two ends of the purse together-the top of the purse will remain open. You will use five ties on the left side and five ties on the right side. Just slide the piece of fabric in one hole of each end(the front and the back) of the purse and tie a double knot-it really is that easy!

Page 3 \*\*\*+TIp:\*\*Leave the ties hanging out OR you can trim them. personally like them hanging out--it really adds to the texture and charm of the rag bag look! Since the purse is about ten inches deep, space out the ties by about 2 inches. When you have finished this step, there should be an opening at the top! Heather Lowe heatherknitz.com

10.Now you are ready to attach the handles to the purse. Cut ten, 12" strips of grosgrain ribbon. \*\*\*I love to use the 1.5" width grosgrain ribbon on the large purses\*\*\* (you may want to add more or less depending on the exact type of handles you use). 11. Lay the purse down flat and then lay the purse handle along the top edge. \*\*\*You may want to use a ruler to measure the center of the purse.\*\*\*I then lay out the five strips out to properly spread them out across the purse handle. 12. Just as you tied the sides of the purse together with double knots, you will again literally tie the purse and handle together. I tied the ribbon into double knots on this purse and let the ribbon hang over and down. For my 9" circular handles, I spaced the strips across the top of the purse by about two inches coming out each way from the center. \*\*\*\*When you do this it pulls the ends UP AND IN from the left and the right sides of the purse. It will turn the purse from being square/rectangular shaped to triangular shaped!\*\*\*\* 13. When you tie up one side, flip the purse over and then attach the handle to the other side! 14.Congratulations!!! You have now created your very own fabric rag bag purse. Now, consult the hint and tip guide on purse handles and follow the instructions for attaching them!
Copyright 2007: HK Heather Knitz
This pattern is designed for you personal knitting enjoyment. This pattern may NoT be made for sale without written permission from Heather Lynch Lowe/Heather Knitz. e original to me and not intended for copy or reproduction. If you are interested, I would be delighted to speak with