Knitting Pattern for American Girl Doll School Sweater with Detailed Instructions and Cable Collar

American Girl Doll School Sweater.

Pattern illustration

Yarn: Fili&Fili Baby Cachemire, 80% merino wool, 20% cachemire.1 ball= 50gm. 250m. Needles: 2mm. USA 0. 2.5 mm USA .. A small size cable needle. ( a short DP or darning needle can substitute)


16 sts x 22 rows = 2’’ in SS. Size 2.5mm needles or those required to get gauge.


CO = cast on. (I used a cable cast on but any desired method is OK) BO = Bind off (cast off) R = row RS = right side of work. WS = wrong side of work. K = knit. P = purl. SSK = Slip 2 sts knitwise and knit as one through back loop. K2tog.= Knit 2 sts together as one. P2tog= Purl 2 stitches together as one. Cable 5 Front: Put 3 sts on cable needle and hold in front knit two sts and then knit the 3 sts on holder. Cable 5 Back: Put 3 sts on cable needle and hold in back. knit two sts and then knit the 3 sts on holder. SS : Stocking or stockinette stitch. ( Right side, knit 1 row ; wrong side, purl 1 row; repeat for as many rows indicated. )

Knitting Instructions.

Body. Cast on 104 sts. Knit 10 rows K1, P1, rib. Please note that on border I slip the first stitch on every row and knit the last one. This is optional . I like the edge it gives me . Knit 26 rows SS. Divide work Row 1: S1, K25 sts, BO 3 sts, K46 sts, BO 3sts, K26sts. Continue working on front and backs separately.

Right Back.

2: S1, purl to end. 3: SSK, knit to end. 4: S1, purl to end. 5: As row 3. 6: As row 4. Continue making decreases as before at arm on right side to row 25. (14sts) 26: BO 5 sts. (9sts on needle) 27: SSK, K5, K2 tog. 28: Bind off all sts.

Left Back.

2: Purl to last st, K1. 3: S1 knitwise, Knit to last 2 sts, K2tog. 4: Purl to last st, K1. 5: As row 3. 6: As row 4. Continue making decreases as before at arm on right side of work to row 24. (15 sts) 25: Decrease 5, K8, K2tog. 26: Purl 7, P2tog. 27: SSK, K5, K2tog. Bind off all stitches. Front. 2: Purl. 3: SSK, Knit to last 2 sts, K2tog. 4: Purl. 5: Repeat row 3. 6: Repeat row 4. Continue repeating rows 3 and 4 to row 20. ( 28 sts on needle) 21: SSK, K7, BO 10sts, K7, K2tog. Continue separately on both sides of neck: 22: P6, P2tog.... ...other side: P2tog, P6. 23: SSK, K3, K2tog...... .: SSK, K3, K2tog. 24: P5... .: P5. 25: SSK, K1, K2tog... .: SSK, K1, K2tog. 26. Bind off all stitches.

Pattern illustration

Sleeves. Cast on 30 sts. Knit 10 rows K1, P1, rib. 1: Increase 1 first stitch. Knit to last stitch. Increase 1. 2: Purl. 3:K. 4: P. 5: Increase 1 in first and last stitch. Knit all others. 6: P. 7: K. 8: P. 9: Increase in first stitch. Knit to last stitch. Increase in last stitch. 10: P. 11:K. 13: Increase in first stitch. Knit to last stitch. Increase in last stitch. 14: P.3 15: From now continue in stockinette, K one row, P one row. Work in stockinette to 42 rows. Decrease... SSK, work to last 2 stitches, knit 2 tog. Purl Continue decrease rows to match the shapings on body section. Bind off remaining stitches.

Pattern illustration

Cable collar.

Cast on 34 stitches. Use 2mm needles. 1: S1, K2, P2, K10, P3, K16. 2: P16, K3, P10, K2, P3. Repeat rows 1 and 2 for 3 times...(8 rows total) 9: S1, K2, P2, Cable 5, K5, P3, Cable 5, K11. 10: Purl 16, K3, P10, K2, P3. 11: As row 1 12: As row 2. 13: S1, K2, P2, K5, Cable 5, P3, K5, Cable 5, K6. 14: Purl 16, K3, P10, K2, P3. 15: As row 1. 16: As row 2. 17: S1, K1, P2, K10, P3, Wrap and turn. 18: K3, P10, K2, P3. 19: As row 1. 20: As Row 2. 21: As row 9. 22: As row 10. 23: Row 1. 24: As row 2. 25: As row 13. 26 As row 14. Repeat cable pattern until there are 12 cable designs on outer edge, or to length necessary to stitch around neck. Bind off all stitches. Sew collar to neck edge. Collar is sewn to the top back edge, sleeve top, front, second sleeve top and other back edge. The sleeve tops are included in the neckline count. Sew all seams and add velcro to back to close.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Patricia Renwick. 2013.

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