Knitting Pattern: Lily of the Valley Design with Chinese Waitress Cast-On and Kitchener Stitch Joining Instructions for a Customizable Garment

Part 1: Using Chinese Waitress Cast-On or an alternative stretchy cast-on, CO multiples of 30 + 2 sts.Knit chart repeating rows 151-190 (Lily of the Valley pattern) until desired half length is reached. Finish with Row 189 (a RS row) then leave stitches on a cable neede. Part 2:Repeat Part 1 then join the two piecestogetherusing Kitchener Stitch.

NNN2187 V 185
NNo 。ZV 183
ooo 。NNo 。V 181 V 179 177
ooooo 。oV 175 173
o。 。V 171 V 169 167 165
N2/N2 oo2NV
NloN NNo 。oo o 。V V 163 161
/o oooo o 。可 o 。ooNV 159 A 157
0/V 155 V 153
V 151 V 149 A 147
NN N oN NNN NNV 145 V 143
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Pattern illustration

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