Knitting Patterns for Sakura Cherry Blossom Charts in True Lace, Part Two of Journey Series

Pattern illustration

Part Two. Journey

Clue 10: Japan

Pattern illustration

Passepartout finds himself utterly alone in a strange country. Unfazed, he joins a troupe of circus performers. Hi's first performance lands him literally at the feet of his master, and reunited again, our group boards the steamer that will take them across the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco. We could not leave Japan without Hanami, a viewing of the lovely Sakura (cherry tree) blossoms. A reminder that life renews and blossoms, as we hope Japan will too.

Technical Notes

True Lace

The Cherry Blossom charts are what we know as true lace: each row is patterned. With no rows to rest between patterned rows, you will have to pay close attention to the accuracy of your knitting. Fortunately, the repeats are short (only 10 stitches), and after a few rows, the pattern is easy to read. In true lace, the eyelets tend to be larger, and the bar between them has only one strand, instead of two twisted strands. The slant of the patterns is more pronounced, and the effect can be quite dramatic.

Flipping Charts and Stitches

Those making the triangle shawl will undoubtedly have a much harder time following the charts. To make is a bit easier for them the charts are numbered for back and forth knitting (as in the triangle shawl). Those making the square should ignore the position of the numbering and read all lines from right to left. Copyright Neverfrog. All Rights Reserved Not only do triangle knitters have to change the direction of the reading for Ws, they also have to change the meaning of the symbols for RS and WS: A k in Rs becomes a p in ws. A k2tog in RS becomes a p2tog on the WS An ssk in RS becomes a p2tog-tbl on the Ws. As usual, when working nupps, you will k7tog-tbl for Rs (square) and p7tog for WS (triangle). If you are good at flipping charts while reading, charts A and B are mirror images, so you may use only one if you like and flip it at each side of the rib.

Changing Nupps to Beads

If you want to work this clue with beads instead of nupps, place the beads on the stitches marked for m7. On the next row, work that stitch as a k (Rs) or p (Ws). If you wish to do neither, you can just work those stitches plain in both rows, but you will have bare branches and not lovely blossoming cherry trees. Hopefully, this is the one clue that really makes you want to test the waters!

Putting the Clue Together

If you are working the triangle, there is really only one option, which is to work chart A, then chart B. Those knitting the square have more options: either work A-B-A-B, or work one of the charts (A or B) all around. The effect will be subtly different.


Square Shawl

Both charts show all rounds, and they are numbered for back and forth knitting (see technical notes). However you must read all rounds from right to left. Work one chart per section, repeating the pink colored stitches 10 times per section. Work either one chart (A or B) all around,orworkA-B-A-B. Work Rounds 1- 26 once. At the end you will have 140 st per section, 560 st total.

Triangle Shaw

Both charts show all rounds, and they are numbered for back and forth knitting. RS rows are read from right to left, Ws from left to right. Please note that symbols have different meaning on each side, so pay attention to the stitch key. RS rows: k2, work chart A, repeating the pink colored stitches 10 times, k1 (center stitch - the yellow colored stitch in chart A), work chart B, repeating the pink colored stitches 10 times, k3. As usual, omit the yellow stitch in chart B. WS rows: k2, work chart B omitting the yellow stitch, repeating the pink colored stitches 10 times, k1 (center stitch - the yellow colored stitch in chart A), work chart A, repeating the pink colored stitches 10 times, k3. At the end you will have 231 st total (139x2 pattern st + 1 central st + 4 edge).

Stitch Key

Pattern illustration


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