Knitted Hip Hemp Cable Belt Pattern for Intermediate Knitters - Organic Yarn Project Tutorial

Knitted Desiqns

Pattern illustration

Hip Hemp Cable Belt

The Scoop: This project evolved out of an effort to teach a friend how to do cables. Starting with a something small was less intimidating. Done up in sturdy, user-friendly organic hemp in fabulous warm-weather palettes, it is a great way to show off a new skill. Remember a couple of things: when measuring for the belt's desired length, be sure to add on 3 or 4 inches. You'll want the extra to pull on and put through your first belt loop. Second, there is a certain amount of "give" or stretch to most yarns when you pull on them. Consider that a 34 inch belt has 3 inches of stretch to it, making the finished item a little longer than you had thought. Materials needed: Ecolution hemp yarn- 200 ft. ball (1) 1 inch D-rings (2) US size 4 needles (short dpns work well), small size cable needle, tape measure, blunt tapestry needle (for finishing) Gauge: is not important for this project. Instructions: Cast on 12 stitches (sts). Leave a several-inch tail. Row 1: Knit (K) all sts. Odd-numbered rows are right side (RS). Row 2: Purl (P) all sts. Even-numbered rows are wrong side (WS). Begin cable pattern with Row 3. Follow through Row 6. Row 3 (RS): K2, slip 4 sts onto cable needle in front of your work. K next 4 sts behind cable needle, then knit cable sts. back onto other needle. K last 2 sts. (the crossover works best if you don't pull your stitches too tightly) Row 4 (WS): K2, P8, K2. Row 5 (RS): K all sts. Row 6 (WS): K2, P8, K2. Repeat rows 3-6 until your work measures the desired length. Remember to factor in the "give " of the yarn or your belt will be too long. Finish with a row6.


Bind off all sts. Leave several inches of a yarn tail. Weave in the tail at the opposite end (at the beginning of your work). Iron belt on a cotton heat setting to flatten before sewing in D-rings. Fold end of work with the remaining tail over the 2 D-rings onto the back side of the belt. Allow just a small amount of space for the rings to movetoo much space causes slipping and difficulty fastening the belt when you wear it. Using the tapestry needle, thread the yarn tail and sew the loop you've created closed using slip sts. Care Instructions: Machine wash in a lingerie bag with like colors. You can also hand wash. Allow to air dry on a rack. Iron as needed. Level of Difficulty: INTERMEDIATE

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