Cozy Knitted Lullaby Baby Bunting Pattern for 0-12 Months - Easy Skill Level

Knitted Desiqns

Pattern illustration

Lullaby Baby Bunting

The Scoop: Keep your little one warm and snuggly in this sleeping bag. Made with Cascade Sierra's cotton/wool blend, the yarn gives baby warmth and comfort. The generous sizing means baby will be cuddly for a long time and the easy stitch pattern knits up quickly, while adding interest. With vintage buttons for style, the sleeping bag is a sure hit with Moms and babies. Choose from two generous sizes: 0-6 mo. (27 in.), or $6-12m o$ $30\ \frac{1}{2}$ in.) Materials needed: 4 skeins of Cascade Sierra yarn (191 yds/each., $80\%$ pima cotton/ $20\%$ merino) and 2 Bullseye clay buttons. US size 7 needles (can be circular, although you will not be knitting in the round- 20 or 24 in. work best) to obtain the gauge of $4~\frac{1}{2}$ -5 stitches to the inch, size I crochet hook, blunt tapestry needle (for finishing). Gauge: While an exact fit is not necessary, working a gauge swatch is always α good idea. The gauge is 4 $\frac{1}{2}$ -5 stitches per inch (in stockinette stitch) over $4\!\times\!4$ in. square. Instructions: You will knit 2 identical pieces, beginning with the back. CO 62 sts. K the first row and mark your RS. For the bottom of the bunting you will be working in garter stitch (all rows knitted). Work in garter st, inc one st at beginning and end of every RS row until your have 78 sts. Work on 78 sts until you have 20(24) rows or 10(12) garter st ridges.

Begin the 10 row repeat pattern.

Work 6 rows in st st. Then work 4 rows in garter st (two ridges). This will create the 10 row repeat pattern. Work these 10 rows on 78 sts, until your piece measures 12 $\frac{1}{2}(14\ \frac{1}{2}$ )inches. You will want to have completed the stockinette portion of the 10 row repeat and end with a WS row. At 12 $\textstyle{\frac{1}{2}}(14\ {\frac{1}{2}})$ in. and on the RS dec 1 st at each end. You may dec in whatever way you like or do the following: at beg of the row K1, K2tog, knit across to last 3 sts and SSK, K1. Continue in the 10 row repeat pattern, but work 6 more decrease rows, every 4th row. 64 sts remaining. Work until piece measures 16 $\textstyle{\frac{1}{2}}(18\ {\frac{1}{2}})$ in and until you have finished the 6th row of the 10 row repeat. yOKE SHAPING: At 16 $\textstyle{\frac{1}{2}}(18\ {\frac{1}{2}})\dot{\mathfrak{m}}$ . and on the RS dec 10 sts evenly across the row: K2tog, K4, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K12, SSK, K4, SSK, K4, SSK, K4, SSK, K4, SSK last 2 sts. 54 sts remaining. Knit the WS row and continue with garter st on 54 sts until your piece measures 18(21) in. ARMHOLE DECREASES: At 18(21) inches, continuing in garter st., begin the armhole decreases. BO 4 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows. 46 sts. Then work 1 dec at the beginning and end of every RS row for 8 times- 30 sts remaining. (For a nice effect work the dec at the armhole as follows: K1, sl 1 as if to K, sl 1 as if to P, sl both sts to left needle, K tog in back. Knit to last 3 stitches, SSK, K1.) Work in Garter st on the 30 remaining sts until your piece measures 22(25) NECKLINE: Your back will measure 22(25) inches. Knit 8, bind off 14, knit 8 to end of the row. Work the 8 stitches until the strap measures $2\frac{1}{2}-2\frac{3}{4}$ ending with a WS row. Bind off the stitches in K on RS row. Attach yarn at the neck edge and work second strap in the same manner. (You may also work both straps at the same time by knitting both ends of the skein.) FRONT: You will work the front piece exactly the same as the back until the front measures 20(23) in., ending with a WS row. FRONT SHOULDER STRAPS: You will work one strap at a time. RS: Knit 10, bind off 10, K10 WS: Knit across 10 sts RS: K1, Sl 1 as if to K, Sl 1 as if to P, Sl both sts to left needle, Ktog in back. Knit across- 9 sts. WS: Knit across. RS: Repeat decrease row- 8 sts. Work on the 8 sts until you have the same number of garter st ridges as for the back straps, end with WS row. BO in K on RS row. Attach yarn on WS neck edge and K 10. RS: K to last 3 sts., SSK, K1. 9 sts Ws: K across. RS: Repeat dec row- 8 sts K until you have the same number of garter st ridges as for the back. End with a WS row. BO in K on RS row. Cut yarn.


Placing Ws together and lining up all the edges to meet, pin your back and front together. Begin seaming at an armhole, seam down the side, across the bottom and up the other side until you have reached the opposite armhole. With a crochet hook work a backwards single crochet around the armholes, neckline, and making button loops with chain stitches on the back straps. Continue with the backwards single crochet until you have reached your starting point. Secure your yarn and cut. Sew in all your ends. Sew on buttons.

Skill Level: EASY

Care Instructions: As with all hand knit items, it is best to wash by hand. You may also place the sleeping bag in a lingerie bag and wash according to yarn label instructions. Dry flat.

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