Starfleet Crew Cozy Knitting Pattern for Season 1 Characters with Detailed Materials and Directions

Pattern illustration

Season 1 Cozies

Pattern illustration


1 skein chucky yarn Vanna's Choice Yarn Black 1 skein chucky yarn Vanna's Choice Yarn Character Color. J&P Coats Royale Classic Crochet Thread (Size 10) Gold Metallic DMC Embroidery Floss in black Contact Grip Cable needle Stitch holder or additional US size 8 knitting needle Gauge 18 stitches and 22 rows in garter stitch= 4"


Back Body: Cast on 17 stitches in the color for the character of your choice. Work 20 rows in sockinette. Continue as established, at the same time decrease one stitch each side four times. On the row fourth decrease, change the yarn to the black then work another 5 rows in black. Front Body: Cast on 17 stitches in the color for the character of your choice. Follow the chart below, the blank squares are the character color. For the gold carry 5 strands of the Royale Classic Crochet Thread.

Pattern illustration

Sleeves (Make Two): Cast on 12 stitches. Work in sockinette for 12 rows. At the same time, work every other row with 5 strands of the gold Royale Classic Crochet Thread the number of times appropriate for the character (see Character Information). Continue as established, at the same time decrease one stitch each side every other row three times.


Cut the contact grip to fit inside the body of the Cozy. Use the to outline the insignia. Using the yarn, sew the contact grip in and sew the piece together.

Pattern illustration

Character Information:

Rank: Captain, Color: Mustard, 3 Bands


Rank: Commander, Color: Dusty Blue, Two Bands Leonard "Bones" McCoy Rank: Lt. Commander, Color: Dusty Blue, Two Bands Montgomery "Scotty" Scott Rank: Lt. Commander, Color: Cranberry, Two Bands Hikaru Sulu Rank: Lieutenant, Color: Mustard, One Band Uhura Rank: Lieutenant, Color: Cranberry, One Band Pavel Chekov Rank: Ensign, Color: Mustard, No bands

Pattern illustration

Insignias (for embroidering!)

Commanding Insignia worn by Capt Kirk, Lt Sulu and Ensign Chekov

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Science Insignia worn by Spock and Dr. McCoy

Pattern illustration

Engineering Insignia worn by Scotty

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