A Frustrating eBay Experience Amidst a Rare Shopping Spree

Life's a Stitch!

Various ramblings on life, motherhood, Johnny Depp, bellydancing, knitting and my own original patterns! SUNDAY,APRIL 13,2008

The Dust Bunnies Have Attacked!

Well, we did it. The carpet came up. The dining room, the living room, and the hallway are now bare. And there was A LOT of dust/sand/dirt/gunk/ick/yuck/blechy stuff under there.

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Mom, nurse, bellydancer, knitter, crocheter, embroideryer (is that a word?) and wife are all terms used to identify me!I have 2 girls, 1 husband, 1 dog, 1 cat and wAY too much yarn.

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View my complete profile Now my poor house is a wreck. And I get to live in it. Yippee. But (hopefully) it won't take too long to get the walls painted and the floor put in. And it does give me a good chance to go through everything and destash and declutter. Here are some more views so you can be envious of me. Ha.

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Pirate Captain Hand Knit Doll Pattern Make your very own Pirate Captain Doll! Pay Now for Pirate Captain Hand Knit Pattern


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2008 (24) April(3) The Dust Bunnies Have Attacked! This week in my life Eyelet Rib Lacy Baby Socks March (2) →February (5) January (14)

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Posted by Lynn at 4:10 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008

This week in my life

Well, first off I would like to post pics of my children and my absolutely lovely niece and my nephew.

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My youngest daughter, the "What can I possibly be up to" Princess.

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My beautiful niece, the (Soon to be Heartbreaker) Princess And last but not least, my (Why do I have to put up with allthese girls) nephew.

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Obligatory showing off of my family done. For now. Well, I am getting ready for chaperonage. Yep. I will be chaperoning (Il have no idea how many) kindergarterners at the zoo. Woah. I am so looking forward to it! This will be my first field trip with my youngest and I can not wait!I get to pull a wagon with lots of water, juice, first aid kit, probably kids too. Keep track of them. Take pictures (lots of pictures according to my daughter). Play. Pull the wagon some more. Get lunches ready. Eat. Do bathroom duty. Do germ duty. Play some more. And basically get to be a mom.Woo Hoo! We had some very nice gentlemen in the house today to paint. My DH (Dear Husband) had done some work for one of them, and as a trade off, he got to come in and paint my ceilings. He will be coming by some time this week to paint the walls. And DH decided tonight that "maybe I should just go ahead and pull up the carpet in the living room, dining room and hall to prepare for when we get new wood floors". Yeah. Right. I'm all for pulling up the carpet. You don't know how bad I have wanted to slash the carpet and stick the vacuum hose in the slit and get all the @#%@#\$! dirt and dust out of there. Lord. The carpet has been there for (gasp) 16 years, so there is no telling what is under it. But it would also mean that I would be living with (ugly) flooring until we get the wood floors done. I opted for the bamboo I saw at Lowes the other night. It was absolutely gorgeous! But he is opting for "traditional" wood floors. Whatever. As long as I can put an area rug down, I don't care (really). Unlike the paint (see previous posts if you are a new reader). Now, I am irritated. I am siting at my computer desk and listening to the lovely sounds of my (inconsiderate) neighbors $\textcircled{<}\#\mathsf{P}\Phi\{^{0}\!/^{\star}\!()\bigcircledast\!\ll\!\ll\!\%(\bigstar\!\oplus\!\Phi\!/_{\mathsf{o}}$ (@#\$_%()2[]5 hunting dogs barking. Now, I am an animal lover. I have a dog myself.I have a cat. Ihave a husband and 2 kids (yes, technically they ARE animals). But these (insert bad word/words of choice here) dogs bark all the time. In the morning. At night. They are hunting dogs and we live in the country. For city dwellers, that means that during the night there are various animals that walk/run/slither through our yard (deer, racoon, opossum, rabbits, geese, turkeys, etc.) and what do these (stupid) hunting dogs do? They bark. They are kept in cages. They are not let out. They are not played with. They just bark. And bark. And bark. I have seriously considered going over there in the middle of the night and opening the cages and leting them run loose. But the (stupid) dogs would probably be so grateful someone (anyone) was paying them attention that they would camp out on my patio and bark their everlasting devotion to me. Which at that point I would have to do something drastic. Like go buy bunnies for them to chase. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2008

Eyelet Rib Lacy Baby Socks

Here is another free pattern for baby socks that I came up with. These are worked toe up, short row heel with heel flap. If you notice any errors, please let me know so I can correct them.

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Fingering weight sock yarn (l used KPPPM) Circular needles-US Size 0 Stitch Markers-3 Total Techniques used: K (knit), P (purl),Inc (Increase), YO (Yarn over), SSK (slip the next 2 stitches as if to knit to the right needle then knit both stitches together through the back loop), W&T (wrap the yarn around the next stitch then turn your work) Cast on 8 stitches on each needle using your favorite toe-up sock cast on method. I like Judy's Magic Cast On from http://www.knitty.com Knit 1 round. Row 1) K1 stitch, Inc 1 stitch (using your favorite method), Kto last stitch, Inc 1 stitch , K1. Row 2) Knit around wihtout increasing. Repeat Row 1 & 2 until you have 20 stitches on each needle. Eyelet Lace Rib Pattern Row 1 and 3) $^{\star}\mathsf{K}2$ , P1; repeat from \* to end, K2 Row2) $^{\star}\mathsf{K}_{2}$ , P1, YO, SSK, P1; repeat from \* to end, K2 Row 4) $^{\star}\mathsf{K}_{2}$ , P1, K2tog, YO, P1; repeat from \* to end, K2 Top of foot begin Lace Rib pattern starting with Row 1, Bottom of foot work in plain stockinette stitch. Work 4 repeats of pattern stitch on top of foot before beginning gusset increases on the bottom. Work gusset increases as follows on every other row while continuing in the pattern stitch on the top of the foot. 1st row of gusset increases) K1, Place Marker, Increase 1 stitch, knit across row to last stitch, increase 1 stitch, place marker, knit last stitch. You should have 22 stitches on the heel side of the sock at this time. The marker will be kept to mark the 20 stitches of the heel. As you continue increasing to 10 gusset stitches on each side, keep the markers to mark the 20 stitches. Knit the next row without increasing. You will only do gusset increases on every other row. When I did it, it coorosponded with working Rows 1 & 3 of the pattern stitch. On the top of the sock, use the remaining stitch marker to mark the row you have just finished. For example, if you are knitting Row 1 of the pattern, knit 1 stitch, place marker, and finish the row per the pattern. If you are doing Row 2, then move the marker to between the second and third stitches, and so on for the 4 rows. This way if you set down your work and go to pick it up later you know what row to start on in the pattern stitch. When I did my socks, I was at Row 1 of the pattern stitch when I began working on the heel. Ok, to do the heel: K 18 stitches, W&T P 16 stitches, W&T K 14 stitches, W&T P 12 stitches, W&T K 10 stitches, W&T P 8 stitches, W&T K 6 stitches, W&T Purl across the heel stitches unwrapping and pearling wrap and stitch together as you go until you get to last stitch. Purl last stitch and 1st gusset stitch together. Turn. Knit across row unwraping and kniting wrap and stitch together as you go until you get to the last stitch. SSK. Turn. #Slip 1st stitch as to purl then purl across row, purling the last stitch and the next gusset stitch together. Turn. Slip 1 stitch as to purl, knit next stitch, repeat from \* to last stitch. SSK last stitch of heel and next gusset stitch. Repeat from # until all gusset stitches have been worked. Resume working in the round and begin using the Rib pattern on the back of the sock as well (starting on the same row that you are on the top of the foot-ie: if you are ready to do a Row 2 on the top of the foot, do a Row 2 on the back of the leg). Do 4 repeats of the Rib pattern, then work 4 rows of K2, P1 ribbing. Bind off using a 1-2 Picot bind off-%lnsert needle as if to knit the first stitch. Pull up loop. Place that loop on the left needle. Bind off 2 stitches. Place stitch on right needle back onto left needle and repeat from $\%$ to the end of the row. Weave in ends. Taa Daa...1 baby sock done. Now do the other. :) Posted by Lynn at 12:28 PM 0 comments MONDAY,MARCH24,2008

The difference between Mommy and Daddy

Well, we made it home safely from our Easter trip. Thank you M-l-L for everything! We had a lot of fun. Now, for those of you that have children (notice the plural?)... In the car, on the way home, the girls fought. From Effingham to Paducah. Off and on.."'give me that!".You got to do it last. time".." Mom./Dad...she's doing (fil in the blank)"..."I'm hungry"...'m not. hungry".."I'm not tired"..."I don't have to go potty"...and so on, and so on, and so on. My darling husband turned to me (after threatening to take away all toys, movies, clothes, blankets, crayons, paper, just about everything except for a paperclip and used tissue) and asked "Do they do this all the time?!?!". Clearly he was (very) frustrated. Now, that was surely an open ended question he asked. A cute response would have been "Do what?". Snarky response would have sounded something like "Well, if you were at home more often you would know that wouldn't you". Sarcastic "Nope, they only do this on Sundays, when you are driving". Concerned could have been "Well, do you think we should do something about it?" But no, I just looked at him and said "Yep. And you are doing a fine job of keeping them in line too." Then went back to my sock. Tee hee hee... Posted by Lynn at 5:00 PM 0 comments WEDNESDAY,MARCH5,2008

What do you mean it's Wednesday already?!?!?!?

Wow. I can hardly believe that it is Wednesday already. We are into March! Well lots of stuff has been going on. My youngest is in the last leg of her F.R.E.D. (Families Read Every Day) project and has decided that she wants to "WiN". The goal was to read 100 books by April 14th. We have read over 200 (for now) and so far this week we have read 21 books (3 days, 21 books, yep...7 books a day!). She is determined to be the one that reads the most. The best part..she is now reading to us. Of the 21 books, she has read 7 herself to either myself or hubby. I'm so proud! Grandma, if you are reading this, we are planning on bringing books with us because she wants to read to you. Get the tissues ready. All this week the girls have had fun things to do for Read Across America week. Monday they dressed as their favorite book character (Amelia Bedelia and Hermione Granger), Tuesday was wear your PJ's to school day. Today was dress for the royal court as a prince, princess, king or queen. Both girls were princesses (per their Daddy). Tomorrow is dress like your favorite wild animal. We are planning on a black leopard and a unicorn. Friday is Freaky Friday/Mismatched clothes day. Boy is that one going to be fun! I kind of hit a snag with my knitting. Bad person that I am, I started (another) project without finishing the 2 (or more) I currently have in progress. 1 picked out yarn that closely matched the paint we are using in the living room, and the furniture (without the slip covers) and started a new afghan for the living room. I still have to finish my other Fleet Street Fingerless Barber Mitts and the sock(s) I've got going. But, the afghan goes quick so I'm not too worried. And when spring break is here (Woo Hool!) Ill be putting the finishing touches on the communion gown for the oldest daughter. Crud. Just remembered that I have to get Easter dresses and shoes and such too. Which means I have to go shopping. Ugh. On a cute note, my Depphead (her word, not mine) friend got a little surprise in her mailbox at work this morning and I can't wait to see what she thought of it! Tee hee hee. I got her a set of artificial nails that are black with little tiny silvery white skull and crossbones on each tip with a small pink rhinestone in one eye. You gott be a Depphead to appreciate it. Posted by Lynn at 7:09 PM Ocomments TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2008

Girls Night Out-Gonna have fun now!

Well, 've got about 20 minutes to go before heading out to our fist knitting group for our town. I have no idea how many people are going (I might be the only one!). But, there are no children, no husbands, no laundry or dishes, no fixing dinner involved. There is however friends, chatting, yarn, needles, coffee, and chocolate. How SWEET is that? Oh, the eBay (stupid jerk) problem has been resolved with the seller refunding all my money. He hadn't responded back to me in 2 days, but when I filed a claim with Paypal...he jumped right on it. Guess having his account frozen got him off his duff pretty quick. Posted by Lynn at 5:23 PM 1 comments SUNDAY,FEBRUARY 24,2008

AARRRGGGHHHH! (Strong language content-you have been warned)

Well, yesterday I did something I don't usually do. We went to the mall and I actually went shopping and bought stuff for me. I feel so prosperous!I bought a pair of Bass sandles for summer in this beautiful reddish brown. I also bought some World's Softest Socks (my favorite commercial socks), some "unmentionables" and 2 Captain Jack coffee/travel mugs. The girls bought a small stuffed animal from Build a Bear plus a new outfit each for their bears (B got a pirate outfit, H got a High School Musical outfit..tee hee hee). It was actually a fun time, but by the time I was done spending money, the crowds had gotten to me. I just don't get why people feel like they have to either walk right in front of you going the opposite way you are and expect you to move out of their way, or that 2 people can take up the entire width of the aisle and move at a snails pace without letting other people by. That is just one of the reasons I hate going shopping. Now for the AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH. I recently salvaged a Nintendo DS Lite from the trash can. The only 2 problems w/ it were that the bottom screen (LCD) had an internal crack so the screen has a black smudge/smear on it and one of the hinges is broken. A few months ago I was able to repair my Tungstun C without difficulty so I figure I can repair a Nintendo DS too. I was able to find a replacement screen on eBay (cheap) and ordered it. I've had absolutely no problems with that seller saying they didn't get payment or anything. Then I found a housing replacement and bought it. I paid for it at the time of buying it (l used Buy it Now). 3 days later the "seller" sent me a reminder e-mail about paying. I replied back that I had already paid. Then 2 days after that he said the color I had one (clear blue) was out of stock and I had to pick another color or get a refund. 1) Why offer something for sale if you don't have it?????? 2) Why offer me a refund if you say I haven't paid for it??????? Then yesterday I was on eBay again to get a fountain pen/calligraphy pen. When I won the item this alert popped up and the flippin seller had put through and Unpaid Item complaint through eBay. I responded back (politely.... this time...) and showed the proof that the item has been paid for for a freakin week. Ebay shows that the item has been paid for, Paypal shows that the item has been paid for. So, not being one to sit by and idly twiddle my thumbs, I went to Paypal and filed a "l haven't gotten the damn thing I won you stupid SOB so there" complaint (that isn't the exact wording that Paypal uses for that complaint, but you get the idea). Hopefully he'll(l am assuming it is a he) get his head out of his ass and realize he made a HUGE mistake. When this gets resolved I am going to blast the hell out of this seller to eBay. I take a lot of pride in the fact that I have a $100\%$ rating on eBay and I don't want this idiot to jepordize that rating. Whew. I feel better. Older Posts Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

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