Bird of Paradise II: A Sockweight Fingering Yarn Knitting Pattern by Jan Henley with Detailed Instructions and Feather Lace Chart

Pattern illustration

Bird of Paradise II

Since making my original Bird of Paradise in Laceweight, a number of people have asked me if it would be possible to make the garment in Sockweight/Fingering yarn. This was an ideal holiday project for me whilst we were in the English Lake District as I was smitten with an awful cold virus but was able to go out in the car whilst Tony went walking and sit on the top of Askam Common admiring the views and reworking the pattern. Materials: 100 grams/400 metres Sockweight Fingering Yarn. Any of my sockweight yarns would work well but as I actually used Schoppel Wolle's new Wunderkleckse in a very aptly named colourway called Old Hag!


1 circular 3.75 mm needle of at least 24 inches in length: 1 tapestry needle to darn in any loose ends. TOP TIPs: If like me, you hate using circular needles it is possible to knit this garment using longer length straight needles. I didn't use Wrap & Turn when knitting the short rows but if you wish to do this you can.


This is largely unimportant as you garment will be blocked to achieve the necessary size but it should be around 4.5 sts and 4 rows per inch worked in stocking stitch. The finished garment will measure approx 50 inches wingtip to wingtip and a depth of 14 inches at the centre point ONcE BLOCKED.


k = Knit p = Purl K2 tog = Knit 2 together SK2P = Slip the next 2 sts knitwise, knit the next stitch and pass the 2 slipped stitches over this stich. Ssk = slip the next 2 stitches knitwise onto the right hand needle, insert left hand needle back into the stitches, knit the two together. (2 stitches become one and this makes a left slanting decrease). yo = yarn over needle wyifsllp = with yarn to the front as if to purl slip one stitch purlways Other Abbreviations are given in the Chart provided.


Using 3.75 mm cable cast on method, cast on 403 stitches. Work Rows 1-30 from Feather Lace Chart. The stitches between the thicker lines on the chart a repeated a total of 39 times. When all 30 rows have been worked, knit one further row. You will have a total of 243 stitches at this stage. All further rows are now knitted in stocking stitch i.e. 1 row knit, 1 row purl and the short row shapings to give an elongated crescent effect are performed asfollows:- Row 1 (RS): Wyif sl1p, K125 TURN work Row 2 (WS): P9 TURN work Row 3: K8, ssk, k3 TURN work Row 4: P11, p2tog, p3 turn work Row 5: Knit to 1 st before last turning point, ssk, k3 turn work Row 6: Purl to 1 st before last turning point, p2tog, p3 turn work Repeat rows 5 and 6 until 185 sts remain on your needle and there is 1 st remaining unworked at each edge. Next Row: Wyif sl1p, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog (184) sts remain. Picot point chain edging cast off as follows:- Cast of 2 sts \*then slip the remaining stitch on your right hand needle back onto your left hand needle, cable cast on 3 sts, then cast off 5 sts\* repeat from \* to end one stitch remains on left hand needle, cast off normally. Weave in loose ends. Wash garment and whilst still damp block to a size of 42 inches from wingtip to wingtip and a depth of 11 inches in the centre of the garment and pinning out each individual lace point. Allow to dry completely before removing your blocking pins. It is essential that this garment is blocked as described to achieve the best effect of the lace and gain the correct size. For any of you that are unfamiliar with blocking methods, there are some excellent tutorials on It may seem a bit brutal if you are not familiar with this technique to stretch a garment in this way but don't worry as the wool is actually very strong! Most of all I hope you enjoy not only making it but wearing it too. There are many other of my designs to be found on my own website and also

Pattern illustration

The original Bird of Paradise made in Woolhunter's Outback Lace (superwash Merino wool) which takes just 50 grams and would you believe it is madeusing larger needles! It has a wider wingspan. This pattern is also available as a Free Ravelry Download. Jan Henley 2011 All rights reserved For private non-commercial use only No material in this pattern or the pattern itself may be reproduced mechanically, electronically or by any other means including photocopying without prior written permission. For queries/errata/send photos of your finished garment - please contact FEATHERS CHART and stitch guide

No Stitch
Knit on wrong side
Yarn on needle/yarn over needle
Knit on right side, purl on wrong side
Ssk = see abbreviations section on page 2
/K2tog = knit 2 together
S2K2P = Slip next 2 stitches knitways, knit 1 S st, pass 2 slipped stitches over this stitch
SSl1p - slip 1 st purlways

30 29
0000S S S S S S S14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
! !00 00 0 0000O000 0 00 0 0000 / \ e

Chart is worked back and forth from left to right on odd numbered rows and right to left on even numbered rows. All odd numbered rows are wrong side rows and are purled unless otherwise stated. The 10 stitches between the THICK PINK lines are repeated a total of 39 times. The stitches outside these lines are worked just once per row. Jan Henley 2011 All rights reserved - For pivate non-commercial use only No material in this pattern or the pattern itself may be reproduced mechanically, electronically or by any other means including photocopying without prior written permission. For queries/errata/send photos of your finished garment - please contact

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