Cozy Hand-Knit Sweater Pattern for Hugga T. Bear Teddy by Michelle Brennan

Sweater for Hugga T By Michelle Brennan

My son received a “Hugga T. Bear” teddy bear from Integris Baptist Hospital when he had his adenoids removed. Despite tons of other stuffed animals, this one remains his favorite. Hugga T.'s original shirt became bedraggled, so here's a new sweater for him.


Pattern illustration

1 ball worsted yarn, 80yds. (Shown is Adrienne Vittadini Trina, which wasn't enough to complete the ribbing on the sleeves, thus the white trim) #8 straight or circular needle Stitch holders Gauge 4 st./in. stockinette stitch


Cast on 30 stitches. Do two rows of 1x1 ribbing (K1, P1). Change to stockinette stitch and work 12 rows. Cast on 3 st $\circledcirc$ beginning of next two rows. 36 st. Work even for 10 rows. \* Left Shoulder Shaping (13 stitches): Work 10 st, K2tog, K1, turn. P1, P2tog, P9 to end. Turn and K8, K2tog, K1, turn, P1, P2tog, P7 to end. Work 6 rows even on just these 9 stitches, ignoring the rest on the needle. Place remaining 9 stitches on holder. Break yarn, leaving 12-inch tail. Place center 10 stitches on holder for neck. Right Shoulder Shaping (13 stitches): Rejoin yarn to right shoulder to begin working RS row (at neck). K1, SSK, K10. P9, SP, P1. K1, SSK, K8. P7, SSP, P1. 9 stitches. Work 6 rows even. Place 9 stitches on holder for right shoulder.


Work as for front to \*. work 10 more rows even. Leave first 9 stitches on needle for right shoulder, put rest on holder.


Join right shoulders using grafting or 3-needle bindoff.


Pick up 6 st down left front, K10 stitches from front center holder, Pick up 8 st on right front, K18 from back center holder, LEAVING 9 STITCHES ON HOLDER FOR LEFT SHOULDER! Work 1x1 ribbing for two rows. Bind off using a stretchy bind off such as the sewn bind off. Join left shoulders using grafting or 3-needle bind off, sew neckline ribbing together at shoulder.


Pick up 30 stitches on sleeve, work 1x1 (K1,P1) ribbing for 2 rows, bind off using sewn bind off or other stretchy bind off. Repeat for other sleeve. Sew side seams.

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