Cabled Sock Pattern with Gusset and Kitchener Stitch Toe


Stashmonkey Designs $\spadesuit$ By Rachel Griffin The spider-like cable design on these socks comes from Barbara Walker's Hartshorn Cable design. The pattern,inspired by Erin aka Pepperknit, provides two different options. For a plain pair of socks with a hint of fun hiding in the back,try the Simple Spiders. If you're in the mood for something a little more challenging go for the Spider-licious variation.

Pattern illustration


Yarn: The Plucky Kniter's merino superwash fingering Needles $2.5\,\mathrm{mm}$ needlesor sierequired to getappropriae auge. The pattern is riten for kniting on two circuar needes; however, itcanbe adapted for your preferred method of sock knitting Gauge: 7.5 stitches to 1 inch Size: Both styles are designed to fit an average-width foot. Stitches can be added or taken away to widen or narrow the sock.

Simple Spiders

Cast on 8 stitches (34on each neele) Join forknitting in the round, carefulnotto twist your stitches. Knit the cuf by repeating the following rib pattern over 14 rows: Needle : ${^{*}}({\mathfrak{p}}2,{\mathrm{k}}2)$ two times, $(\mathrm{pl},\mathrm{k}2)$ two times; repeat from \* once; p2, k2,p2 Needle 2: k2, ${^{*}}({\mathfrak{p}}2,{\mathrm{k}}2)$ ; repeat from \* across needle Knit thelg ofthe sock, follwing the directions below. Needle 1: k3, knit across cable pattern beginning with row 10,3 Needle 2: knit across Repeatcable paern to desiredlngth. or my socks, Iompleted the first repeatthrough thecable pattern (which begins at row 10) and two additionalfullrepeats. Then Ibegan one finalrepeat, ending with row 9 of the pattern. The heelflapis worked back and forth on needle 1. Row 1: k3, k2tog, [sl1, k1] across to the last 5 stitches, k2tog, k3 Row 2: k3, purl to last 3 stitches, k3 Row 3: k3, [sl1, k1] across to last 3 stitches, k3 Row 4: k3, purl to last 3 stitches, k3 Repeatrows3and4util36rowshavebeenworked. Youshouldhave 18purlridges alongthe sides of the heel fap Turn heelby fllowing the directions below. Row 1 (RS): k17, sk, kl1, turn Row 2 (WS): p5, p2tog pl, turn Row3: kit tolast stithbfore the gap,ssk, kl, tu Row4: purltolast stith before th gap, ptog pl, t Repeat rows 3and 4ending with row four. 17stitches remain. Usinged ,kit crsshelstitchnd piu19sthalghaKitacrs then (with same neede)pickup 19stitches along other side ofheel fa Rouds willbegin at et stitch On first rowofgusset knit across 17heel sitches, knit through the back loopofnew' stitches along edge of heelflap) until 3 stitches remain. k2 tog, kltbl Knit across needle 2. Knit I tbl, sk, knit through the back loopof"new"stitches. For remainder of gusset, follw directions as stated below: Row l: knit all stitches Row2: kitt testitchesfre fftktgkl; kitarostopfft;l, skk to end of round Repeatrow 1 and 2 until64 stitches remain. Adjust stitches and needles by moving algusset stitches to needle 1 and alinstep stitches to needle 2. Both needles should now have 32 stitches. Knit remainder offoot in stockinette stitch untilsock measures 2 inches less than desired length. Knit toe as follows: Row 1: k1, k2tog, knit until three stitches remain, ssk, k1 Row 2: knit across all stitches Repeatrows land 2 until16 stitches remain on each needle. Then repeat rowluntil stitches remain on each needle. Graft toe using kitchener stitch.

Spider-licious Socks

Cast on 68 stitches (34on each needle) Join for knitting in the round, carefulnotto twist your stitches. Knit the cuffby repeating the following rib pattern over 14 rows: ${}^{*}({\mathfrak{p}}2,{\mathrm{k}}2)$ two times, $(\mathrm{pl},\mathrm{k}2)$ two times; repeat from \* once; p2, k2, p2; repeat over second needle Forthegofthe sock pknit cros a attbginingwit $10,\P^{3}.$ Repeat thispatern across second needle. Repeatcabe patter toesiredngthFormysocks,Icomletedthefirstrepeatthroughthcabl patern (which begins atrow 10) and two additionalfullrepeats. Then Ibegan one inalrepeat, ending with row 9 of the pattern. The heelflapis worked back and forth on needle 1. Row 1: k3, k2tog, [sl1, k1] across to the last 5 stitches, k2tog, k3 Row 2: k3, purl to last 3 stitches, k3 Row 3: k3, [sl1, k1] across to last 3 stitches, k3 Row 4: k3, purl to last 3 stitches, k3 Repeatrowsand46rowshaveenworYushou have8puidgesalngte sid ofthe heel flap. Turn heel by following the directions below. Row 1 (RS): k17, sk, kl, turn Row 2 (WS): p5, p2tog, pl,turn Row3: knit to last stitch bfore the gap,ssk, kl, tn Row4: purlto last stitch before the gap, p2tog pl, tun Repeat rows 3 and 4ending with row four. 17 stitches remain. Using needl 1, knit across heelstitches and pick up19 stitches alongheelfla. Knit acros need 2 in pattern,then (with same needle) pickup 19 stithes along other side ofheellap. Rounds wil begin at next stitch On firstrowofgusset, knit aross 1helstitch,kit through thbackloopofewstithes (ag edge ofheelflap)until stitches remain. k2tog, kltbl Knit acrossneedle 2, maintaining pattern as set. Knit Itbl ssk, knit through the backloopof"new'stithes. Forremainder of gusset, follow directions as stated below: Row l: kni ll hee stitches; continue pattern as set across needle 2 Row2: knitt thre stitchesbfore topoffoot, ktog l; kit acrosneede 2, maintainng pattern as set; kl, sk, knit to end of round Repeat row I and 2 until 66stitches remain. Adjust stitches and needles by moving all gusset stitches to needle 1 and allinstep stitches to needle 2. Needle 1 should now have 32 stitches and needle 2 should have 34 stitches. For remainder of foot, knit across needle 1 in stockinette stitch and knit across needle 2 maintaining pattern as set. Continue until sock measures2 inches less than desired length. Next row should begin on needle 1. Set-up for toe: Knit across nd 1. On ndle 2, k1, tog knit utilthree stitchs remain, sk k. Knit across allstitches on next round. Knit toe as follows: Row l: kl, k2tog, knit until three stitches remain, ssk, kl Row 2: knit across all stitches Repeat rows 1 and 2 until 16 stitches remain on each needle. Then repeat row 1 until8 stitches remain on each needle. Graft toe using kitchener stitch.

Cable Pattern

Row l: p9, k10, p9 Row 2: p9, BKC, k3, FKC,p9 Row 3 and all ubsequent odd rows: knit allknit stitches and purl al purl stitches Row 4: p7, BC, k2, BKC, FC, p7 Row 6: p5, BC,pl, SBC,k2, SFC,pl, FC,p5 Row 8: p3, BC, p2, SBC, pl, k2, pl, SFC, p2, FC, p3 Row 10: p3, k2, p3, SBC,p2, k2, p2, SFC, p3, k2, p3 Row 12: p3, FC, SBC, p3, k2, p3, SFC, BC,p3 Row 14: p5, BKC, p4, k2, p4, FKC, p5 Row 16: p3, BC, FC, p2, k2, p2, BC, FC, p3 Row 18: p3, k2, p4, FC, k2, BC, p4, k2, p3 Row 20: p3, FC,p4, FKC, k2, p4, BC,p3 Row 22: p5, FC, p2, k2, p2, BKC,p2, BC,p5 Row 24: p7, FC, FKC, k2, BC, p7 Stitch explanation ( $\scriptstyle\mathtt{C n}\,=$ cable needle): FC (Front Cross) - slip 2 stitches to cn and hold in front, p2, then k2 from cn FKC (Front Knit Cross) - same as FC but knit all4 stitches BC (Back Cross)- slip 2 stitches to cn and hold to back, k2, then p2 from cn BKC (Back Knit Cross) - same as BC but knit all 4 stitches SFC (Single Front Cross)- slip 2 stitches to cn and hold to front, pl, then k2 from cn SBC (Single Back Cross)- slip 1 stitch to cn and hold to back, k2, then pl from cn

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