Unraveling the Journey: Lace Patterns and Shawl Designs from Egypt to India, Part Two with Technical Notes and Stitch Guides

Pattern illustration

Part Two. Journey

Pattern illustration

Clue 6: Egypt Il

The steamer Mongolia races on from Suez to Aswan and towards India. We can barely see the tips of the pyramids, framed by the sacred Egyptian Scarab.

Technical Notes

Spider, or Ladybug stitch

The Spider, or Ladybug, or why not, Scarab stitch! Is a very popular background in many lace patterns. Very easy to work, the stitch count varies by double decreased not matched by yo's on alternate pattern rows (shown here by "no stitch" boxes), which are increased on the next pattern row by yo's not matched to stitches. This elegant increase/decrease forms a very attractivepattern. Note that the last row has a different color and does not match the previous stitch pattern. It is a transition row for our next clue.

Square Shawl

The chart shows only odd rounds (patterned). Odd Rounds: Work 4 repeats of the chart, one per section. or continue the ribbing), knit the rest. Work Rounds 1- 18 once. At the end you will have 68 st per section, 272 st total.

Triangle Shawl

The chart shows only odd rows (RS). RS rows: k2, work 2 repeats of the chart (one per half triangle) omitting the yellow stitch in the second repeat, k2. The yellow stitch from the first chart repeat will form the center stitch of the triangle. WS rows: k2, purl to last marker, OR continue ribbing pattern in pyramid sections as established in previous clue and purl the rest, k2. Work Rows 1-18 once. At the end you will have 139 st total (67x2 pattern st + 1 central st + 4 edge)


Pattern illustration

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