Love Bites Scarf Pattern: True Blood Colorway Series with Fang Marks Design for Knitting Enthusiasts

Love Bites

From Gherkin's Bucket

For Fresh from the Cauldron's True Blood Colorway Series

Two sets of fang marks appear in this for each of Sookie's vampire lovers.

Pattern illustration


US Size 5 (3.75mm) needles 1 skein Fresh from the Cauldron Silky Sock True Blood Colorway - Eric Northman or Bil Compton (40 yds)


Sl1-kw - Slip one stitch knit wise K1tbl- Knit one stitch through the back loop K-Knit P1tbl-Purl one stitch through the back loop P- Purl Yo - Yarn over Ssk - Slip two stitches knitwise, one at a time, then knit them together through the back loop K2tog - Knit two stitches together as one stitch Directions (The instructions are provided in chart form as well as written out in rows) Cast on 31 stitches using the long-tail cast-on. Notice that you begin with a wrong side row. Row 1 (WS): Sl1-kw, K1, P2, P1tbl, K1, P1tbl,\*P7, P1tbl, K1, P1tbl, rep from \*, P2, K2 Row 2 (RS): SI1-kw, K3, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, $\mathrm{}^{\star}\mathsf{K}\big7$ , K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, rep from \*, K4 Row 3: Sl1-kw, K1, P2, P1tbl, K1, P1tbl, \*P7, P1tbl, K1, P1tbl, rep from \*, P2, K2 Row 4: Sl1-kw, K3, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, $\mathbf{\star}\mathbf{K}7$ , K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, rep from \*, K4 Row 5: Sl1-kw, K1, P2, P1tbl, K1, P1tbl, \*P7, P1tbl, K1, P1tbl, rep from \*, P2, K2 Row 6: Sl1-kw, K3, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, $^{\star}\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}$ , yo, ssk, K1, K2tog, yo, K1, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, rep from \*, K4 Repeat these six rows until desired length, ending with row 1, 3, or 5 of the pattern.

Binding Off - please read completely before beginning:

Bind off knitwise, and through the back loops of the appropriate stitches, dropping the purl stitches from the left hand needle (you wilunravel these stitches all the way down once you complete the bind-off). AT EVERY DROPPED STITCH, cast on 4 stitches (using the backward loop method), binding them off immediately after casting each one on. This provides extra length in your bind-off edge to allow room for the dropped stitches to stretch out.


Once you have completed the bind off, unravel each of the dropped stitches all the way back down to the cast on edge. Biock the scarf to open up the yarn overs and dropped stitches (steam blocking works well). Weave in ends.

Pattern illustration

Chart Legend:

S1 -Selvage edge stitch (slipped at beginnings of rows, K on ends of rows) S - Selvage stitch (K on RS and WS) Shaded - Dropped stitch (P on RS, K on WS) B - Ktbl on RS, Ptbl on WS Blank - K on RS, P on WS O-Yo \- Ssk/ - K2tog

Pattern illustration

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