Cozy Fingerless Glove Pattern with Lion Brand Wool Ease and 2x2 Ribbing by Theresa Harmless Archer

Another Fingerless Glove Pattern (like I really needed to add another one in existence, right?)

Theresa Harmless Archer I used Lion Brand Wool ease for the warmth size 5 dpns wasteyarn gauge 6st and 8 rows per inch cast on 44 st and join knit 2x2 ribbing for 42 rounds

Pattern illustration

round 43 choose a knit rib and place marker increase 1 stitch increase 1 stitch and place another marker finish round in 2x2 knit 2 rounds in $_{2\times2}$ knit to mark in $_{2\times2}$ slip marker increase 1 st knit to 1 st before marker increase 1st knit round continue until there are 14 st between markers knit 2 rounds in $_{2\times2}$ save 14 st on waste yarn cast on 2 st at thumb gusset continue in $_{2\times2}$ rib for 20 more rounds bind off on 2x2 place 14 st on needles pick up bottom of 2 cast on stitches knit 10 rounds bind off weave in ends

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