Sausage-innabun Shawl Pattern by B.S. Johnson: A Complex Knitting Design Inspired by Ankh-Morpork Motifs


A B.S. Johnson Design\* Suggested Yarn - Fingering to sport weight Suggested Needle - 4.5 mm

Pattern illustration


$\mathbf{N}=\mathbf{k}2\mathbf{tog}$ $\mathrm{O}=$ yarnover $\mathrm{k}=$ knit pop $=$ (purl, yarnover, purl) in single stitch skp $=$ slip 1, knit 1, psso p=purl $\mathbf{A}={\mathrm{slip~}}2$ together as if to knit, knit 1, psso. $@=$ (slip YO from previous row purlwise, YO); you end up with two parallel strands lying over the needle. You treat them as one. If you do NOT end up with two parallel strands lying over the needle something is wrong. On future rows, treat the multiple strand as a single strand Odd rows not written are knit plain. Cast On - 314 stitches; Knit 6 rows 1) Knit 148 (O, k1) x18, k148 2) And any "return" rows \*not \* written out: k4, purl until 4 stitches remain; k4 3) K4, [k4, ON, k3] x36, k4 50) K4, (p4, @, p4) x 48, k4 51) K4, [k2, ON, $@$ , skp, O k2) x48, k4 52) K4, [p4, (pop in yo) p4) x48, k4 53) K4, [k3,NO, k1, O,skp, k3] x48, k4 55) k4, [N, k7, skp] x48, k4 59) k4, (ON)x72, (O, k1) x144, (ON) x72, k4 63) k4,[p, O, k5, O, p3tog, ] x 64; k4 65) k4, [p2, 0, k3, O, p1, p3tog]x 64 ; k4 67) k4, [p3, 0KO, p2, p3tog]x 64; k4 69)k4,[ p3tog , O, p5, O, k1] x64; k4 71) k4, [p3tog, k1, O, p3, O, k2] x64; k4 73) k4, [p3tog,k2, Op0, k3, Jx64; k4 75) k4,[p, O, k5, O, p3tog, 1 x 64; k4 77) k4, [p2, O, k3, O, p1, p3tog]x 64; k4 79) k4, [p3, OKO, p2, p3tog]x 64; k4 81)k4, [ p3tog , O, p5, O, k1] x64; k4 83) k4, [p3tog, k1, O, p3, O, k2] x64; k4 85) k4, [p3tog,k2, Op0, k3, Jx64; k4 87) k4, purl until 4 stitches left, k4 89) k4, ON until 4 stitches remain, k4 91) k4, purl until 4 stitches remain, k4 93) K4, [k4, ON, k3] x64, k4 94) K4, (p4, @, p4) x 64, k4 95) K4, [k2, ON, $@$ , skp, O k2) x64, k4 96) K4, [p4, (pop in yo) p4) x64, k4 97) K4, [k3,NO, k1, O,skp, k3] x64, k4 99) k4, [N, k7, skp] x64, k4 103) k4, (ON) x72; (O,k1) x 288; (ON) x72, O, k4 109, 111, 113) k5; [k7, 0A0, k8] x48; k4 115,117,119,121,123) k5, [k5, 0K0, k5t0g, 0K0, k6) x 48; k4 125,127,129,131,133,135,137,139) k5; [k3, 0K0, (A0)x2, A, 0K0, k4]x48; k4 141,143,145,147,149,151,153,155,157,159, 161) k5, [k1, (OK)x2, OAO, k5tog, OA0, (k0)x2, k2] x48, k4 165) k4, purl until 4 stitches remain, k4 167) k4, (ON) until 3 stitches remain, k3 168,169,170) k4, purl until 4 stitches remain, k4 EDGE: Cast on 15 stitches 1) knit 14, knit last stitch together with first stitch of shawl body 2) slip 1, k14 3) knit14, join to next live stitch of shawl body with k2tog 4) slip 1, k2, NO, k1, O, p2tog, k3, p2, O, p2tog 5) and all un-specified return rows: p14, p2together with next body stitch 6) slip 1, (NO)x2, k1, (O, p2tog) x2, k1, p2, O, p2tog 8) (NO)x2, k3, (O, p2tog) x2, p2, O, p2tog 10) Slip 1, k1, O, skp, OAO, p2tog, O, k2, p2, O, p2tog 12) slip1, k3, OAO, k4, p2, O, p2tog 14 skip 1, k10, p2, O, p2tog repeat 4 to $15\times78$ ; end with rows 2 and 3 (should work out evenly) \*When it was inquired why Mr. Johnson had named this shawl 'Sausage-innabun' his immediate response was: "Because it isn't a meat pie". Various textile scholars believe his inspiration for this shawl was the City of Ankh-Morpork; given the traditional Morporkian 'Hippo Print' motif that occurs in several places, combined with "Ankhwater and 'Tower of Art' patterns. and the surrounding 'Sto Cabbages' edge. No explanation has been found for the inclusion of the Lancre 'Peaks and Valleys' pattern.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

E = purl 3 tog - on last repeat purl 2 tog. p1 E$=$ purl 3 tog - on first repeat purl 2 tog.

Pattern illustration

= p2tog \= skp $A=\widehat{\sf s}2k p$ $/=$ k2tog $\mathsf{O}=$ yarnover $\mathsf{s}=$ slip one Copyright 2008 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario $@$

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