Fairy Tale Dress Knitting Pattern for Charity & Personal Use (Sizes 2-5)

Pattern illustration


Fits from size 2 as a long dress to size 5 as a top Yarn:150g Dalegarn stork cotton (or similar) $(50\,\mathrm{grm}=180\,\mathrm{m})$ Gauge: 28 sts x 30 rows =10 cm Tools: $3.25\;\mathrm{mm}$ needles $1\textbf{x}$ circ, $1\textbf{x}$ straights, $3\mathrm{mm}$ dpns for i-cord. 8 st markers This written pattern, graphs, charts and photographs are copyright and are the express property of the author, do not sell transmit, publish or pass on this publication (in printed or electronic form) You may not use this pattern for commercial purposes, you may use this pattern to produce 10 garments for charity. Please request permisson from the author in order to vary from this copyright. 2007 Justine Turner www.justjussi.com Shape moss st triangles by working an extra knit st each side of each marker every row until you are no longer working any moss st (do not increase the actual number of sts) Waist: Next row k2tog to end 104 sts rem Set up row: $\mathrm{k}2\,\mathrm{p}2$ for 14 sts (2x2 rib) knit the next 38 sts (back sts) k2p2 for 14 sts knit 38 sts(front sts). Staying in pat work 60 rows Next row: place the 14 rib sts on a holder, knit across to other rib sts, place on a holder Place back sts on a holder. Cont on front sts. Armhole shaping Dec 1 st beg next 6 rows Knit 8 rows Knit 2 garter rows Yfwd k2tog to end Knit 2 garter rows Cast off Work back Dec 1 st beg next 6 rows Knit 6 rows Knit 2 garter rows Yfwd k2tog to end Knit 2 garter rows Cast off Work 60 rows 3 st i-cord on $3\mathrm{mm}$ dpns. Next row - attach i-cord in the following manner: WS facing $*\mathrm{l}_{\mathrm{k}2}$ , slip next st onto R needle, pick up and knit st from amole de, pso, slip sts to thr needle and continue to work to end, then knit another 60 rows of plain 1-cord. Work the other side to match Decorate with leaves and roses, or ribbons as desired. Note: experiment with thicker or thinner yarns and needles to make different sized roses and Rose: using coloured cotton and larger needles cast on 12 sts Next row: k 1, yfwd, continue to end Next row: k to end Repeat the last 2 rows 3 x Cast offloosely, leave a long tail for sewing up. To make up: using cat on edge as bottom edge, roll knitting to approximate a

Pattern illustration

rose, sew some tacking sts through the base of the rose.


Cast on 3 sts Next row: k1, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k1 Next row: purl Next row: k2, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2 Next row: purl Next row: k3, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k3 Next row purl Next row:k4, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k4 Next row: purl Next row: k4, k3tog through back loops, k4 Next row: purl Next row: k3, k3tog through back loops, k3 Next row: purl Next row: k2, k3tog through back loops, k2 Next row: purl Next row: k1, k3tog through back loops, k1 Next row: p3 tog, pull yarn through, leave a long tail, use to sew onto garment.

Pattern illustration

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