Pom-Pom Mini Rug Crafting Tutorial by Zlata Tomikj: A Beginner-Friendly Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Pom-Pom Mini Rug by Zlata Tomikj


SIZE: One Size RUG Make pom pom : Start with drawing a Big circle and inside it a smaller one on a cardboard (2 pairs)! 1.You can choose the diameter of the circle ( mine is 9.5 cm) 2. Then cut trapezoid on the lower part of the circle

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Make as many you want in many color leaving long tails on each pompom , or cut smaller tails and at the and sew them with one longer tail. For this rug make : 15 with A( lithe brown/yellow) , 10 with B ( dark brown) .. you can add variety of colors off your choise.

Crochet the base- canvas :

Chan as many stitches you need and work like this : ch3, yo , dc, \* c2, yo , dc ; repeat from \*


Following diagram, and using long tails for sewing or one big tail , sew pom-poms each onto canvas. Weave in ends. /www.facebook.com/pages/Goldy-style-nneTeHbe-H-xeKnaHbe/

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