Vest Knitting Pattern with Moss Stitch and Armhole Edgings


Design by Amy E. Anderson @

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration


design by Amy E. Anderson Vests are so versatile; they can be worn all year 'round, with skirts, slacks, or shorts. This $t o o\%$ silk yarn was a delight to work with and it can pass for casual or dressy. I chose a tailored look, with buttoned-down back vents and wide front lapels. The picot cast-on makes a fun edging. Because there is a lot going on with the construction and shaping in this design, I kept the stitches plain and simple. The 3 lower flaps are worked separately, and then joined in one row ...nothing too tricky or mind-bending; just follow the instructions one step at a time and you'll sail though it. Directions are given for 3 sizes. If only one number appears,it applies to all sizes. Materials: Purseta $100\%$ silk yarn 5 (6, 7) balls 11 buttons, size 9/16" or $14\;\mathrm{mm}$ Needles: Size 5 circular and 1 double-pointed needle, size 5 or smaller Gauge: 5 sts $=$ 1" in stockinette Finished Dimensions: Chest at armholes: $37^{*}(42^{*},\,47^{*})$ Body Length: $20^{\prime\prime}(21^{\prime\prime},22^{\prime\prime})$ Armhole Depth: $10\%^{\ast}(1\,7\%^{\ast},\;12\%^{\ast\ast})$

Picot Cast On:

\*Cast on 5 sts, then BO 2 by lifting the $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ and $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ st over the edge st and off needle, one at a time\*, repeat $^{\star}-^{\star}$ ,endcO2. Note: You'llfind this a lot easier to do if you cast on loosely. Moss Stitch (over and odd # of stitches): Row 1 (RS): K1 $^{\star}\mathsf{P}\,^{\star}$ , $\mathsf{K}1^{\star}$ , repeat $\star_{\mathrm{~\*~}}\star$ Row 2: P1 $^{\star}\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}$ , $\mathsf{P}\mathsf{1}^{\star}$ , repeat $\star_{\mathrm{~\*~}}\star$ Row 3: P1 $^{\star}\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}$ , $\mathsf{P}\mathsf{1}^{\star}$ , repeat $\star_{\mathrm{~\*~}}\star$ Row 4: K1 $^{\star}\mathsf{P}\dagger$ , $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}^{\star}$ , repeat \*- \*. Moss Stitch (over an even # of stitches): Row 1 (RS): $^{\star}\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}$ , $\mathsf{P}\mathsf{1}^{\star}$ , repeat \*- \*. Row 2: $^{\star}\mathsf{K}\mathsf{1}$ , $\mathsf{P1}^{\star}$ , repeat \* - \*. Row 3: $^{\star}\mathsf{P}\,^{\star}$ , $\mathsf{K}1^{\star}$ , repeat \* - \*. Row 4: $^{\star}\mathsf{P}\,^{\star}$ , $\mathsf{K}1^{\star}$ , repeat \*- \*.

Back Flap:

CO 53 (59, 65) sts in Picot Cast-On. Purl 1 row. Work in Moss Stitch for 10 rows. Begin placket and work buttonholes as follow Row 1 (RS): Work 5 sts in Moss Stitch, lift the $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ st over the $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ st and off needle (BO1) to create buttonhole,work 2more sts in Moss Stitch, PM, knit to last 7 sts, PM, work 5 sts in Moss Stitch, lift $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ st over $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ st and off needle, work to end of row in Moss Stitch. Row 2: Work first 7 sts in Moss Stitch casting on 1 st to replace the BO st, purl to next marker, work last 7 sts in Moss Stitch casting on 1 st to replace the BO st. Work 8 rows, keeping the first 7 sts and the last 7sts in Moss Stitch, and the middle in stockinette. Work a second set of buttonholes, same as in Row 1 and Row 2,above. Work 2 more rows in pattern as established. Put Back Flap sts on a piece of scrap yarn and set aside.

Left Front Flap: (no buttonholes)

CO 77 (86, 95) sts in Picot Cast-on. Purl 1 row. Work 10 rows in Moss Stitch. Begin placket as follows: Row 1 (RS): Work first 7 sts in Moss Stitch, PM, knit to last 17 sts, PM, work last 17sts in Moss Stitch. Row 2: Work first 17 sts in Moss Stitch, purl to next marker, work last 7 sts in Moss Stitch. Repeat Rows 1 and 2, six more times. Put Left Front Flap on a piece of scrap yarn and set aside. Uu!' (ou, gu) ss I"I r icut uast-u!l. Purl 1 row. Work 2 rows in Moss Stitch. Work first buttonhole as follows: Row 1 (RS): Work 5 sts in Moss Stitch, lift $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ st over $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ st and off needle (BO 1) to make buttonhole, work to end of row in Moss Stitch. Row 2: Work in Moss Stitch casting on 1 st to replace the BO st. Work 6 more rows in Moss Stitch. Begin plackets as follows: Row 1 (RS): Work first 17 sts in Moss Stitch, PM, knit to last 7 sts, PM, work last 7 sts in Moss Stitch. Row 2: Work first 7 sts in Moss Stitch, purl to next marker, work last 17 sts in Moss Stitch. Work $2^{n d}$ buttonhole as follows: RS Row: Work first 5 sts in Moss Stitch,lift $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ st over $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ st and off needle (BO 1), work to marker in Moss Stitch, knit to next marker, work last 7 sts in Moss Stitch. WS row: Work as established, casting on 1 st to replace the BO st. Work 8 more rows as established (side plackets in Moss Stitch, middle in stockinette). Work a $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ buttonhole as above. Join Flaps as follows:

Note: On this row, remove all markers! As you need them, put Back Flap and Left Front Flap sts onto needles.

RS row: On Right Front Flap, work the first 17 sts in Moss Stitch, knit to the last 7 sts, slip last 7 sts onto dp needle. Holding dp needle at the back and Back Flap in front, knit together the next 7 sts by \*inserting needle into the $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ st on the front needle and $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ st on the back needle, knit these 2 sts together \*, repeat \* - \* across 7 placket sts. Then, knit across the Back Flap to the last 7 sts, slip last 7 sts onto dp needle. Holding dp needle in front and Left Front Flap in back, knit together the next 7 sts as above. Then, knit across the Left Front Flap to the last 17 sts, work last 17 sts in Moss Stitch. You will now have 193 (217, 241) sts total. Next row (WS): Work 17 sts in Moss, PM, purl 33 (39, 45) sts, PM for armhole, purl 93 (105, 117) sts for back, PM for armhole, purl 33 (39, 45), PM, work 17 sts in Moss Stitch. Continue in pattern as established, with first 17 sts and last 17 sts in Moss Stitch, middle in stockinette. At same time, continue working buttonholes with 8 pattern rows in between each buttonhole, until you have completed 7 buttonholes.

The Flipside (page two)

Work 2 rows in pattern. Begin armholes as follows: Next Row (RS): Work in pattern until 4 sts before the 1st armhole marker, BO the next 8 sts, work to 4 sts before the $2^{\ n d}$ armhole marker, BO the next 8 sts, work to end of row in pattern. Slip Right Front sts onto a holder and set aside. Slip Back sts onto holder and set aside.

Working on Left Front sts only:

Work neck and armhole shaping simultaneously, as follows: Work armhole decreases on every RS row: BO 2 sts, one time. BO 1 st, 5 (8, 11) times. Work neck decreases on every RS row 7(8, 11) times. Then, work neck decreases on every $2^{\mathsf{n d}}$ RS row, 12 (14, 14) times. Neck decreases are worked as follows: Work in pattern to 3 sts before marker, K2tog, K1, work last 17 sts in Moss Stitch. When all armhole and neck decreases are completed, you will have 20 sts remaining. Work even until body measures $^{20"}$ (21", 22"), ending so that next row would have RS facing. Slip all sts to a holder. Put Right Front sts back on needle, so that first row worked will haveWS facing. Work neck and armhole shaping simultaneously as follows: Work armhole decreases on every wS row: BO 2 sts, one time BO 1 st, 5 (8, 11) times. Work neck decreases on every RS row 7(8, 11) times. Then, work neck decreases on every $2^{\ n d}$ RS row, 12 (14, 14) times. Neck decreases are worked as follows: Work first 17 sts in Moss Stitch, K1, SSK, knit to end of row. When all armhole and neck decreases are completed, you will have 20 sts remaining. Work even until body measures $^{20"}$ (21", 22"), ending so that next row would have RS facing. Slip all sts to a holder.


Put the 85 (97, 109) Back sts onto needle so first row worked Will have WS facing. Working in stockinette, BO 2 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Then, B0 1 st at the beginning of the next 10 (16, 22) rows. You will have 71 (77, 83) sts remaining. Work even until back measures 19" (20", 21"), ending so next row worked will have RS facing. Next row: Work 20 sts in stockinette, PM, work 31 (37, 43) sts in Moss Stitch, PM, work last 20 sts in stockinette. Continue as established until back measures 20" (21", 22"), ending so next row will have wS facing. Next row: Work 20 sts and slip to holder for Left shoulder, BO 31 (37, 43) sts, work last 20 sts and slip to holder for Right shoulder.

Knit together and bind off shoulder seams on wS, as follows:

Slip one set of front shoulder sts onto one needle. Slip one set of the back shoulder sts onto another needle. Hold these two needles so that the RS are together and you're looking at the WS. Using a $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ needle, knit together and bind off as follows: Insert needle through 1 st on the front needle and 1 st on the back needle, and knit these 2 sts together. Repeat for the next st on the front and back needle, then lift the first st on the right needleover the $2^{\ n d}$ st to bind off, as you would in ordinary knitting. Continue working in this manner to the end of the row.

Armhole Edgings:

With RS facing, starting at armpit, PU 60 (64, 68) sts to shoulder seam, PU 60 (64, 68) sts to armpit. You will have 120 (128, 136) sts total. Round 1: Join and purl around, decreasing 16 sts evenly spaced. You will have 104 (112, 120) sts total. Purl 2 more rounds. Next round: BO all sts, purlwise. Leave a long tail of yarn (approx. 45").


Block vest by laying it between 2 damp towels, overnight. Sew 7 buttons on front, and 2 buttons on each of the back vents. Baste the armhole edgings to the inside.


$\mathsf{K}=\mathsf{K}\mathsf{n i t}$ $\mathsf{s t}(\mathsf{s})=$ stitch(es) $\mathsf{P}=\mathsf{P}\mathsf{u}\mathsf{r}|$ ${\mathsf{C O}}=$ Cast on ${\sf R S}=$ right side $\mathsf{B O}=$ Bind off ${\sf W S}=$ wrong side $\mathsf{P M}=$ Place marker $\mathsf{S S K=}$ slip 2 sts as if to knit,insert lft needle back through both sts and knit them together. Stockinette $=$ Knit on RS rows, purl on WS rows. Dec $=$ decrease K2tog $=$ knit 2 together PU $=$ pick up

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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