CILET APE BEE VEST Knitting Pattern for 6 Months - Detailed Instructions with Rounds and Yarn Details


Pattern illustration

Category: BEE VEST Size: 6 months Needles 4 mm, crochet n.4 Yarn: cotton 60 gr brown and 40 gr yellow Round 1 Cast on 138 sts with brown cotton Round 2-15 Knit 2 purl 2 for the lower edge Round 16-17 knit Round 18 Color change. With yellow, work falling into the ends 10 stitches Round 19-43 With yellow knit every row dropping sts for each end of the work. It alternates every 4 rows color. Round 44-45 Divide the work into three parts to form the shoulders (see diagram), work one at a time, dividing them into three parts: 12 sts, 46 sts for the back and another 12 sts. With brown, knit every row dropping a sts for each end of the work, the back remains straight. Round 46-51 With yellow, knit every row dropping a st to each end of the work, while the back remains straight. It alternates every 2 rows color. Round 52-70 With brown, knit without falling. It alternates every 2 irons color. Round 8O With yellow color, close the three parties work Fix up the front with the back. Make a chain with a crochet hook no. 4 and pass on the basis of the work to close. finish the edges with the same crochet point shrimp.

Pattern illustration

Working all together Cross the fronts Finish the edges with crochet Chain closing

Pattern illustration

① Blog Prime Maglie di Stefania pubblicato il 30.06.2012

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