#57 cable baby beanie #SWB-K00057
SIZES: XS $({\mathsf{S}},\,{\mathsf{M}},\,{\mathsf{L}})=3{-}6$ months (6-12 months, 12- 18 months, 18-24 months). Toy hat fits regular-sized Care Bears perfectly! LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: EaSy

k - knit p- purl · C6F - cable 6 front (explained below) C4F - cable 4 front (explained below) Ribbing. · skp - slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over · k2tog - knit 2 together · k3tog - knit 3 together · p2tog - purl 2 together Sewing a seam Please visit http://www.sweaterbabe.com/abbr.htm for a list of standard knittina abbreviations. Shown in 6-12 months size (on baby) and Toy size (on Bashful Heart Bear). FINISHED MEASUREMENTS: xs (s, m, L) = 14 $\%$ (16, 17 3/4, 19)" circumferencex53/4 $(6,\,6\;\%,\,6\;\%)^{\prime\prime}$ height.


FLAT VIEW OF HAT: TOY SIZE $=\sim\!9"$ circumference x 3 14" height.
\* 1 (1, 2, 2)-50g/1.75oz ball (90m/98.5yds) of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran ( $55\%$ Merino Wool/ $33\%$ Microfiber/ $12\%$ Cashmere) in Camel #505. [TOY Size uses approx. 10g (18m) of yarn.] \* 1-Pair Size 9 (5.5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE \* Cable needle \* Yarn tapestry needle
\* 16 stitches $=4^{\prime\prime}$ and 24 rows $=4^{\prime\prime}$ in Stockinette Stitch $\circledcirc$ Copyright SweaterBabe.com. All rights reserved worldwide. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE
KNITTING THE BEANIE - sizes XS (S, M, L) (Toy Size Beanie instructions begin on page 5)
Co 75 (80, 87, 92) sts.
1) As you complete each row, check off the boxes along the left to keep track of which rows you have completed. 2) To work a "c6F" (Cable 6 Front) - Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, k3, k3 from cable needle. Begin with ribbed lower edge: Row 1: $\ast\mathsf{K}1$ , p1; rep from \* ending with k1 (0, 1, 0). Row 2: P1 (0, 1, 0), $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p1; rep from \* to end. Row 3: Rep Row 1. Row 4: Rep Row 2. Begin cable pattern as follows: Row 5 (WS): P4 (5, 7, 8), $\ast\mathsf{k}_{2}$ , p6, k2, p9 (10, 11, 12); rep from \* 2 times, k2, p6, k2, p4 (5, 7, 8). Row 6 (Rs): Kthe knit sts and p the purl sts as follows: k4 (5, 7, 8), \*p2, k6, p2, k9 (10, 11, 12); rep from $^*2$ times, p2, k6, p2, k4 (5, 7, 8). Row 7: Rep Row 5. Row 8 (Cable Twist Row): K4 (5, 7, 8) \*p2, C6F, p2, k9 (10, 11, 12); rep from \* 2 times, p2, C6F, p2, k4 (5, 7, 8). Row 9: Rep Row 5. Row 10: Rep Row 6. Row 11: Rep Row 5. Row 12: Rep Row 6. Row 13: Rep Row 5. Row 14: Rep Row 6. Row 15: Rep Row 5. Row 16 (Cable Twist Row): Rep Row 8. Row 17: Rep Row 5. Row 18: Rep Row 6. Row 19: Rep Row 5. Row 20: Rep Row 6. Row 21: Rep Row 5. Row 22: Rep Row 6. Row 23: Rep Row 5. Begin shaping hat with decrease rows as follows: Row 24 (Cable Twist and Decrease Row): K2 (3, 5, 6), k2tog, \*p2, C6F, p2, skp, k5 (6, 7, 8), k2tog; rep from $^*2$ times, p2, C6F, p2, skp, k2 (3, 5, 6) $=$ 67 (72, 79, 84) sts. Row 25: P3 (4, 6, 7), $\ast\mathsf{k}2$ p6, k2, p7(8, 9, 10); rep from $^*2$ times, k2, p6, k2, p3 (4, 6, 7). Row 26 (Decrease Row): K1 (2, 4, 5), k2tog, $\ast_{\mathsf{p}2}$ k6, p2, skp, k3 (4, 5, 6), k2tog; rep from $^*2$ times, p2, k6, p2, skp, ki $\mathtt{1}\left(2,\,4,\,5\right)=59$ (64, 71, 76) sts. Row 27: P2 (3, 5, 6) $\ast_{\mathsf{k}2}$ p6, k2, p5 (6,7, 8); rep from $^*2$ times, k2, p6, k2, p2 (3, 5, 6). Row 28 (Decrease Row): K0 (1, 3, 4), k2tog, $\ast_{\mathsf{p}2}$ k6, p2, skp, k1 (2, 3, 4), k2tog; rep from $^*2$ times, p2, k6, p2, skp, k0 (1, 3, 4) = 51 (56, 63, 68) sts. $\boxed{\begin{array}{r l}\end{array}}$ Row 29: P1 (2, 4, 5), $\ast_{\mathsf{k}2}$ p6, k2, p3 (4, 5, 6); rep from $^*2$ times, k2, p6, k2, p1 (2, 4, 5). FOR SIZE X-SMALL ONLY: Row 30 (Decrease Row): K1 \*p2tog, k6, p2tog, k3; rep from \* 2 times, p2tog, k6, p2tog, ${\boldsymbol{\mathsf{k1}}}=43$ sts. Row 31: P1, $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p6, k1, p3; rep from $^*2$ times, k1, p6, k1, p1. Row 32 (Cable Twist and Decrease Row): K1, \*p1, C6F, p1, k3tog; rep from \* 2 times, p1, C6F, p1, ${\sf k1}=37$ sts. Row 33: P1, $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p6, k1, p1; rep from \* 3 times. Row 34 (Decrease Row): K1, \*p1, skp, k2, k2tog, p1, k1; rep from \* 3 times $=$ 29 sts. Do NOT bind off. Just cut the yarn, leaving a ${15^{\prime\prime}}$ tail. Jump to FINISHING Instructions on page 4. FOR SIZES SMALL, MEDIUm, AND LARGE ONLY: Row 30 (Decrease Row): K- (0, 2, 3), k2tog, \*p2, k6, p2, skp, k-(0, 1, 2), k2tog; rep from $^*2$ times, p2, k6, p2, skp, k- (0, 2, 3) = - (48, 55, 60) sts. Row 31: P- (1, 3, 4), $\ast_{\mathsf{k}2}$ ; p6, k2, p- (2, 3, 4); rep from $^*2$ times, k2, p6, k2, p(1, 3, 4).
page 3
Row 32 (Cable Twist and Decrease Row): K- (1, 3, 4), \*p2tog, C6F, p2tog, k-- (2, 3, 4); rep from \* 2 times, p2tog, C6F, p2tog, $\mathbf{\k}-\left(1,\,3,\,4\right)=-\left(40,\,47,\,52\right)$ sts. Row 33: P- (1, 3, 4), $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p6, k1, p- (2, 3, 4); rep from $^*2$ times, k1, p6, k1, p(1, 3, 4). $\boxed{\begin{array}{r l}\end{array}}$ Row 34 (Decrease Row): K- (1, 3, 4), \*p1, skp, k2, k2tog, p1, k- (2, 3, 4); rep from $^*2$ times, p1, skp, k2, k2tog, p1, k- (1, 3, 4) = - (32, 39, 44) sts. Row 35: P- (1, 3, 4), \*k1, p4, k1, p- (2, 3, 4); rep from $^*2$ times, k1, p4, k1, p(1, 3, 4). Row 36 (Decrease Row): K-(1, 3, 4), \*p1, skp, k2tog, p1, k- (2, 3, 4); rep from $^*2$ times, p1, skp, k2tog, pi, k- (1,3, 4) $=$ (24, 31, 36) sts.
Do NOT bind off. Just cut the yarn, leaving a ${15^{\prime\prime}}$ tail. Jump to FINISHING instructions below.
Row 37: P3, $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p2, k1, p3; rep from $^*2$ times, k1, p2, k1, p3. Row 38 (Decrease Row): K1, k2tog, \*p1, k2, p1, k1, k2tog; rep from \* 2 times, p1, k2tog, p1, skp, ${\bf k}1={\bf25}$ sts. Do NOT bind off. Just cut the yarn, leaving a ${15^{\prime\prime}}$ tail. Jump to FINISHING Instructions on page 4.
Row 37: P4, $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p2, k1, p4; rep from $^*2$ times, k1, p2, k1, p4. Row 38 (Decrease Row): K2, k2tog, \*p1, k2, p1, skp, k2tog; rep from \* 2 times, p1, k2, p1, skp, ${\bf k}2={\bf28}$ sts. Row 39: P3, $\ast\mathsf{k1}$ , p2; rep from $^*7$ times, p1. Row 40 (Decrease Row): K1, k2tog, $\ast_{\mathsf{p1}}$ , k2tog, p1, k2; rep from \* 2 times, p1, k2tog, p1, skp, ${\boldsymbol{\ k}}\mathbf{1}=\mathbf{2}\mathbf{2}$ sts. Do NOT bind off. Just cut the yarn, leaving a ${15^{\prime\prime}}$ tail.
Thread this $15"$ tail into the yarn tapestry needle and run the needle through the remaining 27 (24, 25, 23) stitches on your knitting needle, letting the stitches slip off of your knitting needle as you go. Pull the yarn tapestry needle through and tighten to gather the top of the hat. Sew the back seam of the hat using a back stitch. Weave in loose ends.
TOY HAT Knitting Instructions NOTES:
1) As you complete each row, check off the boxes along the left to keep track of which rows you have completed. 2) To work a "c4F" (Cable 4 Front) - Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, k2, k2 from cable needle. Cast on 50 sts. Begin with ribbed lower edge: Row 1: $\ast\mathsf{K}1$ , p1; rep from \* to end. J Rows 2 to 4: Rep Row 1. Begin cable pattern as follows: JRow 5 (Ws): P5, $\ast_{\mathsf{k}2}$ , p4, k2, p8; rep from \* once, k2, p4, k2, p5. Row 6 (Rs): K the knit sts and p the purl sts as follows: k5, \*p2, k4, p2, k8; rep 'rom \* once, p2, k4, p2, k5. J Row 7: Rep Row 5. JRow 8 (Cable Twist Row): K5 \*p2, C4F, p2, k8; rep from \* once, p2, C4F, p2, k5. J Row 9: Rep Row 5. J Row 10: Rep Row 6. J Row 11: Rep Row 5. Begin shaping hat with decrease rows as follows: Row 12 (Decrease Row): K3, k2tog, $\ast_{\mathsf{p}2}$ , k4, p2, skp, k4, k2tog; rep from \* once, p2, k4, p2, skp, ${\sf k}3=44$ sts. Row 13: P4, $\ast\mathsf{k}2$ p4, k2, p6; rep from $^*$ once, k2, p4, k2, p4. Row 14 (Cable Twist and Decrease Row): K2, k2tog, \*p2, C4F, p2, skp, k2, k2tog; rep from $^*$ once, p2, C4F, p2, skp, ${\sf k}2=38$ sts. Row 15: P3, $\ast\mathsf{k}2$ p4, k2, p4; rep from $^*$ once, k2, p4, k2, p3. Row 16 (Decrease Row): K1, k2tog, $\ast_{\mathsf{p}2}$ , k4, p2, skp, k2tog; rep from \* once, p2, C4F, p2, skp, $\mathsf{k1}=\mathsf{32}$ sts. Row 17: P2, $\ast_{\mathsf{k}2}$ , p4, k2, p2; rep from $^*$ once, k2, p4, k2, p2. $\boxed{\begin{array}{r l}\end{array}}$ Row 18(Decrease Row): K2 \*p2tog, k4, p2tog, k2; rep from \* once, p2tog, k4, p2tog, ${\sf k}2=26$ sts. Do NOT bind off. Just cut the yarn, leaving a ${10}^{\prime\prime}$ tail.
Thread this ${10"}$ tail into the yarn tapestry needle and run the needle through the remaining 26 stitches on your knitting needle, letting the stitches slip off of your knitting needle as you go. Pull the yarn tapestry needle through and tighten to gather the top of the hat. Sew the back seam of the hat using a back stitch. Weave in loose ends.
Hand wash in cool water. Roll gently in towel to remove excess water (do not twist or Wring), and lay flat to dry.

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