Mind the Gap by Remily Knits: A Hand-Dyed Yarn Cowl Pattern with Detailed Instructions for Knitting Flat or in the Round

Remily Knits

Mind the Gap

by Rachel Henry @Remily Knits Mind the Gap is especially designed for hand-dyed yarn. The puffs consolidate colors, making a finished cowl with color properties similar to the original skein of yarn. Even highly variegated skeins can pop in this fun-to-knit, three-dimensional stitch pattern. The short pattern repeat makes this an easy pattern to adapt to a variety of yarn weights and sizes. This cowl may be knit flat or in the round - full directions for both methods are included! Full written directions for all charts are also provided.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Finished Size: about 24" circumference; about 8" tall Yarn: A Hundred Ravens Danu [240 yd/220 m per 3.5 oz/100 g skein]; Squonk (sample used about 175 yards) Gauge: 22 sts = 4" in stockinette stitch (exact gauge is not critical for this project, although it will affect yardage) Tools: #6/4.0mm circular needle,stitch marker,tapestry needle

Special Abbreviations:

A list of common abbreviations can be found on the last page. PUFF (worked over 5 stitches): (k5, turn, p5, turn) three times, then k5

Pattern Notes:

It is perfectly reasonable to work each PUFF by turning the work for each 5-stitch row. However, this project provides an excellent opportunity to practice "knitting backwards" - that is to say, working stitches from the right needle onto the left needle. Please consider giving it a try! he round are given first, followed by directions for knitting it flat. Use your favorite method st-on for this project - for photo and video tutorial, see my blog: http://wp.me/p1gWuT-6v

Mind the Gap (in the round)

Cast on 120 stitches (or any multiple of 10 stitches). Join for work in the round.

Mind the Gap (worked flat)

Cast on 122 stitches (or any multiple of 10 stitches, plus 2 for selvages). Knit 1 round, then purl 1 round. Knit 2 rows. Follow "in the round" chart as many times as desired, ending with row 4 or row 8 (sample has 4.5 vertical repeats). Follow "worked flat" chart as many times as desired, ending with row 4 or row 8 (sample has 4.5 vertical repeats). Knit 1 round, then purl 1 round. Bind off Knit 2 rows. Bind off.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Mind the Gap (in the round) - written translation: Mind the Gap (worked flat) - written translation: Rounds 1 & 2: knit Round 3: (PUFF, k5), repeat around Rounds 4-6: knit Round 7: (k5, PUFF), repeat around Round 8: knit Row 1: knit Row 2: purl Row 3: k1, (PUFF, k5), repeat to last st, k1 Row 4: purl Row 5: knit Row 6: purl Row 7: k1, (k5, PUFF), repeat to last st, k1 Row 8: purl

AbbreviationsCOcast onPUpick updec
contcontinueP,pμndskpsl, k,psso:1 st dec
inchesdecdecrease(es)p2togpurl 2 sts togetherslslip
repinstbet()'s asmanyDPN(s)doublepointed needle(s)patpattemslstslip stitch(es)
timesasnotedafterwardIEOReveryotherrowpmplace markersmslip marker
rep inst foll single*asincincreasepoppopcornssksl,sl, k these 2 ststog
directedinstinstructionsprpreviousrowSSsksl,sl,sl,kthese3sts tog
rep inst bet**'s as manyK, kknitprevpreviousSt ststockinette stitch
times as noted afterK1-bknit 1 st tblpssopass slipped stitch overstsstitch(es)
[]rep inst bet []'s as manyk2togknit two sts togetherpwisepurlwisetblthrough back loop
times as noted afterKFBknit into the front andRrowtflthroughfrontloop
altalternatebackof stitchremremain(ing)togtogether
begbegin/beginningLHleft handRevst streverse stockinette stitchinstructionsinpattern)
betbetweenM1makeone stitchRHright handWEwork even
BObind offM1Lmake a left-leaning strnd(s)round(s)WSwrong side
UUcontrast colorM1Rmake a right-leaning stRSright sidewyibwithyarninback
cmcentimeter(s)MCmain colorskskipwyifwith yarn in front
cncable needlemmmillimeter(s)sk2psl 1, k2tog, pass slippedyd(s)yard(s)
OZouncestitchoverk2tog:2 stsyoyam over

Ire that this pattern is error-free. Should you discover an error, or have any questions, please mail.com. ank my test knitter from the Remily Knits forum on Ravelry. You were awesome! Thank you! Photos by Remily Photos, @2013

Remily Knits

Read more about my patterns, plus tips and tricks, book and yarn reviews, and my own knitting adventures at http://remilyknits.wordpress.com. love to see your finished projects on Ravelry.com. Please take a moment to log in and share Intended for personal knitting enjoyment and use only! This pattern may not be distributed or sold. Please ask about cottage licenses for selling items made from this pattern. @ 2013, Remily Knits, All Rights Reserved

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