Cozy Cable Mittens My Life's Work Original Pattern
Materials Worsted Weight yarn Size 8 double point needles or Size 8 16’ circular needle Yarn needle Cable needle Gauge 5 stitches and 7 rows in stockinette $=1$ inch Abbreviations St-stitch DPN-double point needles pm-place marker M1-make one K2tog- knit 2 stitches together K3tog-knit 3 stitches together SSK -slip 2 stitches knitwise separately, then knit together through the back loop 4LC-slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold to front of work. K2, K2 from cable needle. 4RC-slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold to back of work. K2, K2 from cable needle
Six Stitch Plait Pattern
Round 1: \*P3, 4LC, K2. Repeat from \* around. Round 2: \*P3, K6. Repeat from \* around. Round 3: \*P3, K2, 4RC. Repeat from \* around. Round 4: Repeat Round 2.
Cast 45 stitches onto double pointed needles. Join, being careful not to twist stitches, and work in the round. Work Six Stitch Plait pattern for 3 inches.
Thumb Gusset
On the next round, P1, pm, M1, K1, M1, pm, P1. (3 gusset st between markers) K26 in Six Stitch Plait. K17 in stockinette stitch. K the first stitch of the round. The next stitch will be the new beginning of the round. You will be kniting the thumb gusset between the stitch markers, continuing the Plait Pattern over 3 Plaits with a P stitch at either end, and finishing the round in plain stockinette. Round 1: Slip marker, K3 gusset stitches, slip marker, P1, K26 in Plait patern, K18 i stockinette. Round 2: Slip marker, M, K3, M1, slip marker (5 gusset stitches), P1, K26 in Plait pattern, K18. Repeat last 2 rounds adding 2 to the number knit between M1 until titches number of gusset stitches reaches 15.
Knit across 15 gusset stitches and place them on waste yarn. Knit around mitten in established pattern to end of round. Cast on 1 stitch to continue knitting on the round. Work 26 stitches in Plait Pattern and 19 stitches in stockinette until mitten clears your pinky finger.
Top Decreases
Round 1: P1, K2tog, K2, SSK, Knit next 12 stitches in plait pattern, K2tog, K2, SSK, P1, K remaining stitches. Round 2: P1, Ktog, SSK, K next 12 stitches in plait pattern, Ktog, SSK, Pl, Ktog, K remaining stitches in stockinette. Round3:P, SSK, Knxt 12 Stths i ait pat, Ktog,P, K, Ktog, kit tt stitches, SSK, K1. Round 4: P1, SSK, K next 10 stitches in plait patter, K2tog, P1, K1 SSK, K10, K2tog, K1. Continue decreasing every round as in round 4 (there will be 2 fewer stitches between each paired decrease) until a total of 12 stitches remain. Place stockinette palm stitches on one DPN and patterned stitches on another. Weave together using Kitchener stitch.
Divide 15 thumb stitches evenly among 3 DPNs. Attach yarn and knit around. At the point where the thumb meets the mitten, pick up 3 additional stitches (18 stitches). Next round: K2tog, K to last 2 stitches, K2tog. Continue knitting around thumb evenly until mitten reaches just past the top of the thumbnail. K2tog around until 4 stitches remain. Break yarn and thread through stitches. Pulltight and weave in end.
Cast 45 stitches onto double pointed needles. Join, being careful not to twist stitches, and work in the round. Work Six Stitch Plait pattern for 3 inches.
Thumb Gusset
On the next round, P1, pm, M1, K1, M1, pm, P1. (3 gusset st between markers) K17 in stockinette stitch. K25 in Six Stitch Plait. You will be knitting the thumb gusset between the stitch markers, continuing with 17 stockinette stitches and finishing with 25 stitches of the Plait Pattern consisting of 3 Plaits with a P stitch at either end. Round 1: P1, Knit 3 gusset stitches, P1, K17 in Stockinette, K25 in Plait pattern Round 2: P1, slip marker, M1, K3, M, 1slip marker P1 (5 gusset stitches), K25 in Plait pattern, K17. Repeat last 2 rounds increasing in thumb gusset as above, adding 2 to the number knit between M1 until stitches number of gusset stitches reaches 15. nanu P1, Knit across 15 gusset stitches and place them on waste yarn. Cast on 1 stitch to continue knitting on the round. This stitch willbe the new beginning of the round. Knit around mitten in established pattern to end of round Work 19 stitches in stockinette and remaining 26 stitches in Plait patterm until mitten clears your pinky finger.
Top Decreases
Round 1: K19, P1, K2tog,K2, SK, Knit 12 stitches in plait pattern, K2tog, K2, SK, P1 Round 2: K19, P1, K2tog, SSK, K12 stitches in plait pattern, K2tog, SSK, P1 Round 3: K1, SSK, K12, K3tog, K1, P1, SSK, K12 stitches in plait pattern, K2tog, P1 Round 4: K1, SSK, K10, K2tog, K1, P1 SSK, K10 stitches in plait pattern, K2tog, P1 Continue decreasing every round as in round 4 (there will be 2 fewer stitches between each paired decrease) until a total of 12 stitches remain. Place stockinette palm stitches on one DPN and patterned stitches on another. Weave together using Kitchener stitch.
Divide 15 thumb stitches evenly among 3 dpns. Attach yarn and knit around. At the point where the thumb meets the mitten, Pick up 3 additional stitches (18 stitches). Next round: Ktog, Kto last stitches, Ktog. Continue knitting around thumb evenly until mitten reaches just past the top of the thumbnail. K2tog around until 4 stitches remain. Break yarn and thread through stitches. Pulltight and weave in end.