Faux Cable Legwarmers Knitting Pattern by Alice B. Hyde - Worsted Weight Yarn, US 8, Various Sizes


BY ALICE HYdE MATERIALS 175-250 yards (160-230m) worstedweight yarn ·US 8 $\left(5\mathrm{mm}\right)$ dpns (or size to meet gauge)


+4 sts x 7 rows $=1^{\circ}$ $(2.5\mathrm{cm})$ in slightly stretched pattern stitch FINISHED SIZES · Circumference of calf at widest point: S( $\mathrm{10-12^{\circ}}$ (25-30cm)), M (13-15" 33- 38cm)), L (16-18" (40-45cm)) · Length to reach to just below the knee

Pattern illustration


Instructions are written for size S, with sizes $M$ and L in parentbeses. Cast on 33 (42, 51) sts loosely, using long-tail or other stretchy cast on. Divide sts evenly on dpns (11 (14, 17) sts per needle) and place marker for beginning of round. BOTTOM CUFF Knit the first stitch with both the tail yarn and the working yarn to prevent a gap from forming at the start of the round. This counts as your first knit stitch. Continue in K2, P1 rib around until piece measures $2^{\circ}$ (5cm) from cast on. LEG Increase for the main leg portion: repeat (K1, Kfb, P1) around: 44 (56, 68) sts. Begin the faux cable pattern: - Rnds 1-4: P1, repeat (K2, P2) until 3 sts remain, K2, P1. ·Rnds 5-8: repeat (P2, K2) around. · Rnds 9-12: K1, repeat (P2, K2) until 3 sts remain, P2, K1. ·Rnds 13-16: repeat (K2, P2) around. Repeat rnds 1-16 until piece measures $2^{\circ}$ shorter than $13^{\circ}$ (33cm) or total desired length, ending at the end of a rnd section. TOP CUFF Decrease for top cuff as follows: · If rnd 4 was the last rnd worked: repeat (P2tog, K2) around. If rnd 8 was the last rnd worked: K1, repeat (P2tog, K2) around until 3 sts remain, P2tog. K1. · If rnd 12 was the last rnd worked: repeat (K2, P2tog) around. · If rnd 16 was the last rnd worked: unknit the last stitch of the previous rnd and move it to the left of the marker, so it is now the first stitch of the next rnd. Repeat (P2tog, K2) around. There will now be 33 (42, 51) sts. Work top cuff in K2, P1 rib, working sts as they present themselves, for $2^{\circ}$ (5cm) or until piece measures total desired length. Bind off in EZ's sewn bind off or in another stretchy bind off of your choice. Weave in ends, securing bind off end to beginning of the round to eliminate an uneven step in the join if necessary. SECOND LEGWARMER Work second legwarmer as first. Or, if you wish the spiral pattern to twist in the opposite direction for a symmetrical effect, work the faux cable pattern as follows: ·Rnds 1-4: K1, repeat (P2, K2) until 3 sts remain, P2, K1. ·Rnds 5-8: repeat (P2, K2) around. ·Rnds 9-12: P1, repeat (K2, P2) until 3 sts remain, K2, P1. Rnds 13-16: repeat (K2, P2) around. Decrease for the top cuff as follows: · If rnd 4 was the last rnd worked: repeat (P2tog, K2) around. · If rnd 8 was the last rnd worked: unknit the last stitch of the previous rnd and move it to the left of the marker, so it is now the first stitch of the next rnd. Repeat (P2tog, K2 around. · If rnd 12 was the last rnd worked: repeat (K2, P2tog) around. · If rnd 16 was the last rnd worked: K1, repeat (P2tog, K2) around until 3 sts remain, P2.tooK1 Continue and finish as for first legwarmer.

Pattern illustration


· Kfb: knit into the front and back of the next st to increase one · K2tog: knit the next two sts together to decrease one · P2tog: purl the next two sts together to decrease one THANKS TO Test knitters MoreThanItSeams, Krista Moyer, aahhh, sliverfox, and sbj1knits. THIS PATTERN IS COPYRIGHT $@2010$ ALICE B. HYDE. All rights are reserved. Do not sell, share, give away, or in any other way distribute this pattern in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder. This pattern and its resultant product may be used for personal, non-profit uses only. For other uses of this pattern or its resultant product, including, but not limited to, charity, teaching, or sale, please contact the copyright holder at alice.b.hyde@gmail.com.

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