This is a gorgeous and practical pair of basic booties that are easytoknit,and can be made in an array of contrasting colours to match all of baby's outfits!

braided tie booties
colour double knitting yarn fingering/baby weight yarn pairof $\breve{3}m m$ needles TENSION 20stitchesand $30\,\mathsf{r o w s}=10\mathsf{c m}$ (4 inches) square over stocking stitch (stockinetfe)using $3\mathsf{m m}$ needles. NOTIONS Embroidery threads and needle
MEASUREMENTS To fit age 0-3months
ABBREVIATIONS $k=$ knit $\mathsf{p}=$ purl k2tog $=$ knit next 2 stitches together p2tog $=$ purlnext2stitchestogether $s\vert=$ slip $\mathsf{s t}(\mathsf{s})=$ stitch(es) m1-make stitchbypickingupyarnbefore nextstitchandknifting intothebackofmade loop yo $=$ yarnaroundneedle Work with 2 strands of contrasting yarn throughout.
Right Bootie
Cast on 35 stitches Ist row : knit across 2nd row: (k1, M1, k16, M1), 2 times, k1 (39 stitches) 3rd row: knit across 4th row: (k1, M1, k18, M1), 2 times, k1 (43 stitches) 5th row: knit across 6th row: (k1, M1, k20, M1) 2 times, k1 (47 stitches) 7th - 18th row: knit across
Toe Shaping
1st row: k19, k2tog, k5, k2tog, sl TURN 2nd - 4th row: k2tog, k5, k2tog, sl TURN 5th row: k2tog, k5, k2tog, sl TURN 6th row: p2tog, p5, p2tog, sl TURN 7th row: k2tog, k5, k2tog, sl TURN (as 5th row) 8th row: p2tog, p5, p2tog, sl TURN (as 6th row) 9th row: k2tog, k5, k2tog, knit to end of row 1Oth row: purl across
Begin Cuff
11th row: k1 (yo, k2tog, k2) repeat brackets till end, kl (eyelets will be on this row) 12th - 17th row: continue in stocking stich (purl even rows, knit odd rows) CastOff
Second Boot
Make second boot to match
Join leg seam and underfoot seam, and weave in any loose ends. Plait 3 lengths (1 used 4 strand 'bunches' for each length) of one of the yarns together to make the tie, knotting the ends to secure them.Thread ties through the eyelets (see the photograph below)