HK Fall Mystery Sock Knitting Pattern: Clue 2 Instructions and Chart by Verybusymonkey

HK Fall Mystery by Verybusymonkey

Clue #2

Sock #1 continued

Leg, Clue 2: For both sizes, work first 28 stitches of Clue 2 Chart. Repeat the 4 stitches (highlighted in green) across the remaining 40(44) stitches of row. Once all rows of Clue 2 are completed, alternate working “Leg, Clue 1" then “Leg, Clue 2" until sock is 1 row short of desired length. Once completed, stop and await clue #3.

Sock #2

Work cuff/set-up as for sock #1, but begin working leg with “Leg, Clue 2", then work “Leg, Clue 1". You will then alternate “Leg, Clue 2", then “Leg, Clue 1" to desired length.


1) Be sure to stop this clue as stated above for each sock. I know it sounds weird, but trust me, I'm a scientist.. and a sock designer. All will become clear in next clue. @ 2) When working this clue, make sure you end this clue in the middle of (for Sock #1) or after (for Sock #2) row 16 of one of the two charts. This will be important for the next clue.

Clue #2 Chart

Pattern illustration

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