Pima Paints Scarf Knitting Pattern: A Simple K1, P1 Rib Stitch Design

Pattern illustration

86Mahtomedi Ave Mahtomedi, MN 55115 651-429-9551

Pattern illustration

Pima Paints Scarf

Materials: 1 hank of Blue Ridge Yarns, Pima Paints and size 7 knitting needles. (This pattern can also be used for any worsted weight yarn requiring size 7 or 8 needles. You will need approximately 175 yards.) Selvage Edge (optional): Knit in back of the first stitch, work pattern for the row, Slip the last stitch as if to Purl. Do this on each row for a finished edge.


This is a simple K1, P1 rib stitch. CO 21 stitches (23, if using the selvage edge) Knit selvage edge on the first and last stitch of each row. Rows 1: $\mathrm{}^{*}\mathrm{K}1$ P1\* Rows 2: \*P1, K1\* Repeat rows 1-2 to desired length. BO in pattern.

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