Designed by Michelle Brennan @ 2007 Knit your litle sports fan a comfy jacket in his favorite team colors. This seamless raglan sweater is knit from the top down and the garter stitch button bands and ribbing are knitted on asyou go. SKILL LEVEL Advanced Beginner/lntermediate
Babies' 6-9 months Finished chest is 23"
US 3 $(3.25\mathsf{m m})$ straight needles US 5 (3.75mm) 29" long circular needles Set of 4 US 3 $(3.25\mathsf{m m})$ double points Set of 4 US 5 $(3.75\mathsf{m m})$ I double points Stitch markers Tahki Stacy Charles Cotton Classic -- 2 skeins red, 1 white, 1 black, 1 silver. 5 buttons
22 stitches and 30 rows over 4 inches.

Wind 1 skein of red into 2 balls for right and lef fronts. Wind remaining red skein into 1 ball for back. Wind 1 skein of black into 2 balls for right and left button bands. Wind 1 skein of white into 2 balls for sleeves. The first 5 stitches and last 5 stitches of the body are knit in garter for the button band. Slip the first stitch knitwise and purl the last stitch of each row containing the button band for a nice edge. K1FB $=$ Knit into front and back of stitch (increase) for raglan. When changing colors in ribbing, the first row of the new color is all K (instead of K2,P2) to give a clean stripe edge. Ribbing then continues on the next row.
With black yarn and straight US 3 needles, CO 72 stitches. Rows 1-3 are with black yarn Rows 4-5 are with silver yarn or black if not using the contrasting stripe. Rows 6-8 are with black yarn Row 1 and 3: K5, $^{\star}\mathsf{k}2$ p2; rep from \* to last 5 sts, k5. Row 2: k5, $^{\star}{\sf p}2,\sf k2$ ; rep from \* to last 5 stst, k5. Row 4: K5 (in black), join contrasting gray yarn and K to last 5 sts, K5 in black. Row 5: K5, $^{\star}\mathsf{k}_{2}$ p2 in gray yarn; rep from \* to last 5 sts, k5. Row 6: discard gray yarn and K all stitches in black. Row 7: K5, $^{\star}\mathsf{k}_{2}$ p2; rep from \* to last 5 sts, k5. Row 8: k5, $^{\star}{\sf p}2,\sf k2$ ; rep from \* to last 5 stst, k5.
Row 5: repeat row 1, working a butonhole at the begining of the row in the garter stitch band (k2, yo, ktg, k1). Work fllowing buttonholes on rows 29, 53, 77 and 101 (every $12^{\mathrm{th}}$ garteridge).
Row 9 (RS): change to circular needles knitting back and forth as if flat. K5 in black for button band. Change to red for right front. K10, K1FB, K1. Change to white for sleeve, K1, K1FB, K4, K1FB, K1. Change to red for back, K1, K1FB, K18, K1FB, K1. Change to white for sleeve, K1, K1FB, K4, K1FB, K1. Change to red for left front, K1, KiFB, K10, change to black, K5 for buttonband. Row 10 (wS): K5, p to last 5 stitches, K5. Repeat rows 9 and 10 until you have 42 stitches for each sleeve ending after a WS row. Don't forget the buttonhole on row 29. (208 sts.)
(RS) Work to within 2 stitches of sleeve, K1FB, K1. Put 42 sleeve stitches on holder and cut white yarn (or pin it out of your way). Continuing in red, CO 4 stitches for stitches for underarm, K1, K1FB. Discard one ball of red and keep knitting across back to within 2 stitches of next sleeve. K1FB, K1. Place 42 sleeve stitches on holder as previously done. Continuing in red, CO 4 stitches for underarm, K1 K1FB. Discard one ball of red. Knit to last 5 stiches of row, K5 in black. (136 sts.) Work even in patern as set adding buttonholes on correct rows until row 93 completed.
Rows 94-98 are with black yarn Rows 99-100 are with silver yarn or black if not using the contrasting stripe. Rows 101-105 are with black yarn Row 94 (Ws): discard red. In black and with smaller straight needles, K5, p to last 5 st, K5. $^{\star}{\sf k}2,{\sf p}2$ Row 96 and 98 (WS): K5, $^{\star}{\sf p}2,\sf k2$ , rep from \* to last 5 sts, K5. Row9:5, attach grayyan,Kallstitches to last5 sts, attach black, k5. (if not using contrasting yar, conti ribing). Row100:K5, $^{\star}{\sf p}2,\sf k2$ , rep from \* in gray to last 5 sts, K5. Row 101: buttonhole (K2,yo,K2tog, K1), discard gray, in black K all stitches to last 5 sts, K5. Row 102: K5, $^{\star}{\sf p}2,\sf k2$ , rep from \* to last 5 sts, K5. Row 103: K5, $^{\star}{\sf k}2,\mathsf{p}2$ , rep from \* to last 5 sts, K5. Row 104: repeat row 102. BO 136 stitches in K2.P2 ribbinq.
Reattach white yarn at underarm. With larger DPNs and with RS facing, PU 6 stitches (the 4 caston stitches and one extra stitch on either side of them to close up any holes) going from left to right. Turn work and knit back across the 6 stitches and knit 12 stitches from the holder onto this DPN (18 sts). K15 onto second DPN, andK15onto $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ DPN. (48 sts total). Round 1:k5, k2tog, kto the last st, K2tog with the first stitch of the beginning of the round. (46 sts) Round 2 and 3: K. Round 4: K to last stitch of round, K2tog with the first stitch of the beginning round. Round 5: K4, K2tog, K to end of round. (44 sts) Round 6 and 7: K. Round 8: Kto last stitch of round, K2tog with the first stitch of the beginning round. Round 9: K3, K2tog, K to end of round. (42 sts) Continue even over 42 stitches until sleeve measures 5 inches or desired length. \*K2tog, K5; rep from \* to end of round. (36 sts)
Rounds 1-3 are with black yarn Rounds 4-5 are with silver yarn or black if not using the contrasting stripe. Rounds 6-8 are with black yarn Change to smaller DPNs and black yarn. Round 1: K. Round 2: \*K2,P2; repeat to end of round. Round 3: rep round 2. Round 4: join contrasting gray yarn and K round. Round 5: \*K2,P2; repeat to end of round. Round 6: discard contrasting gray yarn and K round in black. Round 7: \*K2,P2; repeat to end of round. Round 8: rep round 2. BO loosely in ribbing. Repeat for second sleeve. Sew on buttons and weave in ends.

BABY'S LETTERMAN JACKET Designed by Michelle Brennan $\circledcirc$ 2007