The Ursa Fairies: A Knitting Pattern and Enchanting Fairy Tale of King Arnon's Rescue

The Ursa Fairies (a knitting pattern and a fairy tale)

Designed by Beth A Ferwerda 2012, baf designs, all rights reserved Photos ? 2012, Jenni Ferwerda Story and llustrations ? 2012, Beth A Ferwerda, Brigadoon Press

Pattern illustration



Tym will stand approximately 6 inches when finished, 31/2 inches when seated.


Small amounts of Bernat satin Sport, Cocoa, Marina, and Rouge and Bernat Softee Baby, Sweet n Sunny, Antique White and Lemon. Extra-fine gauge knitting loom or size 2 double-pointed knitting needles Notions: small stitch holder, row counter, knitting hook (if using loom), stuffing, embroidery floss (for face), tapestry needle


The head, body and legs of this bear are all worked in one piece. The arms are worked separately and then sewn to the body. The shaping of the bottom, head, feet and paws is accomplished by working short rows, as in a sock heel. The bear is knit flat and the pieces are joined together during the knitting process to create a seamless tube. This bear is perfect for small children as there are few separate pieces and the face is embroidered. Knit stitches for the knitting loom are produced by using the e-wrap method. The first stitch of each row is not worked (ie “slipped"). Those using knitting needles should work all knit stitches through the back loop. The first stitch of every row must be slipped.

Pattern -- Ursa fairy


With Cocoa, cast on 16 stitches. Knitting loom: Knit 2 rows. Knitting needles: knit 1 row, p 1 row. Shaping bottom - knitting loom: Knit across row to last peg. Lift this stitch off peg, wrap yarn around peg, replace stitch. Knit next row to last stitch, lift this stitch off peg, wrap yarn around peg, replace stitch. Continue in this manner until 3 pegs on each end are wrapped. (10 center stitches unwrapped.) Now, knit across center 10 stitches, then knit first wrapped peg. Now knit next row (11 stitches) and knit wrapped peg. Continue in this manner until all wrapped pegs have been worked. Shaping bottom - knitting needles: Knit across row to last stitch, wrap stitch and turn work. Purl next row to last stitch, wrap stitch and turn work. Knit across next row and wrap next to last stitch, turn. Continue in this manner until 6 stitches are wrapped (3 on each side of center). Now, knit across center 10 stitches, then knit first wrapped stitch. Turn. Purl next row across center 11 stitches, purl first wrapped stitch, turn. Continue in this manner until all wrapped stitches have been worked. Reset counter. Knitting loom: Knit 24 rows. Knitting needles: Work twisted stockinette stitch for 24 rows. Shape top of head by working short rows (as described above), leaving 8 center stitches unwrapped. Now knit across center 8 stitches and knit first wrapped peg (or stitch). Continue working wrapped pegs (stitches) to complete shaping. Reset counter. Knitting loom: You will now be joining the front of the bear to the back section you have already worked. Pick up nearest edge stitch along each side of bear and place on the end pegs. Row 1 - slip first stitch and knit across, end k2tog on last peg. Row 2 - slip first stitch and knit across, end k2tog on last peg. Work 26 more rows, joining in this manner. Slide 8 stitches to stitch holder. Knitting needles: You will now be joining the front of the bear to the back section you have already worked. Pick up the nearest edge stitch along the left edge of the bear body and slide it onto the left end of the knitting needle. Knit across row and end with k2tog. Turn. Now pick up nearest edge stitch on the other side of the bear body and slide it onto the end of the knitting needle. Purl across and end with p2tog. Continue in this manner, joining the front of the bear body to the back as you work 26 more rows. Slide 8 stitches to stitch holder. Leg - knitting loom: knit 20 rows. Reset counter. Shape toe by working short rows (as described above) leaving center 4 stitches unwrapped. Now knit across center 4 stitches and knit first wrapped peg. Knit back and work next wrapped peg. Continue in this manner until all wrapped pegs have been worked. Reset counter. Knit 6 rows. Join bottom of foot to section of leg already worked by using the method described above. Then shape heel by working short rows, leaving center 4 stitches unwrapped. Now knit across center 4 stitches and knit first wrapped peg. Knit back and work next wrapped peg. Continue in this manner until all wrapped pegs have been worked. Reset counter. Knit 14 rows, again joining to previous section by method described above. Bind off. Repeat for second leg. Leg - knitting needles: Work twisted stockinette stitch for 20 rows. Reset counter. Shape toe by working short rows, leaving center 4 stitches unwrapped. Now knit across center 4 stitches and knit first wrapped stitch. Turn. Purl across to next wrapped stitch. Continue in this manner until all wrapped stitches have been worked. Reset counter. Now work 6 rows twisted stockinette stitch, joining to previous section of knitting using the method described above. Shape heel as toe, leaving 4 center stitches unwrapped. Now knit across center 4 stitches and knit first wrapped stitch. Turn. Purl across to next wrapped stitch. Continue in this manner until all wrapped stitches have been worked. Reset counter. Work 14 rows twisted stockinette stitch, again joining to previously worked section as described above. Bind off. Repeat for second leg.


Using Coca, cast on 6 stitches. Knitting loom: Knit 10 rows. Shape paw by working short rows, leaving center 2 stitches unwrapped. Complete shaping by working wrapped pegs. Reset counter. Knit 10 rows, joining arm using method described above. Bind off. Repeat for second arm. Knitting needles: Work 10 rows twisted stockinette stitch. Shape paw by working short rows, leaving center 2 stitches unwrapped. Complete shaping by working wrapped stitches. Reset counter. Work 10 rows twisted stockinette stitch, joining to previously worked section by the method described above. Bind off. Repeat for second arm.

Ears (make 2)

Knitting loom and needles: With Cocoa, pick up 6 stitches along side of head. Work 4 rows garter stitch. Continuing in garter stitch, decrease 1 stitch at the beginning and end of every other row 2xs. Bind off.


With Antique White, cast on 4 stitches. Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of rows 1 and 2. Work 2 rows stockinette stitch. Now decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Bind off. (Muzzle is turned sideways when it is sewn onto the Ursa fairy.)


Upper wings - With Sweet n Sunny, cast on 8 stitches. Work 2 rows garter stitch. Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 4 rows (12 stitches total). Reset counter. Work 24 rows garter stitch. Knitting loom - knit 4 rows. Knitting needles - work 4 rows stockinette stitch. Now work 24 rows garter stitch. Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Work 2 rows garter stitch. Bind off. Lower wings - with Sweet n Sunny, cast on 6 stitches. Work 2 rows garter stitch. Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Reset counter. Work 18 rows garter stitch. Knitting loom -- knit 4 rows. Knitting needles - work 4 rows stockinette stitch. Work 18 rows garter stitch. Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Work 2 rows garter stitch. Bind off. Gather center section of each wing piece when you attach it to the Ursa fairy. (Sew the wings on through the clothing.)

Costume Pattern


With Rouge, cast on 18 stitches. Work 4 rows garter stitch. Work 16 rows stockinette stitch. Cast on 4 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows for sleeves. Shape neck, knitting needles 1 - knit 11 stitches, k2tog, turn 2 - purl back 3 - knit 10 stitches, k2tog, turn 4 - purl back 5 - knit 9 stitches, k2tog, turn 6 - purl back 7 - knit 8 stitches, k2tog, turn 8 - bind off 3 stitches, purl back (6 stitches). Cut yarn and slide stitches to holder. Shape right side of neck, reversing shaping. Shape neck, knitting loom - Work rows as listed above, but knit each even numbered row rather than purling. You will now have 6 stitches at each shoulder section after shaping neck. Now knit across first 6 stitches, cast on 16 stitches and knit across second set of 6 stitches (26 stitches total. Knitting needles - purl 1 row. Knitting loom - knit 1 row. Now work 8 rows stockinette stitch. Bind off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows (sleeve shaping). Now work 16 rows stockinette stitch and 4 rows garter stitch. Bind off. tunic sleeve and side seams. Add backstitch embroidery if desired (see photo


With Marina, cast on 36 stitches. Work 4 rows ribbing. Now work 6 rows stockinette Stitch. Shape seat, knitting needles 1 - knit 9 stitches, turn. 2 - purl 9 stitches (back to edge of piece). 3 - knit 7 stitches, turn. 4 - purl 7 stitches. 5 - knit 5 stitches, turn. 6 - purl 5 stitches. 7 - knit 3 stitches, turn. 8 - purl 3 stitches. Now knit across all stitches. 1 - purl 9 stitches, turn. 2 - knit 9 stitches (back to edge of piece). 3 - purl 7 stitches, turn 4 - knit 7 stitches. 5 - purl 5 stitches, turn. 6 - knit 5 stitches. 7 - purl 3 stitches, turn. 8 - knit 3 stitches. Now purl across all stitches. Shape seat, knitting loom 1 - knit 9 stitches 2 - knit back across first 9 stitches. 3 - knit 7 stitches. 4 - knit back across first 7 stitches. 5 - knit 5 stitches. 6 - knit back across first 5 stitches. 7 - knit 3 stitches. 8 - knit back across first 3 stitches. Knit across all stitches. Repeat shaping rows on the other edge of pants. Then knit 1 final row acros all stitches. Divide for legs Slide 18 stitches to holder. Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 4 rows (22 sts). Now work 10 rows stockinette stitch. Next row - k2tog 2xs, k across to last 4 stitches, k2tog 2xs. Knitting loom - knit 1 row. Knitting needles - purl 1 row. Bind off. Repeat for second leg. Sew pants up leg seams and up center back.


With Lemon, cast on 28 stitches. Bind off all stitches. Sew headpiece to Ursa fairy. Add a bead as the gem in the headpiece, or embroider gem.


Stuff legs and sew across top of leg. Stuff body and sew bottom body opening. Run a length of yarn around neck, gather and secure. Stuff arms and attach to body. Embroider face. Sew seams on clothing and put on ursa fairy. Sew wings to body through clothing.

Pattern illustration

The following story features Tym, the leader of the Ursa fairies. It tells how King Arnon rescued the Ursa fairies from the evil wizard, Kazab.

King Arnon and the Ursa Fairies

Long ago, the Ursa fairies made their home in the forest of Anashim, in the westernmost part of the kingdom of Kyr. The Ursa fairies spent their days singing, dancing and feasting. They kept to themselves, living in the wildest and thickest parts of the forest. They ignored those around them, focusing their attention on their own concerns and pleasures. In those days, King Arnon ruled over all of Kyr. He was a wise and gentle king who loved his people. Those who followed his commands were happy and content, for King Arnon was just and merciful. Deep in the forest of Anashim, in a very dark and wild place, lived an evil wizard named Kazab. He had a smooth, soothing voice which he used to lure the unsuspecting and unwary into his traps. He craved power and would do anything to get it. He greatest desire was to rule over Kyr as king. He whispered a rumor here and cast a spell there, hoping to turn the hearts of the people against their king. King Arnon kept a careful watch of Kazab's schemes, waiting for the proper time to defeat his enemy. He also warned the people of Kyr how dangerous it was to listen to the wizard's lies. Those who traveled through the forest of Anashim knew to avoid the dark places where Kazab practiced his evil spells. The Ursa fairies, however, did not always listen to King Arnon's wisdom. “"The wizard Kazab is no threat to us,”' they would often say. “"If we leave him alone, he will leave us alone. We are not afraid of him." Now it happened one day that a small band of Ursa fairies strayed into a clearing not far from the ruined tower where Kazab lived. They were gathering sweet berries for a great feast that was to be held that day. Tym, the leader of the Ursa fairies, flew eagerly to a berry bush. “Look! he cried. “These berries are the finest I've seen all summer." He plucked one from the nearest branch and popped it into his mouth. “They are the sweetest I have ever tasted!''

Pattern illustration

The Ursa fairies began to fill their pouches with sweet berries. They were so busy with their task, they did not see Kazab approaching. ""What is this? said a smooth, gentle voice. “Strangers helping themselves to my berries? The Ursa fairies stopped picking berries and turned to see who had spoken. Tym bowed before the wizard. “We meant no harm. We are gathering berries for our feast today. We did not know these bushes belonged to you." Kazab smiled and spoke in his soothing way. “No harm was meant, so no harm has been done. You may take as many berries as you wish. I only ask that I may attend your feast as your guest."' "Of course. You are welcome to join us," Tym answered. “I am called Tym. I am the leader of the Ursa fairies." Kazab bowed low, smiling to himself. It was clear the Ursa fairies had no idea who he was. “I am known as Rea,” he said with a gleam in his eye. “I am a friend to all travelers and a guide to those who have lost their way. I am honored to be your guest."' "We will finish gathering berries soon," Tym said. “Then you must come and join our celebration! A short time later, Kazab followed his guides to the place where the Ursa fairies made their home. They lived in a valley that was surrounded on three sides by trees and vines that grew so close together that no man could pass through them. The fourth side of the valley was guarded by a steep cliff, which could not be safely climbed. But, a cave hidden by vines led to a winding tunnel through the cliff. Kazab followed the Ursa fairies behind a sparkling waterfall and into their secret home. "Welcome, Rea, friend of the Ursa fairies! Tym said as they stepped out frm behind the waterfall. “And now, let the celebration begin! At this, several Ursa fairies began blowing on horns made from acorn caps. Others played on drums and wooden flutes. Still others scattered sweet-smelling flower petals in the air. As Kazab watched the Ursa fairies, a slow smile crossed his face. “These creatures could serve me well. They could gather the plants I need for my spells. They are so small, they could be perfect spies and messengers." Carefully, making sure no one could see what he was doing, Kazab pulled a magic pouch from inside his cloak. He sprinkled a fine powder over all the food and drink at the feast. In no time, every Ursa fairy in the valley was fast asleep. Several days later, the Ursa fairies began to stir from their enchanted sleep. Tym sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was startled to find himself in a small cage, crowded with other Ursa fairies. He also noticed that each Ursa fairy now wore a metal collar around his or her neck. "Ah, I see you are finally waking up,"' Kazab said with an evil smile on his face. "And just in time. I have much work for you to do."" "We will not serve you!?' Tym cried. \*"'We serve no one but ourselves.' Kazab chuckled. “There are only two true masters in Kyr - King Arnon or myself. Those who do not follow King Arnon eventually wind up serving me. Besides, you no longer have a choice. The metal collars you now wear give me complete control over you." He held up a crystal the size of his fist. Kazab chuckled as the crystal began to glow. "Listen carefully," Kazab said. “"This is what I want you to do." Kazab held the crystal high and gave his commands. The metal collars pulsed with the light from the crystal. Although some of the Ursa fairies tried to fight the spell, they soon could see they were powerless against it. Sadly, they set out on the errands Kazab gave them. All that day, the Ursa fairies slaved for the evil wizard. They stung their paws gathering nettles and stained their fur collecting evil-smelling herbs. They flew until their wings ached. Late into the evening they toiled. Finally, Kazab returned them to their cages, tossing them some stale bread for food. "What are we going to do? whispered a young Ursa fairy named Kelsey. "I don't know, Tym answered. “Escape seems impossible." An old Ursa fairy named Abyn nodded. “We were foolish to venture so deep into the forest," he said. “King Arnon has often warned us that Kazab and the dark places where he lives are dangerous." "He seemed so kind and gentle,”’ someone said quietly. “He said he was a friend,” Kelsey sighed. "But, we still don't know what to do, Tym said. Abyn spoke quietly. “It is said that when those who are in trouble call out to King Arnon for help, he will hear and answer them." "How can King Arnon hear us?" Tym demanded. "We are miles from the palace!'' "How can he rescue us?"' someone else asked. "It couldn't hurt to try,' Kelsey said softly. Abyn offered Kelsey his paw. Another Ursa fairy took Abyn's other paw. Softly, the three began to call out to King Arnon, asking him for help. Tym and the others watched in doubting silence. When the call for help was ended, Abyn slowly sat down. “"Now, we will wait and see what answer King Arnon will send." He closed his eyes and sank into a weary sleep. "We should all sleep, while we can, Tym said. “"Kazab will have many tasks for us tomorrow." One by one, all the Ursa fairies closed their eyes and slept. Kazab awakened the Ursa fairies several hours before dawn and set them to work. They were still tired from the day before, but they had no choice. Kazab's magic forced them to obey his commands. "Will King Arnon help us?" Kelsey whispered to Abyn. "Watch and wait. Help will come soon,' Abyn whispered back. Tym snorted in disgust. “Don't count on it. Use your energy to find a way to escape." Kazab forced the Ursa fairies to work until well past sunset. Then he returned them to their cages, where they collapsed wearily. He had just locked them in for the night, when there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be? he muttered. He crossed the room and cautiously opened the door. “"Who are you and what do you want? he demanded crossly. King Arnon stepped into the room. “I have come to free the Ursa fairies. Release them at once!'' "The Ursa fairies belong to me now," Kazab answered. "They invited me into their valley. It was easy to take them captive. He chuckled. Then a frown crossed his face. “I will not set them free." "Then I will buy them from you,' King Arnon said. “Name your price.?" Kazab's eyes began to gleam. “"Name my price?" he whispered. He studied the King in silence for several moments. Then he smiled. “"What do you have to offer?? King Arnon drew a pouch from his belt and tossed it on the table. Gold coins spilled out of the open pouch. Kazab's smile grew wider. “"The Ursa fairies are very valuable to me. Your offer is generous, but not generous enough."' At this, King Arnon tossed another pouch onto the table. Diamonds, rubies, and other precious stones spilled out. "A good start,"” Kazab said greedily. “But I require more.” He studied King Arnon carefully. "Your cloak would be nice."" Without a word, King Arnon removed his cloak and handed it to Kazab. "What about the medallion you are wearing?? Kazab asked. King Arnon pulled the chain over his head, handing it to Kazab without speaking. "I'll take that belt and sword," Kazab said. “That tunic would look very nice in my wardrobe,' he added. One by one, King Arnon handed each item to the wizard. The Ursa fairies watched the bargaining wondering when, or if, Kazab would ever be satisfied. Now King Arnon stood before the wizard, wearing only his undergarments. His crown lay on the table with the other items Kazab had requested. Both men studied the pile on the table in silence. "I have given you everything you asked for in return for the Ursa fairies? freedom, King Arnon said quietly. “I need only one item to complete the bargain,' Kazab said. "Name it." "A simple exchange. Your life for their freedom."" Kelsey gasped and her eyes grew wide. Would King Arnon become Kazab's slave? It soon became clear, however, that Kazab's desire was for much more than that. Smiling cruelly, he drew the King's own sword from its sheath. He held it in the air. "One life for the freedom of many."' King Arnon met the wizard's gaze. “So be it." Kelsey covered her eyes. She could not bear to watch. Suddenly, Kazab's evil cackling assaulted her ears. “The King is dead! Kazab snatched the crown from the table and placed it on his head. “Kyr is mine at last!" Kazab began to dance about the room, swinging the sword above his head. He peered into the cages that held his prisoners. “Now that King Arnon is dead, there is no one to rescue you. You will be my slaves forever!" He cackled again. “Come. We have much work to do. We are moving to the palace! As he spoke these words, thunder rolled across the sky. The tower began to tremble. The cages holding the Ursa fairies tumbled from their places and broke on the stone floor. The metal collars snapped and fell from their necks. The Ursa fairies huddled together, trying to avoid shattering pots and jars. One by one, every potion and evil-smelling herb fell from its shelf and crashed onto the floor. Suddenly, a flash of light shot through the room. It completely consumed the wizard's potions and powders. "It is finished,”" a strong voice announced. “Your power has been broken, Kazab. Your defeat has come." The wizard turned to face the speaker and gasped. There, wearing all that Kazab had taken from him, was King Arnon. Light seemed to come from within him, as he stood victorious before his enemy. ow is this possible?" Kazab stammered. "I killed you with your own sword.' "Long ago, it was foretold that an evil wizard would come to Kyr and try to twist people's hearts and minds against their King."” He studied the terrified wizard. “You have built your power slowly, whispering lies with your soothing tongue. You have deceived people and creatures, making them believe evil is good. Many have listened to your whispers and turned against the wisdom of my commands. "But, the prophecies spoke of the wizard's defeat. One was coming who would pay for the freedom of everyone in Kyr. All who had fallen under the wizard's power, as well as those who fought against him, would be set free forever by the death of the One who was promised.” King Arnon stood tall, his eyes flashing. “I am that One. Your greed for power drove you to kill me and fulfill the prophecy. Rather than gaining the throne, you have lost the little power you had. You are banished from Kyr forever. If you ever return to my kingdom, you will die. Now, be gone! Kazab cowered before the King. The wizard scrambled away on his hands and knees, disappearing into the night. "And now," King Arnon said in a gentler tone. “I have business with all those who have been prisoners of Kazab. Tym, leader of the Ursa fairies, come before me." Tym flew on trembling wings to King Arnon's outstretched hand. “You and your people are free, as are all those living in Kyr - all creatures as well as all the people. But, your freedom comes with a price. For many long years, you and your people have cared only for yourselves. You have ignored my commands and refused to listen to my Wisdom. "You are free to remain in Kyr, but only if you are willing to recognize my authority as your King. If you refuse, you will join Kazab in exile. However, if you accept the gift of freedom I offer, you may return to your home to serve me there. For, as even Kazab realized, everyone if Kyr serves one of two masters. You and your people must choose now which master you will serve." There was a moment of silence. Tym looked down at his fet. At last he said, “I am not worthy to serve you, Your Majesty. I did not believe you could do anything to saveus.' "That is past and forgiven,” King Arnon said gently. “What matters now is your choice. Will you serve me?" Tym glanced up and saw kindness in King Arnon's eyes. “I will serve you, Your Majesty. That is, if you really want me in your kingdom."' King Arnon smiled. “Of course I want you in my kingdom. Why do you think I paid such a great price for your freedom?

Pattern illustration

Tym felt an overwhelming wave of love and welcome wash over him. He threw himself into the air and danced a jig until he flopped, exhausted, on King Arnon's shoulder. "Hooray! Abyn cried. “I will serve King Arnon, too!" "Me, too!' Kelsey shouted, springing into the air. Soon others were pledging their loyalty to the King. A few Ursa fairies slipped out the door. They were glad to be free from the wizard's spell, but they did not wish to serve anyone other than themselves. So, they left Kyr behind and became exiles. "The door is always open for them to return," King Arnon told Tym. “Their freedom has been purchased for all time. But, they cannot have it unless they learn that true freedom is something only I can give them." "Will they ever change their minds? Tym asked. "Their hearts must change first," King Arnon answered. “But, so not fear. Some will return. Wait and watch." Early the next morning, the Ursa fairies returned to their valley. They held a great feast, with King Arnon as their guest of honor. Once again, they pledged their loyalty to the King of Kyr. "Now you have the gift of freedom, King Arnon said. “But I will give you yet another gift."’ He reached beneath his cloak and pulled out an Ursa fairy-sized mirror, which he presented to Abyn. "This is a magic mirror," King Arnon said. “You, Abyn, will be the keeper of the mirror, because you are the oldest of the Ursa fairies. It is to be kept by the oldest of your company and it is for all to use. When you look in the mirror, it will show you those who are in need within my kingdom. You will no longer live for yourselves. Many travelers pass through the forest of Anashim. You will serve me by helping them." Abyn accepted the mirror solemnly and bowed. “"We will try to use this gift Wisely." King Arnon smiled. “That is good. The mirror will help you, but you may also use your own eyes. Fly throughout my kingdom, seeking those who are in need. And any time you need my help or my wisdom, you have only to call and I will hear you." And so, the Ursa fairies traveled to every corner of Kyr, seeking those in need. Many were surprised to find the thing they needed most supplied by an unseen friend. Many a weary traveler found comfort and welcome in the hidden valley deep in the forest. For the Ursa fairies had learned that true freedom is found in serving others, and in serving the King most of all.

Pattern illustration

If you enjoyed this pattern and the accompanying story, look for the ebook, “The Ursa Fairies (a collection of knitting patterns and fairy tales)", available through Barnes and Noble. You can also read more Ursa fairy stories at For pattern support, contact the designer at Please put “pattern support”’ in the subject line. Thanks.

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