Scrappy Little Hat Pattern: A Whimsical Knitting Design for All Ages by Pamela W Allen

a scrappy little hat...

ly pamela n allem

Pattern illustration

ChiaRatioa Pumand paciel way toueu th lit and pieceo yarm leptover prom paot prejeto! Ghe hat piclwad aloe i made nil ou eolon ley Rula. browm, pea green) Frog Gne alpaca sportrveight. Belovu, are otep-by-otepn inotruction Por your prt Rat..opeully you nill kmit mamy nariatiomo ater tRio! Rat"!


$$ \begin{array}{r l}&{1\ -\ 1\6^{\prime}\big(\circ\ 12^{\prime\prime}\ +\beta\ \varphi_{1}\ \varphi_{1}\ \varphi_{1}\ \big)\ \dot{\otimes}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}^{\mu}\ 3\ \big(3.25\eta\cdot\mathrm{cos}\ 3\ \big(3.25\eta\wedge\mathrm{cos}\big)\big)\ \dot{\otimes}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \ \cdot}\\ &{1\ -\ \mathrm{oct}\ \circ\not\{\mathbb{S}}\ \dot{\mathcal{X}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}^{\mu}\ 3\big(3.25\eta\wedge\mathrm{cos}\big)\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{os}\mathbb{U}\big/\ \big(3.25\eta\wedge\mathrm{cos}\big)\ \eta\mathrm{esed}\hat{\mathcal{Z}}_{\omega}}\\ &{1\ -\ \mathrm{dovaing}\ \eta\ \mathrm{esed}\hat{\mathcal{Z}}_{\omega}}\\ &{1\ -\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{oct}\ \ \partial\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\uparrow\mathrm{aca}\ \mathcal{O}\big/\mathrm{os}\mathbb{U}\mathrm{usiod}\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\mathbb{L}\big(\ \big(m\dot{\alpha}\Lambda,\ \mathrm{co}\tilde{\mathcal{Z}}\big)}\\ &{\big)\ \dot{\mathcal{L}}\ \mathrm{os}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\big[\mathrm{aca}\ \mathcal{O}\big]\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{os}\ \dot{\mathcal{Y}}\mathrm{or}\ \mathrm{esi}\ \hat{\mathcal{Z}}\mathbb{L}\ \dot{\mathcal{W}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{os}\ \ \mathcal{P}\mathrm{obs}\ \ \omega\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\big[\partial\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\big]\ \ \cdot\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{os}\ \mathcal{U}\big/\ \hat{Z}\ }\\ &{\mathrm{sovaing}\ \not\{\mathcal{Z}}\ \big[\partial\omega_{0}\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\big]\hat{\mathcal{Z}}\otimes\big(\not{\mathcal{Z}}\mathrm{ucat}\ \mathcal{O}\big)\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{os}\ \ \hat{\mathcal{Z}}\big/\mathring{\mathcal{Z}}\mathrm{ar}\ ,\ 3\ \phi\times\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \dot{\mathcal{Z}}\ \mathrm{os}\ \mathcal{Q}\Lambda\ \mathrm{os}\ \hat{\mathcal{Z $$ Gauge: 6 otitcheo per imck im otockimete


g-Rmit; atog -hnit Evo titcheo together


$$ \begin{array}{l}{{\log_{4}}}\\ {{\log_{4}}}\\ {{\mathrm{and~}\log_{4}}}\\ {{\mathrm{and~}\log_{10}}}\\ {{\mathrm{and~}\approx_{9}}}\\ {{\mathrm{and~}\approx_{9}}}\\ {{\mathrm{and~}\approx_{10}}}\end{array}\otimes\!\!\!\!\{d_{\infty}\cdot\infty a v_{\uparrow}\mathrm{~osawnd~}\infty n\,\mathrm{bawisneq~ovawnd~ond~}\,\mathrm{and}\,\mathrm{osawn}\,\mathrm{and}\,}}\\ {{\mathrm{and~}\approx_{9}}}\\ {{\mathrm{for~}\infty}}\\ {{\mathrm{bas~the~plow~part~}}}\\ {{\mathrm{Jp_{-10}}}}\\ {{\left(\!\!\!\!\int_{0}^{\infty}\!\!\!\!\!\log_{4}\!\!\!\!\log_{10}\!\!\!\!\log_{4}\!\!\!\log_{10}\!\!\!\!\right)}}\\ {{\left(\!\!\!\uparrow^{\kappa\kappa}\!\!\!\!\oint_{0}\!\!\!\!\log_{4}\!\!\!\!\log_{4}\!\!\!\!\log_{5}\!\!\!\right)}}\end{array} $$ you are alout 1 inckh Prom tle end. hen, pick up a oecond lengtl ora ya i anatlercolor, and ul pul, pul utl you are an inel prom tle end o that orap. Re up a thid. ocrap, and kmit, kmit, knit, around and around umtil you reach the end ol thio orap. Bontine ti nay,lenang Eniting and purling nith each mevu ocrap 长 yarn umtil your hat meaoureo alout 4 incheo. Non pick up your main color again and hnit por a Pewu rowo.lace a mavker you nvioh ( to indicate the beginming the roumnd) and ohape the Rat'o crown ao Pollouwor jol round: J10, Hatog, repeat to end D roumd-77 otitckeo remain 2nd,4,,10,1,14,16ud:t3rd nound: Kg, atog, reeat to end rond_70 otiteheo remain 5h round: H8, J2tog, repeat to emd roumd_ 63 otitcheo remain dat5omn gl round: Ke, atag, repeat to end raund-4 tele remain 11 nound: K5, atog,repet to end round42 otce nemain

\*switch to double-pointed needles\*

13 round: J4, Gatog, repeat to end o round_35 otitcheo remain 15lh nound: H3, Gatog, epeat to end o round_2 otitele nemai 17cl round: H2, Hatog, repeat to end o B 2round_21 otitcheo remain 18nnd:,tg,eet tendrnd14 tice emin 1gha nound: Hatog to end o round_7 otitcheo remain. inoide. Weane inm all endo. Wet &lock. Et voila! Batly amleand o may pll oinond 北io quite eaoy adapt thio pattern Por diplerent oigeo amd d yarmo, too. 90 you meed Rel maling adgutmente, or Rave other queotiomo or commento, pleaoe comtact me at Ravelry ( my Ravelry mame io pwa ).

@ 2009 pamela w allen designs

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